you're a fucking big dood bro, how much bigger are you really trying to get? not judging just making an observation.
whats a dood?

you're a fucking big dood bro, how much bigger are you really trying to get? not judging just making an observation.
whats a dood?![]()
My goal is, and will always be to continue to be bigger and leaner than I was before. I have no set weight to hit that will satisfy me. I will continue to progress and progress. I suppose my short term goal is to hit 250lbs by spring while staying under 15% bf. The Eurotropins should help with staying lean while I take my calories way up.How many blue ribbons you got hanging up in the living room from all your MILF bagging comps?
I've only cycled once. Before that I was hypogonadal for 3 year of training. After 4 months of TRT->cycle I've been back in the 300's till the doc scopes my nuts and cuts out some developing sperm if found (off test cause trying to get fertility back- wasn't there before TRT).
Those three years were hard, I made slow progress, but progress non the less. After the cycle I've continued to make gains in size and strength despite my 80 year old man hormone levels. Hell, I'm having fun- but I'm psyched to come home after surgery on Thursday and pin 375mg of test and 300 of deca while all doped up on painkillers. Take that pip.
In 6 months of being off I've gone bulking from 230 to 246. Sure, I've upped my BF, but my strength and volume in the gym has all gone up. At one point my test levels were 180. So, I like training regardless of if I'm on gear or not. But hey, I'm new to AAS, what the hell do I know?
I like making gains. And I feel it's even more important to make gains and continue progressing while on cruise/TRT/pct, whatever. I have zero interest in running gear if it means yo-yo-ing up and down in strength and size and not progressing in a somewhat linear pattern.
Jozipf- what are your goals?
Anyhow, I'd have really loved to be on 500mg of test for the last 6 months!
you're a fucking big dood bro, how much bigger are you really trying to get? not judging just making an observation.
I have decided to start blasting and cruising year round
So basically I'm knowingly putting myself on trt and doing a few blasts a year.
Actually you are blasting and cruising, not to be confussed with trt.
TRT - a treatment for those w low testosterone addressed with a steady eventually static flow of exogenous test until a desired level is attained and maintained.
Look it up buttercup.
I m atrt, cruiser-BLASTER- back off until bloods are correct then repeat THAT cycle lol
Ai s are for those who do not like breast s-I love em....hell I love it when my nip s are sensitive...saves me money as I can really enjoy dating the paper towel guy..
I was under the impression that trt was a regimen of a number usually between 100 to 200mgs per week to get test back to a around normal range.
A blast & cruise was more of a do a blast (cycle amounts of steroids) then drop down to around 300 or some odd mgs (above trt but less than blast) for a while.
Not necessarily concerned about what is considered a realistic trt dose while on a cruise.
I was under the impression that trt was a regimen of a number usually between 100 to 200mgs per week to get test back to a around normal range.
A blast & cruise was more of a do a blast (cycle amounts of steroids) then drop down to around 300 or some odd mgs (above trt but less than blast) for a while.
Tomato, tomatoe.![]()
More like apples & oranges because trt is healthy blast & cruise is not.
Dose dependant= possible health issues.
I WAS an animal too but you can t be animal for 32 years; I m o it s unsustainable but at 53 what do I know eh ?