Age: 20, turn 21 in September
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 174 pounds
BF%: 12% according to Calipers, I think more like 14%. I have abs and vascularity but also a bit of a gut.
Diet: 3200-3500 calories on training days, 2800-2900 on non-training days
Training routine: Started off with Rippetoe's SS, currently training Layne Norton's PHAT
I'm trying to pack on as much muscle as I possibly can, looking to gain 30 pounds on this cycle. Keep 20 pounds after post cycle therapy (pct) at the very least.
This is my first cycle.
Weeks 1-14: 350MG/ML on Monday, 350MG/ML on Thursday.
That will be 700MG or 2ML of Testosterone Enanthate a week for 14 weeks.
post cycle therapy (pct) will be Clomid therapy at 50MG a day. I have 50 tablets, how long should I run it? I hear 50MG a day for 30 days. I have enough Clomid to go 7 weeks. This will be a long cycle, how should I dose my Clomid?
I'm waiting for my Arimidex to come, I'll be dosing it at 0.5MG EOD starting the day after I inject for the first time.
So, I got my Test and post cycle therapy (pct) on hand just waiting for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and I'll be ready to get juicy.
Excuse the callous' on my hands, I don't lift with gloves. The Clomid has a "G" on one side and a line down the middle on the other
I've heard great things about Enantrex on a certain review site. People making good gains on it. I've also read that it's underdosed and really only 300MG/ML. I've heard bad things about Genesis injectables but the orals are supposed to be legit.
This is a straight test cycle, no orals. I'm trying to be the most dominant player on the field and have thought this cycle through. I'll be getting my bloodwork done before to see where my test levels are at and will also do bloodwork (hormone panel) a month after I'm done with my post cycle therapy (pct).
Alright, boys. Hit me with the advice that you're famous for.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 174 pounds
BF%: 12% according to Calipers, I think more like 14%. I have abs and vascularity but also a bit of a gut.
Diet: 3200-3500 calories on training days, 2800-2900 on non-training days
Training routine: Started off with Rippetoe's SS, currently training Layne Norton's PHAT
I'm trying to pack on as much muscle as I possibly can, looking to gain 30 pounds on this cycle. Keep 20 pounds after post cycle therapy (pct) at the very least.
This is my first cycle.
Weeks 1-14: 350MG/ML on Monday, 350MG/ML on Thursday.
That will be 700MG or 2ML of Testosterone Enanthate a week for 14 weeks.
post cycle therapy (pct) will be Clomid therapy at 50MG a day. I have 50 tablets, how long should I run it? I hear 50MG a day for 30 days. I have enough Clomid to go 7 weeks. This will be a long cycle, how should I dose my Clomid?
I'm waiting for my Arimidex to come, I'll be dosing it at 0.5MG EOD starting the day after I inject for the first time.
So, I got my Test and post cycle therapy (pct) on hand just waiting for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and I'll be ready to get juicy.
Excuse the callous' on my hands, I don't lift with gloves. The Clomid has a "G" on one side and a line down the middle on the other
I've heard great things about Enantrex on a certain review site. People making good gains on it. I've also read that it's underdosed and really only 300MG/ML. I've heard bad things about Genesis injectables but the orals are supposed to be legit.
This is a straight test cycle, no orals. I'm trying to be the most dominant player on the field and have thought this cycle through. I'll be getting my bloodwork done before to see where my test levels are at and will also do bloodwork (hormone panel) a month after I'm done with my post cycle therapy (pct).
Alright, boys. Hit me with the advice that you're famous for.