how to split 30mg of d-bolls throughout the day.

mass rookie

New member
If taking d-bolls at 30mg a day how should they be split up through out the day? 2 every 2 hours or 1 every 2 hours or etc.?
thanks all, rook.:confused:
I think the life of d-bol in the body is roughly 4 hours. With this in mind to keep your levels a little more even you may want to take them one every 3 hours or so.
i used to run mine at every 4 hours...and i had to get up in the middle of the night to take some...but i did find that taking them correctly throughout the day and not doubling up or at once, i made better gains, and i looked the thickest doing it that way....imo...

Eastarr69: I noticed just the opposite. I seemed to make better gains by taking them all at once than rather splitting them up. Although you dont get an even blood level by taking them all at once you do get a higher level. I suppose you need to find what works for you.
Figure out how many hours you are awake during the day and divide it somewhat evenly.
Hootie said:
Eastarr69: I noticed just the opposite. I seemed to make better gains by taking them all at once than rather splitting them up. Although you dont get an even blood level by taking them all at once you do get a higher level. I suppose you need to find what works for you.

You and me both bro:) With anavar I seem to get better results with a split but not with d-bol.
mass rookiee said:
If taking d-bolls at 30mg a day how should they be split up through out the day? 2 every 2 hours or 1 every 2 hours or etc.?
thanks all, rook.:confused:

Don't worry about it....they're probably as fake as the A-bombs you used.....bwahahahaha
I'm gonna go against the grain and tell you that it really doesn't matter. I'd take'em twice/day or all at once. More than that and it's just annoying to me. Never noticed any difference in results. Most other people don't either.
mass rookiee said:
If taking d-bolls at 30mg a day how should they be split up through out the day? 2 every 2 hours or 1 every 2 hours or etc.?
thanks all, rook.:confused:

hey bro just started my cycle today and i am doing the same amount of dbol per day right now and have done them before. what i do is split the total in two dosages.....15mg or 3 tabs about 3 hours prior to my workouts, and the other 3 tabs i take 8 hours after the first dose. so right now because i lift around 1 pm in the afternoon, i take the first dose around 10 to 11 am, and the last dose around 6 pm. i do it this way because number one.. dbol has a half life of about 4 to 6 hours, so figured 8 between doses is optimum to keep levels steady atleast when u r awake throughout the day. hope this makes sence to you.
TxLonghorn said:
I'm gonna go against the grain and tell you that it really doesn't matter. I'd take'em twice/day or all at once. More than that and it's just annoying to me. Never noticed any difference in results. Most other people don't either.

Tex beet me to it, people always say take them one pill at a time 6-8 times a day, but for those of you who have hectic schedules like me i guarantee you will forget a few. Just take two when you wake, two at lunch, and two before you workout. Or three when you wake, and three before you workout, i guarantee you will not notice a difference.
I guess I have to take em 1 every 3 hours because I get major headaches (throbbing temples) when I take em 2 at a time!