I want to experiment with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) myself, temporarily.

Great post Tide! Just like someone can have Low Test...they can have an issue with the neurotransmitter Serotonin not reup-taking and getting into the receptors in the brain. When this happens, all hell breaks loose in both a psychological and physiological sense.


mood disorders, sexual desire and function, appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, and some social behavior. (Per WebMD)


For those of us who want to be more educated in regard to depression, I suggest that you go here and educate yourself:


This is not a Hot Link. Change xx to tt.

I hope this helps you Lineguy.
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Ya lineguy just ignore people like BigHead I mean Huge. We can all see he has some self esteem issues. 99.9% of the people here want to be and are very helpful because we've all been there. If you have low test for long enough the problems it alone causes can begin to weigh very heavy and cause you to become depressed. It did me. I never took any meds for depression but getting my levels back to healthy ranges did wonders for my self confidence.
Just so you know it's not a good idea to self medicate and it's really not any cheaper to buy the shit on the Black market. Best of luck man.
Ya lineguy just ignore people like BigHead I mean Huge. We can all see he has some self esteem issues. 99.9% of the people here want to be and are very helpful because we've all been there.

This. You see the name, the avatar and how he describes himself and it's not hard to see how some one is over compensating. He'll get tired of it here and go back to meso where he belongs. We try and help people here whether they are on TRT/HRT with Chip, just popping in to ask a question or give their $.02., or maybe just curious about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in general. This is by far the best HRT/TRT forum out there it's because of the regular contributors here (most of whom have posted in this thread).
this. You see the name, the avatar and how he describes himself and it's not hard to see how some one is over compensating. He'll get tired of it here and go back to meso where he belongs. We try and help people here whether they are on trt/hrt with chip, just popping in to ask a question or give their $.02., or maybe just curious about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in general. This is by far the best hrt/trt forum out there it's because of the regular contributors here (most of whom have posted in this thread).

mlc31..... Thats the guy we've been waiting to hear from. What a perfect post. I jumped on this thread after the op had already made it clear that he couldn't be a client of mine. Then bigasshole, who must not realize that there is and was only one rhj90210 jumped on me trying to make it look like i was trying to snatch up a client. No. I was doing what any real man would do and catch someones back while some asshole was attacking them. I think he posed the question, "did anyone just hand me a successful business, or did i have to work for it", or something to that affect. The answer is simple. My business is successful because i truly care about people and the human condition. Because i have seen the lowest of low's and had someone there to help me help myself. I've had enough of this asshole. He spent his entire youth getting the shit kicked out of him and being bullied around and then finally grew into a body that was big enough, or so he says, to support his mouth. Now its his turn to be an internet, new age bully, cause he's probably still getting the shit kicked out of him all over the steel yard. If he choses to shit where we all eat again, he'll be banned. Its that simple.
mlc31..... Thats the guy we've been waiting to hear from. What a perfect post. I jumped on this thread after the op had already made it clear that he couldn't be a client of mine. Then bigasshole, who must not realize that there is and was only one rhj90210 jumped on me trying to make it look like i was trying to snatch up a client. No. I was doing what any real man would do and catch someones back while some asshole was attacking them. I think he posed the question, "did anyone just hand me a successful business, or did i have to work for it", or something to that affect. The answer is simple. My business is successful because i truly care about people and the human condition. Because i have seen the lowest of low's and had someone there to help me help myself. I've had enough of this asshole. He spent his entire youth getting the shit kicked out of him and being bullied around and then finally grew into a body that was big enough, or so he says, to support his mouth. Now its his turn to be an internet, new age bully, cause he's probably still getting the shit kicked out of him all over the steel yard. If he choses to shit where we all eat again, he'll be banned. Its that simple.

They try from time to time and eventually they all realize what's going on here and crawl back under their rock. They stand no chance against this team.
I am new around here, I like what big huge had to say.
If you have all of this time on your hands because you are not working then there is tons of free stuff on the internet for self help; one being selfgrowth.com, but I would go to Youtube and look at anthony rhobbins, and look for jerry and esther hicks abraham, and get yourself in tune , and makesomething happen like big huge has done.
Everyone gets kicked in the nuts in life, and as fo an anti depressent .5 to 1 mg of attivan would realy help once or twice per day.
I'll get banned? Y cause I voice my opinion, I've been same height since I was 14, and always been big, never been bullied, never been a bully, an I aggressive? Hell yeah, being where I been and where and how I grew I KNOW only the strong survive, get soft, go fuck yourself, I'm who I am in real life not just on here, I'm an asshole, don't really care anyone opinion of me, I've always been who I am and have never had a self esteem issue, the thing in life is if u don't try u already failed, make mistakes and learn I can preach that better than anyone. Pimp appreciate someone can get post feeling bad for the hungry puppy idea of this guy, if u don't do for yourself no one, and nothing is gonna help u.
I'll get banned? Y cause I voice my opinion, I've been same height since I was 14, and always been big, never been bullied, never been a bully, an I aggressive? Hell yeah, being where I been and where and how I grew I KNOW only the strong survive, get soft, go fuck yourself, I'm who I am in real life not just on here, I'm an asshole, don't really care anyone opinion of me, I've always been who I am and have never had a self esteem issue, the thing in life is if u don't try u already failed, make mistakes and learn I can preach that better than anyone. Pimp appreciate someone can get post feeling bad for the hungry puppy idea of this guy, if u don't do for yourself
o one, and nothing is gonna help u.

LMAO!!! Bro, you got some SERIOUS issues.. It's 4am and I can't sleep tonight.. Whats your excuse for sitting in front of your comp screen so late? Maybe you a little socailly awkward?? No date tonight?? LOL..I'm really hoping this guy is banned by tomorrow bc this is a really cool board and there's really no need for uneducated, know-it-all, self proclaimed assholes here.. LOL
I am new around here, I like what big huge had to say.
Not a great start... but ok.
If you have all of this time on your hands because you are not working then there is tons of free stuff on the internet for self help; one being selfgrowth.com, but I would go to Youtube and look at anthony rhobbins, and look for jerry and esther hicks abraham, and get yourself in tune
I understand what you are saying, but you do not understand my condition. Thank you for the recommendations, but that is not sound advice.

and makesomething happen like big huge has done.
This may be hard to believe, but BigHuge is not exactly inspiring to me. I would go to great lengths to avoid being like him.

Everyone gets kicked in the nuts in life, and as fo an anti depressent .5 to 1 mg of attivan would realy help once or twice per day.

Not that I would ever take medical advice from a guy who's posts are at the same level of readability as BigHuge's, or a guy who has "pimp" in his name, but the drug you mentioned is (1) Not an anti-depressant, (2) Not even compatible with anti-depressants, (3) Only for very short term use, and (4) is apparently more likely to cause depression than to help with it.

This thread turned into one big joke. Part of it is my fault, as apparently I made it sound as though I was looking for advice on depression, and I included my financial woes to create a sob story. Neither of those are the case, as I clarified earlier in this thread. I've got lots of work in September, and my company should be formed by the Corporation Commission in less than two weeks, which means I can legitimately start taking on clients. I promise you guys I will live. Hell, since I'm B2B, maybe Chip would even be interested in an exchange of services (wink wink).

All I want from this place is to help me learn more about TRT. Cashout was the only person who made a real attempt to help me quench my curiosity. I appreciate the well-meaning responses by Railrider, Chip, MeatHead, etc., so don't think I'm trying to be a dick to you guys.

I thought asking questions that I haven't yet found the answer to was a good way to facilitate the learning process. But, maybe this is just a read-only forum for people like me. Or, at the very least, I'll leave out all the details next time I create a thread looking for some knowledge.
Cashout pretty much answered your questions lineguy.. Just make sure you dont self medicate because when you buy UG shit, you will always be wondering if your medication is dosed right.. If you get a bad batch, it could have you feeling like shit for a while and you wont know why.. IMO dont start Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) until you can do it right, w/ someone who really knows what they are doing.. Good Luck
If you look at when pimp came along, he's obviously the chicago idiots little buddy. It is still amazing to me that they think nobody notices. If you're not contributing then go away.
OP..what s your test level s ? testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can definatley assist your quality of life if this is a low t predicated so to speak condition.

A lot of good point s have been made here and a lot of bullshit has been thrown out here.
You all know who you are...we re all here to help each other and I m here to see that this remain s civil and for the most ..a polite place.
Especially when struggling..people need our assistance...some criticism is warranted, of course...and I applaude people s recommendation s for life style changes to get differant level s of satisfaction from life.

I struggle with depression...some time s worse than ever..so this thread has a special interest to me.

testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) helped me..and does...some anti depressants have helped..and still do from time to time...

I HIGHLY recommend the next bit of criticism offered...either to the OP or the people suggesting.

TRT as an option do so politely or stay out of the dicscussion or I ll see to it personally.
My suggestions are just as valid and because I say them in an overly aggressive tone they aren't considered, don't care, will still respond when my name is spoken, don't know pimp, he can obviously see that ask other routes should be exhausted before medication is an option, but everyone else had the same way of thinking as the rest of this world, "there's a pill for that"
Cause he mentioned ur name? I'm not beating the shit out of him, I'm trying to tell him that drugs aren't the answer, he needs a better environment for his life, u feel like shit if u live like shit, thinking u need drugs, of any sort, to feel good is weak, think of it as a form of aggressive motivation, sink or swim, u want a new customer fine, but I been in bad places in my life, I don't believe in medication for depression, it's a state of mind, he's only 25, too young for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), and Its not temporary, just needs a kick in the pants, man up and get a grip on life, did anyone give u ur business? Our did u work to build something successful for yourself? It takes a first step in a right direction, and his first step doesn't need to be drugs.

Really depression is a state of mind ??
Bro you have no idea what your saying,
So I guess since you say that depression is a"State of mind" you have come up with the solution to this illness, right ?

Listen, I've known Chip for a long time, he's great at what he does, but he is also a great person, one that really enjoys helping others & has helped so many people that were depressed because of many different factors, they were failing at their marriage, their life was upside down, and were pretty much feeling like shit themselves.

With Chips Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) treatment these people felt better than they had felt for a long time,

Is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) the solution to all your problems, no? but you could start by feeling better & then working on fixing what ever else was making you feel depressed.

So, please, you are not a therapist, and your not qualified to be giving out medical advise on how you should or not take medication for depression.

Chip on the other hand is qualified and has built a great reputation based on his great work & based on how many people he has helped through his testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatment.

So think twice before coming in here & trying to sh*t on someone else's good work, and qualifications.
what are your free test levels and your e levels?

Unfortunately the tests my doctor ordered did not include any estrogen levels.

According to the calculator you linked me to...
Free Test: 12.1 ng/dL (3.61 %)
Bioavailable: 316 ng/dL (94 %)

Thanks for the link, by the way.
Try and get E2 levels if you can. This can be just as important as T levels sometimes. Also free T and SHBG as well. They all work together and should all be looked at. Feeling like this thread is back on point!
Bout time...e2 can skew your emtions young man so please realize testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is more than banging test...it s a delicate balancing act that Chip can quide you through.

Chip and I talk 3 time s a week..rarely about his business...but life.

And I don t endorse anyone I don t believe in...period.

Depression can come from many sources, chemical imbalances, life struggles, loss, and I ll give Big and Huge his due...changing what your doing is important...his blunt..candor..while..rough has some validity.

You got to move...either physically..mentally..some of US..cannot get past some things without an inordinate amount of suffering and internal strife...and I ll tell anyone...if you have not been where I ve been you don t get it. Cannot.

I have a theory..smarter, more intelligent, more aware people are more prone to reflection, regret, and all the shitty baggage that come s with it even though they..of all people should possess the skills to move on.
Try and get E2 levels if you can. This can be just as important as T levels sometimes. Also free T and SHBG as well. They all work together and should all be looked at. Feeling like this thread is back on point!

Agreed, E2 is very important.. Get your Estradiol level checked.. since I've been w/ Chip using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (which no doc would do for me), I feel like a new man.. I was on test shots alone for 3 months before getting w/ Maximus and I was still depressed and uncontrollably emotional.. Now I have the frame of mind to actually get my ass up and moving, enjoying life!! Getting healthy Physically and mentally