I want to gain weight , FAST


New member
Hey guys , this is my first post ever on this forum . Im from Ireland and just started working out .

I am around 65kg in weight and have a pretty fast metabolism .

Since I started lifting weights a I haven't really noticed any gains , I have been lifting for the last 2 months .

I want to gain weight and size , Im just very unsure what to do , I have been using this supplement and find it easy to drink and does not cause me any sickness


Guys I would appreciate any help so so much
how old are you? and lifting weights for the past 2 months isnt very long

and for your fast metabolism..... just eat more then u normally do!! if you eat 5 times a day...try for 8-10 times

try to take in 3000-3500 or more a day in calories just from food intake
try eating every 2-3 hrs
and use shakes as a bonus to help with it
You want to gain weight? What kind of weight?

Doesn't matter? Go to Mcdonald's everyday and order a double big mac and a Large SMoothie+Mclfurry for desert, don't forget a LARGE Fry...
Slow and steady wins the race buddy, look in the diet and training section of this site and you'll get lots of good info
I don't know much but in all the research I have done it brings me to the conclusion that you must eat high quality food to gain high quality muscle
Brown rice
Rice cakes
Sweet potatoes
Baked potatoes
Wheat bread
Wheat pasta
Veggies etc

Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Flank steak or any leans steak
Whey protein for extra protein
Cottage cheese
Egg whites

Many food options
Now try getting one of each and put together6-8 meals a day separated by 2-3 hours a part that should help you. Hope this helps. Mind you I'm just stating everything I have read I take 0 credit for this. This should earn you lean muscle.
All the above are excellent advice, I'm on the fence on gaining however.. There are points that show the benefits of both slowly bulking "clean" and gaining minimal fat and i have seen benefits from gaining quickly some call it "dirty" bulking. But from my experience so far i would say dirty bulking IF.... AND I MEAN IF you train your f*cking ass off no half ass bs. My theory is if your body wants nutrients, why deprive it and short change yourself? Oh my god you will lose your precious abs but i can bet you will get stronger faster and be able to handle bigger weights with good form quicker than if you were clean bulking and gaining minimally. The only downside to dirty bulking is it's a sacrifice reward type of deal, you MAY look like shit for a little bit and that's the hardest part mentally. I see people who look "good" or "great" at my gym year round and barely put any size on from their "super healthy" diets. Meanwhile i keep growing and their excuse is i must be on something. I fully explain what i eat and how i train, they laugh and i grow. Then the laughs turn to silence.

In other words, serious mass is definitely a great choice. It has high calories and high carbs which will help you pack on size without a doubt. Eat and eat again, then eat some more. It's not easy but if it was than everyone would be huge! If your looking for a higher protein gainer i would recommend N2Bulk as it has lower carbs (still enough) and higher protein.
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Thanks for the advice guys , I will be starting today with eating twice as much as I usually do . I don't eat junk very often , by that I mean burgers and chips and McDonald's .
I work long hours in work so I need something I can eat at a desk , I realy appreciate your help guys .

Oh and one last thing I'm 21 and 6ft3 in height
Thanks for the advice guys , I will be starting today with eating twice as much as I usually do . I don't eat junk very often , by that I mean burgers and chips and McDonald's .
I work long hours in work so I need something I can eat at a desk , I realy appreciate your help guys .

Oh and one last thing I'm 21 and 6ft3 in height

No shit! I'm 6' 3" too man, i used to be a rail too at like 130-140Lbs (Skating all the time even with eating tacobell 2-3x a day haha)

Just remember, if your gaining too much or too much fat you can always adjust your food intake. As of recently i started training legs every 8-9 days and i saw a HUGE jump in weights some lifts even 20Lbs. Rest was my missing link :) Maybe some food for thought for you in the future!
These guys got you taken care of.
Don't let your diet get too sloppy. Better to gain slow quality mass than quick dirty mass that you have to fix down the road.

Want to make your weight gainer last longer, and get some better quality out of it?

Use half the amount of scoops, in 12-16 oz of milk, throw in 2 tbsp natty peanut butter, some honey, some cinnamon, 1/2 cup to 1 cup of oats. You've got yourself the same amount of calories or higher now, and better quality too. And you're not drinking S120/month in weight gainers.
Thanks for your input and help guys !
I realy appreciate it

As from tomorrow I will be starting a new plan to gain as much weight as I can , I work pretty bad hours so I will have to do what I can i.e Train in the morning before I got to work .

I will be adding oats and peanut butter into my shakes for maximum gains !

Is tuna and rice good for gaining weight?

Thanks again guys !
It sounds like you have the motivation it takes brother! I like your enthusiasm!

I agree with all of this advice. I'll add a few pieces for what its worth. My avatar is a picture of me so you can use that to help judge whether my opinion is worth much.

A. Diet sounds good, i'd reckon that at 21 years old you can get away with a pretty heavy bulking diet. I'd eat a lot, train to get strong, and if you start putting on fat then you can start eating less at that point. But I have a high metabolism, i'm 27, and i've been eating 5000cal a day clean 6 meals a day for the last month with 0 exceptions and put on 3 lbs. So I would say worry about getting fat when it starts happening.

B. Lifting should be about adding weight slowly and steadily. If you bench 135 for 8 reps, shoot for 10 reps next time. Then next time put 140 or 145 on the bar. Just make sure every workout you go for more reps or weight than last time, with good form as the biggest priority. This is the most basic and important part of getting bigger and stronger. Do this and eat extra calories and mostly quality food and you will grow.

C. It takes time and consistency. Have faith. Dont miss workouts. Don't follow your diet 3 days out of the week. The more consisent you are the better results. If you follow this consistently, eat over you maintenance calories, and add weight to the bar, you will look in the mirror one day, a year or two from now, and say 'holy shit, who is that? thats a different person!'

D. Keep learning. The internet is a great resource. always make sure you assess the credibility of a source of information. Don't believe everything you read, but if several experienced people say the same thing, its probably good advice. Theres alot to know about diet and exercise.

Sorry to be long winded, thats my general advice, hope it can help someone :)
Hey guys , were do I start , its been a hectic week or so!

Been eating constantly with 3 shakes a day after my 3 main meals , gym 5 mornings of the week! Im starting to feel better and I love it!

Im so appreciative of all your advice that you`s guys have given me .

I have started bringing my meals to work with me , and eating a lot of chicken and tuna.

With every shake I have been taking I have added oats and peanut butter,

any ideas on a quick and tasty meal I could bring to work with me ? something effective for bulking?

Thanks again guys , I appreciate it :D
I don't know much but in all the research I have done it brings me to the conclusion that you must eat high quality food to gain high quality muscle
Brown rice
Rice cakes
Sweet potatoes
Baked potatoes
Wheat bread
Wheat pasta
Veggies etc

Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Flank steak or any leans steak
Whey protein for extra protein
Cottage cheese
Egg whites

Many food options
Now try getting one of each and put together6-8 meals a day separated by 2-3 hours a part that should help you. Hope this helps. Mind you I'm just stating everything I have read I take 0 credit for this. This should earn you lean muscle.

Why would you stay away from fats?
Well, great advice from peoples above. But my advice would be to start eating 6 meals a day. Eat lots of fruits as well as include boiled eggs in your daily diet. Taking supplements for gaining weight can do wonders for you.
Hey guys , were do I start , its been a hectic week or so!

Been eating constantly with 3 shakes a day after my 3 main meals , gym 5 mornings of the week! Im starting to feel better and I love it!

Im so appreciative of all your advice that you`s guys have given me .

I have started bringing my meals to work with me , and eating a lot of chicken and tuna.

With every shake I have been taking I have added oats and peanut butter,

any ideas on a quick and tasty meal I could bring to work with me ? something effective for bulking?

Thanks again guys , I appreciate it :D

I would recommend, if you're as serious as u seem to be, getting a counter-top pressure cooker. Saves tons of time and you will be able to constantly have tons of quality foods prepared. Also a vacuum sealer is a quality investment for cooking lots of food at one time and keeping it fresh. You could pressure cook in bulk and vacuum seal what you won't eat in the next 2-3 days.
hey man, glad to see youre getting your diet on track, but be careful about eating tuna more than a few times a week. tuna can contain mercury in it which could lead to complications down the road. i would limit tuna to once or twice a week max, and in its place get some haddock, tilapia, or salmon. at kroger you can get packs of fish already seasoned, and all you have to do is microwave them for about 4 mins, and theyre ready to go, taste alright too. just a thought
Ok Guys , Ive been busy , started off around the 15th of May at around 140lb , now im coming in at 147lb`s , I have been doing an awful lot of gaining .
What I noticed was a lot of the new mass was going to my stomach area , I have been doing constant ab workouts when in the gym.Feeling very good about myself at the minute , and find myself lifting heavier every week , but this is only the beginning . I learn soemthing new everyday . I have also changed from my strawberry serious mass to chocolate which tastes great! :yumyum:

I have been made aware of this stuff :


to be quite honest , I dont have a clue about them , but I know a few guys in the gym are using them and they seem to be working well for them .

I have also started using jack 3d which I have to say , works realy well pre-gym
Pack on slow healthy weight (muscle) Do it right the first time buddy. I'm 6'2 and I used to weigh 139 lbs. I went crazy and started with the mass gainers adding all kinda of junk to my shakes on top of the powder. Pretty soon I gained lots and lots of unwanted weight. I got all the way up to 230 lbs and dropped 40 pounds of fat now weighing 190ish. I feel good and look good now but I realize I could have gone about that in a smarter way.
Ok Guys , Ive been busy , started off around the 15th of May at around 140lb , now im coming in at 147lb`s , I have been doing an awful lot of gaining .
What I noticed was a lot of the new mass was going to my stomach area , I have been doing constant ab workouts when in the gym.Feeling very good about myself at the minute , and find myself lifting heavier every week , but this is only the beginning . I learn soemthing new everyday . I have also changed from my strawberry serious mass to chocolate which tastes great! :yumyum:

I have been made aware of this stuff :


to be quite honest , I dont have a clue about them , but I know a few guys in the gym are using them and they seem to be working well for them .

I have also started using jack 3d which I have to say , works realy well pre-gym

Also, if you liked jack3d you may also try noxipro by ctd labs. (Cant beat the price)