injection talk?


New member
I read about all sorts of different ways of injection. Is there one way that is better than the other or is it all just the person. I personally think and arm injection would interfer with lifting if you got sore. I would like to hear different injections from different people and how they do it what size pin and so on if I can. I was at the point with my Sustanon (sust) cycle that I couldnt stick myself my bro had to do it for me , or set it on the sink and back into it ( not recommended ). Thanks
I have given myself 5 sus shots. One in the glute which I will never do again! The others I have done in the thigh. I use one inch 22gauge needle. Run hot water over the syringe for about 2-3 min. Inject really, really slow. It usually takes me about 1 minute to get all the fluid in. I am usually sore for only a few hours.
I've never done spot injections, but I've heard you should work the muscle you spot inject in, that same day

I've done delts & bi's so far.

Delts 25g 5/8"
Bi 26g 1/2"

No probs at all. No pain, no swelling, no bruising
yes. Delts are the shoulders. Medial head. 25g 5/8" pin. Some use a 1" on shoulders. They're fine bro
I am a thigh man myself. Everything goes in to the thigh and sometime in the glute but I find it a pain in the pun intended, to shoot the juice because I cant always see it and I haven't mastered the one hand technique of administering shots to my self.
I've done shots in the bis, tris and delts, and never had much of a problem. Its important to use decent gear, and you shouldnt end up too sore. Plus, I do it just before I go to the gym to work that muscle.
Quads and glutes are fine, but not if you have to inject every day
needsize said:
Its important to use decent gear, and you shouldnt end up too sore.

needsize said:
Its important to use decent gear, and you shouldnt end up too sore.

needsize said:
Its important to use decent gear, and you shouldnt end up too sore.

Worth quoting 3 times!!!! Injection pain is ALL about the quality of gear (for me anyway). I've had "0" pain 2 cc bicep injections with quality gear, and horrific cripling pain with 1/2 cc in the thighs!
so far i've done shoulder and glut injections of Winstrol (winny). Winstrol (winny) injections make the muscle sore for a couple days. I had a difficult time jump roping after the delt injection. I had a killer shoulder work out tho. Took my shirt off and my shoulders were on swoll. Good news is. I'm getting used to the soreness from the ED Winstrol (winny) injections.

For the delt i used 1" 25 guage needle. Tri's next.