I would like some opinions on this cycle

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RoadHouse said:

I agree with you about not having to increase dosages, I have lowered my dosages w bit ago, after realizing most of the gains or fat losses come in the gym and in the ktitchen, not in the bathroom injecting. I just think it is pointless to discuss it over here.

Again, I dont want this thread to be trying to change the mind of the person in question.

I want to get opinions from both sides of the fence.

Lawnsaver for example, he feels that a 20 week cycle is a-o-k. I, respectfully, disagree. These are the issues we should hammer out.
Well to tell you the truth......I wouldn't waste my breath trying to talk any sense into "Rado" and his stupid "kid" remarks on everything.

Tell him Stone Cold said to go "Fuck himself"
The Almighty said:
Again, I dont want this thread to be trying to change the mind of the person in question.

I want to get opinions from both sides of the fence.

Lawnsaver for example, he feels that a 20 week cycle is a-o-k. I, respectfully, disagree. These are the issues we should hammer out.

Yes you're right, let's get this back on track.....

......but I just had to get the above off my chest.
house1 said:
[Holy shit.. this guy is young and only 190 fucking lbs!!! He should grow well on half that amount of test and EQ.... Cut the EQ to 400 and the test to 500 (maybe 750) Total overkill in my opinion...]

i agree with thefantom1, overkill imo . his stats says alot. i feel he needs half the gear and focus more on diet. you need to eat to grow i dont care how much gear you pump into your system. gear is not a magic bullet. the more you put into yourself the greater risks of serious sides. something to really consider at his age.

House, I want you to be the godfather of my children.

I agree with you 100%. When I was about to do my second cycle, I was prepared to so:

Test 100mg/ed
Fina 150mg/ed
Dbol 45mg/ed

After taking a breath and realizing what makes gear work (food, rest, training) I did the EXACT same cycle as my first (fina 75mg/eod, Winstrol (winny) 50mg/eod for 6 weeks) and I gained even more weigh on my second cycle than on my first....mainly because I spent most of my time in the kitchen.
Once again im not defending him, but lets be equally critical of everyone. Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt Bouncer taking 1200mg of Test and 1200mg of EQ every 4 days? Which is 24 hours longer than a week. So we will call it a week, just for argumentatice sakes. Im sorry, i dont care how big you are, if your competing or not, hes not an IFBB pro, 4.8 grams of gear a week for anyone is just ridiculous, yet no one scoffs at those doses.
StoneColdNTO said:
IMO, with his stats and cycle expereience........he should probably be looking at his diet and training, instead of trying to make up these shortfalls with massive amounts of gear.

That is how I feel. Muscles aren't made of test and eq. They're made of proteins. You have to EAT to grow. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is just a supplement, it's not a REPLACEMENT for diet and training.
RoadHouse said:
Once again im not defending him, but lets be equally critical of everyone. Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt Bouncer taking 1200mg of Test and 1200mg of EQ every 4 days? Which is 24 hours longer than a week. So we will call it a week, just for argumentatice sakes. Im sorry, i dont care how big you are, if your competing or not, hes not an IFBB pro, 4.8 grams of gear a week for anyone is just ridiculous, yet no one scoffs at those doses.

Good point. Actually Ive said to him in the past that I dont know why he is taking so much...but again, like rado, it is his life and his money. If they are set on these doses then who am I to complain?

I would just like this thread to illustrate for the newer members to the game that simply because a person is big it doesnt mean the used large amounts of gear to get there.
personally, i am 5'8 and 190. I wouldnt even think of doing a cycle that long or heavy. I also have yet to do one also. my first will start soon like this
250 test week
20 mg dbol
50-75 mg fina ed
but that's just me
good beginning cycle rjl.

I no longer use any orals myself. Simple stacks are my choice...

Test and EQ. My current cycle is this:

Test 500-750mg/week for 10 weeks

then test @250mg/week and EQ at 800mg/week for 10 weeks.

hCG 2x's/week at 500iu throughout the cycle.

A huge factor that many of us don't take into consideration is our lifestyle. Some bros are running 50mg/dbol/day and going out drinking 4 nights/week... NOT GOOD.

We need to be doing all that we can to improve cholesterol values, especially when using the AIs letro/adex/aromasin. that means plenty of healthy fats, fiber, and other vits/minerals that could help... and CARDIO!!!!
rj420 said:

A huge factor that many of us don't take into consideration is our lifestyle. Some bros are running 50mg/dbol/day and going out drinking 4 nights/week... NOT GOOD.

We need to be doing all that we can to improve cholesterol values, especially when using the AIs letro/adex/aromasin. that means plenty of healthy fats, fiber, and other vits/minerals that could help... and CARDIO!!!!

EXCELLENT point! Many of us are in college, and many of us feel that we have to go out and get shitfaced every thursday, friday, and saturday. A big part of this game is discipline...if you dont have it you wont get anywhere.
I am no expert on gear, but from the look of things he doesn't need that much. If it takes him that much juice to grow, he is doing something wrong. ^ gear doesn't mean ^ muscle. When he is done this cycle, what does this guy plan on doing for his next? There is a point when you have to take a step back and look at things other than steroids. If you are not growing, it doesn't mean you are not taking enough gear. You first reaction shouldn't be to increase how much test and EQ you are pumping into your body. Look at your diet! Look at your triaing! Steroids will not make you big. Hard training, lots of rest, and food will make you grow.
Test Enath 500mg per wk 1-20
EQ 400mg per wk 1-20
Dbol 30mg ED wk 1-4
Fina 100mg EOD 8-14
Winny 50mg ED wk 17-22

This is what I would do if I wanted to run all those things............This way it gives his liver time between the orals and Fina.......
I didn't want to flame him there nor I don't want to do it here since I don't know him........But a VET should know better than that!!!!!.......He still has lots of learning ahead of him......
RoadHouse said:
Once again im not defending him, but lets be equally critical of everyone. Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt Bouncer taking 1200mg of Test and 1200mg of EQ every 4 days? Which is 24 hours longer than a week. So we will call it a week, just for argumentatice sakes. Im sorry, i dont care how big you are, if your competing or not, hes not an IFBB pro, 4.8 grams of gear a week for anyone is just ridiculous, yet no one scoffs at those doses.

I feel that if you guys haven't been there then you have no room to critisize...How many of you guys are lean and over 240lbs? Very, very few of you. Not trying to flame anyone but if you've never been there then you don't know what it takes...
ironfist said:
I feel that if you guys haven't been there then you have no room to critisize...How many of you guys are lean and over 240lbs? Very, very few of you. Not trying to flame anyone but if you've never been there then you don't know what it takes...

Another good post. A lean 240 is past the majority of people's "genetic limit" and therefor they probably need constant supplementation in order to even retain the size and strength they have achieved.
I personally take the least amount I need to grow. Obviously, that amount increases the bigger you get. I can still grow off of moderate doses though, which I'm thankful for. Saves me money.
I would rather do half that amount for 40 weeks. Because either way he is going to need to monitor his vitals carefully and use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I would drop the orals going that long too, why bother. He can go through a clean bulk phase, maintain phase and diet phase while on. Avoiding the unhealthy over the top food cramming and wild body weight swings. The lower doses would not require anti-e's and their long term side effects on the lipid profile. But this is just my take.
The Almighty said:
Good point. Actually Ive said to him in the past that I dont know why he is taking so much...but again, like rado, it is his life and his money.
Oh have you Almighty? Let me ask you, when have you ever said to me that you think im taking to much? You talk about me deleting threads for reasons only me and god will ever know. The bottom line is, they were turning into flame wars. I know rado, he is a good guy, he may be doing way to much but thats his choice. All you people that wanna put him down and put me down for deleting a thread that was a flame war can kiss my ass.
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