*** If you had to do it all over again !!!


New member
A question to all the vets out there...

As i have been asking around the forums and trying to get some insight as to how someone would approach AAS after doing a few cycle, knowing what they know today.. some have said that they would avoid Orals, some said they will do a blood work before/during/after a cycle... some said they would do test cycles ONLY, and a few said that they would stay away from AAS all together because the constant manipulation of HPTA will lead to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and that means pinning for life.

Just curious, if you had to do it all over again, knowing what you know today, how would you approach AAS ?
thats actually a very good question imo.

i would do it again but do it smarter this time. i didnt care about anything but strength when i cycled ,all i wanted was power. now that im no longer a young man that size combined with the wear and tear from lifting that heavy way into my 40's has taken its toll.
With a smart approach. Just the way we preach here. The reason many of us tell guys to start a certain way and ease into things is because some of us didint.

I personally wouldn't change much. I still love test only cycles. Be smart, keep bp in check, cholesterol, rbc, liver, kidneys and life is great.

As far as not touching them, no thanks, I prefer to be on.
the first 2 vets to contribute... much respect to you.

I know the definition of "Smart" varies and that is a whole thread on its own...but we will keep it basic i guess

so you would do it again, but smarter.... LOVE IT
To do it all over ???

Invested in micro soft..fuk the police.

I d never heard of pct till after I was done with the hard core use of steroids. I d only heard of test, deca and d bol..and did lots and lots.
That s why my first cycle lasted from 1984 -1991..with periods off being like a month or two max...because I felt like shit...could not stand the strength and weight loss.

I got back into the world of aas 4-5 yr s ago when my doc tested my test at 110.

Like Boss Dawg and User said...Smarter. My ABUSE back then has led to my having to use.
Well i read and learned everything I could before I did aas. So I wouldn't change anything because i felt as I did a good and is safe as i could. Like user said I also did 4 test only cycles before i touched another compound. I got great results so i said fuck it. Why put more shit in me that causes more sides! I wish more people had that outlook. Everyone wants to run a million chemicals together. Not everyone but alot of the younger guys do.
My first cycle was sust only , no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or pct, and I listened to big guys who were on all the time with no off time. Second cycle was test and tren also no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or pct. I got lucky. I'd never do anything without estrogen in control.
Hahaha I'm right there with you Tuetonic, test,deca,tren,dbol and zero ai,pct. Stupid as hell but didn't really know about post cycle and when I did it was hard to find. My buddies mom was a drug rep so he use to take nolva for us be we used that on for gyno.

I think I laughed for about 5minutes after your second sentence but we share that thought.

Guys are very lucky boards like this exist so they can learn from others mistakes and find set plans and get help when sides pop up. I use to hear the most ignorant stuff from friends about gear use and managing sides. I guess none of us really knew. Luckily I'm not that old and had Internet when I first started cycling but it wasn't exactly like it is today but I think I found my first research company 8-9 years ago and was able to get a serm for pct. Since things have changed 110% for the better.

Now there are other boards with guys doing a total of 3-5 g a week plus slin, gh, etc etc. What I mean by smart is slow and steady. You don't need multiple grams of gear just to be the biggest guy in the smallest shirt at your local mall or club.

Moderate, safer doses will get you there, and you will still be able to walk around the mall in a medium T flexing only difference is your heart won't be getting screwed up. Blood work is the most important thing. I can't say that enough.

What I started doing, was getting bloods on cycle a couple times if I could, and on the lab sheets I write my doses and all compounds. This way I have an idea of what's going on at specific doses and combinations. Obviously my first was test only at a few different doses so when I add others, I can gauge any changes based upon the addition of another AAS.
So let's say you get 10 test over a couple years, it cost roughly $500 and I know have a very good idea of how I respond to certain doses and combinations but I can also look back and see how it effected my rbc, hemoglobin, hematocrit, liver and kidney values, cholesterol. These are the things people don't notice and will say they had no sides but they don't really know what's going on.

From here you can try to plan smarter cycles but things can change and diet can effect everything so this is not exact but a good starting point.
Good post!! Im no vet, but im going to contribute anyway.

Id of been running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the start and pct. I did 2-3 cycles without any of them!! Did it do me any harm, well i don't think it did, because i've had 2 healthy children and im in good health myself. Now i wouldn't dare take the risk and i wouldn't do it any other way then the right way.

All i heard of was deca, test, sust, eq & dbol and it wasn't untill i started reading and asking questions i gained the knowlegde i have today about diet, gear, serms, ai's & pct. I think 9/10 people at the begginging will just take what their friend has got big from or someone they know in the gym, its the wrong way. I say read into everything beforehand, don't listen to the people who think they know you be the judge of what your going to do or you could end up with major side effects through lack of knowledge and the person who said take such and such hasn't even heard of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or pct! leaving you up shit creak like a headless chicken with no idea where to go for help.
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Great stuff... really is.

Not one person said he would stay away all together!

Knowing what we know today, from long term side effects (can't find a single solid research to prove that there are any), the shut down of HPTA, infertility, possibility of being on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), increase of LDL, Erectile dysfunction, and Cardiomegaly... Yet not a single person said he would leave AAS if he were to do it all over again in moderation (smarter).... That just goes to show that the those powerful hormones when matched with an educated responsible user, they would result in greatness.
Yeah if you read a lot of the newer studies, low T, high E and low E, all lead to health problems. Well balanced hormones tend to show a typically healthier life, heart, etc.

IMO heart attack, strokes, are most common in people who had an undiagnosed blood clotting disorder but you just hear the part about it "causing" those things. Yes it did contribute but the cause is the clotting disorder.

Enlarged hearts don't come from gear, they come from having high blood pressure for long periods of time so it's important to watch it.

Guys who run seriously high doses, 3 g a week and up, and not enough breaks may run into more issues but might not.

I think as we get older and have been around this we realize orals are about the worst you can use, test is relatively safe at 500-600mg. You can continue as you age but it depends on your body.

Honestly I know some 50+ guys who run heavy cycles including heavy orals, I wouldn't recommend that but if you can keep up with blood it's possible for some. Like anything else some people are able to handle more than others.
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Great thread. I got a lot of info out of this so far. We're pretty fortunate to have a board with vets that can lead us in the right direction.
Yeah if you read a lot of the newer studies, low T, high E and low E, all lead to health problems. Well balanced hormones tend to show a typically healthier life, heart, etc.

IMO heart attack, strokes, are most common in people who had an undisclosed blood clotting disorder but you just hear the part about it "causing" those things. Yes it did contribute but the cause is the clotting disorder.

Enlarged hearts don't come from gear, they come from having high blood pressure for long periods of time so it's important to watch it.

Guys who run seriously high doses, 3 g a week and up, and not enough breaks may run into more issues but might not.

I think as we get older and have been around this we realize orals are about the worst you can use, test is relatively safe at 500-600mg. You can continue as you age but it depends on your body.

Honestly I know some 50+ guys who run heavy cycles including heavy orals, I wouldn't recommend that but if you can keep up with blood it's possible for some. Like anything else some people are able to handle more than others.

much agree with the enlarged heart comment,i was just diagnosed with an enlarged heart this week,due to a surgical problem i had back in jan,and it caused my BP to be elevated for a long time,and nealry had a stroke,been on BP meds ever since,but its still little high running 140/80 and she wants it down below that,and im currently on Test/Deca week 8....so i dont know what do,im going to get the BP meds increased(doasges) next week,so only time will tell,if running deca causes mine to run high,i will just do test/hgh from now on,but saying that,my blood pressure was still at 140/80 before i started my deca,

So i indeed will watch closely
I've only had one cycle but I wouldn't regret anything cause before I started I joined this site and the people and info were great. Glad I can start out on the right foot.
much agree with the enlarged heart comment,i was just diagnosed with an enlarged heart this week,due to a surgical problem i had back in jan,and it caused my BP to be elevated for a long time,and nealry had a stroke,been on BP meds ever since,but its still little high running 140/80 and she wants it down below that,and im currently on Test/Deca week 8....so i dont know what do,im going to get the BP meds increased(doasges) next week,so only time will tell,if running deca causes mine to run high,i will just do test/hgh from now on,but saying that,my blood pressure was still at 140/80 before i started my deca,

So i indeed will watch closely

i give you so much credit for your commitment to lifting with all that's happening with you BP.... Why don't you cut your cycle short and lay low for a bit, at least until you get your BP stabilized ?
if i could do it over again... wow

been thinking it over for a couple minutes and... wouldn't change a thing, it's been a wild ride, a real adventure learning while I've gone... safety is always best, but like some of the ol'boys mentioned, we just didn't know any better back then haha (feel old when I put it like that)

this is a great place for guys starting out, there is more knowledge from experience being thrown around here everyday than any gym or or board could come close to...

so to all u young bros, keep your ears open, eat a shit load, get quaility rest and train like there is no tomorrow
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Well I am not really a "vet" but I am gonna contribute any damn way..lol

I would have gotten myself to my on personal peak before I did my first cycle. I was in pretty good shape but not at my natural peak before I started.

Also I would have paid 3J for nutrition help (food intake, lack there of has been my achilies heal).

Also I would not have told ANYBODY I was taking AAS because even your best friend can and will "let the cat outta the bag" and you will have people looking down their noses at you.
Also I would not have told ANYBODY I was taking AAS because even your best friend can and will "let the cat outta the bag" and you will have people looking down their noses at you.

the only way 2 people can keep a secret is if one of thems dead.
i give you so much credit for your commitment to lifting with all that's happening with you BP.... Why don't you cut your cycle short and lay low for a bit, at least until you get your BP stabilized ?

im going to,and get my BP stablized for sure