inked's log

benched on tuesday and squat's this morning.
finally feeling good again. Looking forward to hitting it hard next week
thanks pb and bb
max benched today finished on 363 which is equal to my best. It went up without to much difficulty. Did a couple of sets of incline then some flyes.

for tri's I did some reverse grip bench
got up to 220, was ok but I didn't want to go higher as my shoulder felt a bit sore after that (it's playing up a bit now)

apart from the shoulder, I felt great, in fact I'd say I felt like I had an awesome work out
fuck I have been lazy with this log. i have been training sweetly though. today was bench day.

I finally hit 4 plates for 1 rep, 400 is just arround the corner!!!
time to slowly start cutting, I want to get down to just under 100kg( currently 111)

20 mins HIIT cardio on the bike
back and bi's today
5 min warm up on rower
seated row 2 sets
chins 3 sets
rack pulls 1 work set
hammer high row 2 sets

preacher curls 2 sets
incline db curls 2 sets

20 min HIIT
40 min walk

feel awesome, tri's are still a bit sore from sat, but should be ok for tomorrow
5 min HIIT warm up
incline bench warm up with sets of 3 up to 286 x 3
bench 220 x 12 (2 sets)
flyes 2 sets

dips 1 set
skullcrushers 4 x 4 132
20 min HIIT on bike

Cutting sucks! I need the rest day tomorrow ,I feel exhausted. Will still do cardio tomorrow
5 min on bike
used the leg press before squats today as the rack was busy

hammer press
1plate aside x 12
2p aside x 12
3p aside x 12
4p aside x 12
4.5p aside x 8
5p x6
5p x6

220 x 12
264 x 6
308 x 3

leg extension
3 x 12

lying hammy curl
3 x 8

seated calves
5 sets

20 min HIIT

the 308 squat felt good, even after doing leg press first. these little legs are getting stronger!
5 min warm up on bike
DB incline bench

flat bench rack lock out
warm up then 3 sets 308 x 3

skull crushers
3 sets 6-8 reps @132

db lateral and bent over raises 3 sets of 12
standing bb press 3 sets 99x10
bench day

396x1 (spotter helped keep the bar moving half way up)
308x5(working on eccentric)

incline bb 198x12 2 sets
2 sets flyes 49.5x12

3 sets tri push downs

3 sets skull crushers

2 sets dips
squat day
220x12 fast and explosive

hammer leg press

lying hamstring curls
3 sets 12

leg extension
2 sets 12

squat felt good, I tried a slightly wider stance and felt more stable under the bar. My knees didn't feel like they were trying to collapse in
back day

hammer high row
3 sets 8,6,6

tbar row

rack pulls
warm up sets from 220 to 308

db row

then a couple of sets for biceps ( db curl and bb curl)

was a great work out, first time I have pulled over 500. my grip has improved too. I was able to get up to 308 without using any wraps
a little, sometimes I'll do some static holds with dbs or with a bb. i have some hand grippers (1 at home 1 in the car) and I use them every now and again

what do you suggest
incline bench 2x6 242
decline bench 2x6 242

close grip bench 5x5 220
flyes 3x12 (33,49.5,55)
pushdowns 4x12(7,9,10,7plates)
seated calf raise 5x12,10,8,6,6 (176,352,440,440,440)
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inked1 said:
a little, sometimes I'll do some static holds with dbs or with a bb. i have some hand grippers (1 at home 1 in the car) and I use them every now and again

what do you suggest

the ones you mentioned work great.

i use hand gripers at home almost everyday. they work great if you have enough resistance. but deffinately make sure to do grip work if no other reason than to build up the forearms.