I need help starting my cycle!


New member
I have Test Cypionate 250mg/ml (10ml) and Test Decanoate 250mg/ml (10ml) ,but i'm not sure in what quantities I should be injecting these and how times a week. As of now i work out twice a day, 5 days a week and i'm watching what I eat. If you could help me with the quantities I would much apprec.
May I ask what your purpose was in the first place for buying the juice?
Do you know what this means PCT and do you have it lined up?
how old are you? everyone is right......you bought your shit and didnt even know how to use it.......wake up bud
Pro list your stats and we will see what we can do. Use the search function. You have test with two different esters meaning they will reach half lives at different times. This can be worked out but read up on them and post your stats if you want help. Also list your post cycle if you have one.
I am sorry about the big text. I am 19 and have a hard time finding anyone who sells it, so i just bought what i was set up with. I know it sounds dumb, but im young so I am dumb. I am about 6'2" with a varying weight between 265-270. If i had to describle to someone what i look like it would closely match Brock Lesnar without the abs and not as ripped, more unsolid. I would much apprec. I someone could help me get the best results for getting ripped with what I have and maybe tell me what I need to do to get good results. Thanks guys
PRO. Sorry bro but you won't get any help due to your age. I know you don't want to hears this but gear is not recommended for a few more years. I will say this again. At your age test is not needed. Your natural levels are so high and using test can screw up your endocrine system. Do some research on "young and steroids". You are a big dude so why do you feel this is needed at your age? If you want to lean out a bit, AAS won't do that for you. Your diet and training will. You have good size already and I'm betting good strength so just keep training and if you want advice on how to get lean go to the diet section. Good luck.
yes...please do not attempt to use steroids while this young...wait till your atleast 23. Like user said...do some research on youth and steroids...you will understand how dangerous of a game you are attempting to play here....Im talking about fucking yourself up for the rest of your life
Bro this is a train wreck in the making. Just put that shit in the closet. Eat and lift for a few years. You dont know anything about what you are about to do to yourself. Do you know that with this shit you can and at your stage will damage yourself? You can get all kinds of nasty infections, your nuts arent gonna work right for a long long time. Your gonna fuck up your natural growth.
Just put that shit away and forget it for now man.