how to know when nearing full natural potential before da juice ?


New member
how do you know ? ive been at it since 93 sometimes more religiousely than others with lesser genetics than most of my naturally strong friends . i have made fairly good gains but trust me theyve been very difficult . ive held off and never used juice before . i know someone who is going to start . should i hold off im 29 ?

my stats are : 16 1/2 inch arms , 26 inch thighs , 17 inch calves . 305 bench , 450 squat & 250lbs body weight / 5ft 10 inches tall with a small beer gut/love handles/small fat man boobs .
i have smaller bones and joints than ALL of my bro's to by the way . it has been VERY difficult to reach this at a fat body weight so im thinking about this .:40oz:
Small joints can make for great genetics. Look at Flex wheeler. Makes the muscle to joint ratio look more intense. Ask yourself this, "Am i training as hard as I can?" If you have been training and eating properly for 10 years and you have not seen any improvements in some time, than you should be ready.

Research the hell out of first cycle information on this site before you do anything. It is truely the best! Ask as many questions as you have, don't be shy since that will only hurt you in the end.

Bottom line, be smart and knowledgable about what you are doing and listen to the people who have more experience than yourself. Good Luck!!!
well i do try to keep my protien high . i dont totally neglect carbs but eat better than most people i know . i eat whole wheat and aloe vera , vegatables and fruits at least once a day (i need more of these i know) , but i mostly worry bout the protien and drinking at least a gallon of water each day .
i try to break my meals into 4 or usually 5 a day (more is to crazy to me since im not trying to win any titlkes/just a cool hobby here) .
i take l-glutamine and multies . and even take extra antioxidants& i do the zinc+magnesium(before bed) along with extra potasium .
i have taken creatine with good results in the past and usually take in protien from real food instead of powders which i only buy on accasion .
i do like taking a small speeder before my workout and i like the dorian yates type workouts and stuart mcrobert interspersed with accasional higher reps/more sets + exercises styles of training so im mixing it up when i go stale .
ive really fosussed a lot on heavy basics for a long time and power moves being the best thing ive personally found .
THE DOWN SIDE IS IM A DRINKER . im in a band so i do my fair share of smokin buds/boozin !:40oz:
Your genetic plateau is daamn near impossible to attain. So go with what seems to be a constant plateau. Gear will push you over. I will never advocate someone using after a year but you been going for almost 10. I think it is a safe bet. It does vary for person to person. I waited until I thought I exhausted most other options and then dove in well educated.
Fayde said:
Your genetic plateau is daamn near impossible to attain. So go with what seems to be a constant plateau. Gear will push you over. I will never advocate someone using after a year but you been going for almost 10. I think it is a safe bet. It does vary for person to person. I waited until I thought I exhausted most other options and then dove in well educated.
im making my decision very soon . my buddy is going to so im thinking of joining him .
it iwll benefit you to have a prtner in crime if you will. I think that is optimal that way you can push each other but also help keep an eye on each other as well.
if i can just get that 1/2 inch more on my arms and shed 30lbs ill be a nice 220 at 5ft 10 with 17 inch arms then . but i dont want to loose the new size/definition/strenth ill have .
guess no one knows the answer to this one . i figured this would be hard to answer . i might wait till im in my mid 30's and natural hormones are down ?
im also thinking this will be needed anyways since im a sex maniac with the wifey poo . wouldnt want to let her down since shes been use to my high drive since we met when i was 19 ten years ago ! :bj: :doggy: :69:
When you cant gain any more mass, no matter what the training program or supplements used, then you are probably at or near your genetic limit. Myself, I was stuck at the same size for 2-3 years despite trying everything, thats when I knew it was time for juice