I need shoulders!


New member
Hey all, I need a routine that will give me some shoulders!... I am a 35 year old man with a spare
tire... But working hard to get rid of it. I figure if I can get some shoulder size I will look more attractive!
getting those abs to show is what the ladies like as far as a shoulder routine goes you might want to see a trainer some places even offer a few free sessions. Diet, diet and diet brother dont forget cardio too. good luck
...try Single Arm Dumbbell Side laterals, keep one arm tucked close to your body while the other arm is doing the lateral movement....no swinging of the weight, elbow slightly bend throughout the movement....standing up... I do 6 sets of 10 twice a week....it adds crazy ass bulk to the lateral part of the deltoid. Also, do it in the beginning of your Delt workout...then follow with a couple sets of Mil presses or DB presses.

Ray Johnson
Good advice, I would also do some shoulder shrugs.
Big traps ftw! Squat rack + heavy weight + shrugs = monster traps! Just remember to be careful with lateral and forward raises as the rear delts want to pick up the slack if the weight is too much, potentially causing rotator cuff problems.

My .02c :)
Spend come time on cable raises, that did wonders for my shoulders.

I had the traps but baby shoulders, once my lateral delts started getting swole the traps looked so much better, and makes enhances the V taper.
my shoulder workout looks a little something like, 1) shoulder presses (db/smith machine 2) Seated front / side lateral raises 3) up-right rows with either cable or straight bar. 4) shrugs with db or Olympic bar. 5) overhead cable rear delt. If form is there your shoulders should be cooked for days...Also i wouldn't recommend going heavy heavy on seated db shoulder press as you can be susceptible to back injury.
You guys must have scared him away with actually having to do some work to get shoulders! He aint been back since! LOL
Oh press lo-hi...arnold press hi-lo... Upright rows hi reps...lat/front raises..hand stand pushups...face pulls.. Shrugs
I just do Military presses sitting down, olympic bar shrugs 3 plates each side, front/lat raises... my traps grow crazy... more than my delts.... idk why must be genetics