Hypothetically, would this be a good PCT for ending a 2 year blast and cruise?


I am banned!
By cruise, I mean TRT levels or slightly higher. Not this 250mg a week crap. Not that it matters much but thought I'd clarify.


To fix a 2 year shutdown:

During the 2 weeks you are waiting for the test to clear your system, use hcg. As for doses, not sure. Not important right now.

Proceed with 50/50/25/25 clomid
40/40/20/20/20 Nolva
90/60/60/30 Torem
Arimidex .5 EOD

How would this work out? I refuse to raise the clomid dose.
Just out of curiosity did you plan on ever coming off when you started this long ass cycle or did you just keep putting it off? Not trying to be rude I'm just curious if you had a reason for doing a 2 year cycle? I hate coming off gear probably more than anything else in the world I can't stand the crash so I understand putting it off.
You could have a chance to recover it's probably a slim chance but if you really want to stop you might as well try. Also by coming off then you can get on legit TRT if you don't recover. Increase my T is one of our sponsors you can talk to about TRT if things don't work out.
You could have a chance to recover it's probably a slim chance but if you really want to stop you might as well try. Also by coming off then you can get on legit TRT if you don't recover. Increase my T is one of our sponsors you can talk to about TRT if things don't work out.
This was my logic as well. Insurance would cover it then. Plus I'm fine with a once a week injecton (or even longer thanks to undecanoate!)
You are going to have to run hCG for a whole lot longer than two weeks if you want to get your testicles ever working again. Run the hCG by itself until size has returned and you can maintain at least pre-cycle baseline natty T levels (e.g. perhaps 600ng/dl). Then switch over to the SERMs.

Even with all that there is a good chance you will be back on TRT shortly after ending the SERMs.

This is all assuming everything was working normally before you decided to use AAS for two years of course.
Start with hcg for a couple weeks. Run your serms and get blood work done a month after you finish to see where you are.

If you are low get a referral to a competent endocrinologist.