inked's log

missed a couple of entries, but have been training well

deads today
grip strength is improving heaps, managed to pull 4plates a side no wraps, chalk etc
got up to 440 for a single with straps.
came close to getting 484 but failed 3/4 of the way up
did 4 sets db rows(110lb x 6) and some hammer high rows
finished with some calve raises
bench day
warm ups started with bar only working up to 3 reps of 308
330 x 1
352 x1 (failed, needed a spot 1/2 way up)

incline bench
220 x12
231 x 12(8 rest pause,2 r/p, 2)

49.5 x 12

skull crushers superset with pushdowns
5x5 @ 132lb
squat day
warm up to 308x2

leg press
2plates x 12
3p x12
4p x 8
4.5p x 6

hammy curls
3 x 12

squats felt good, could have gone a bit heavier, but decided to leave it as thats a pr for ass in the grass. There's always next week!!!
bench and tris

flat bench
264 x 5
308 x 3
352 x 1 ( only just, was fucking hard)
363 x 1 ( failed, needed help pushing off the chest, was alright once I got going)

skull crushers
3 x5 @132

db lateral raises 3 sets @33 x 12

close grip bench superset with pushdowns

132 x10
176 x 8
220 x 5

calf raises

I am entering a raw push/pull comp in early August. I would really like to hit 396 at the meet for bench. Any suggestions?
is it a pause meet or touch and go on bench? if its pause you need to start pausing all you reps now. get you some wrist wraps if they allow those. most raw meets do. wear a weight belt while benching as well. you usee the vids on raw benching and setup?
thanks guys
I saw the vids, that dude presses sweet PB. I'll try and stretch out like that next time I'm in the gym.The last bench day I had ,i praticed pausing at the bottom for a good second or two. fuck thats hard!
Still waiting to hear back from the orgainisers about the specifics of the meet
dead day

hammer high row
12 reps 132 a side

seated cable row
10 reps of the stack

bent over bb row
3x5 220

3 x 308
1 x 396
1 x 418 ( new raw pr)
1 x 462 (straps)
1 x 473
1 x 478.5 (failed at the bottom)
3 x 308

standing ezybar curls superset with incline db curls
12 x 132 /(12 x 33lb db)

felt pretty good, grip strength keeps improving. Hoping I can pull 440 raw before the meet
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lose the straps since you competing. no straps allowed in a meet. assistanse work should be done after the core movement. 3 types of rows is overkill as well (1 is enough + a posterior core movement for reps), esp since you 5 weeks out.

better get busy on the grip work too. if you cant hold it you cant pull it. a set of good wrist wraps will help at the meet with grip. after you get them i'll explain why/how they work.

aight bubba?
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pullinbig said:
aight bubba?
bwahahaha :flipoffha

thanks for the advice. I will cut back on the amount of rows and try and work on my grip
I have tried doing the assistance work after deads, but I am just too buggered.
I would normally do the core work first ( bench then flies, squat then leg press etc).But when I have finished deads all I want to do is go home and rest
I'll change it around next time and see how it goes
the dead is your main back movement for size and strenght. plus at the meet you not gonna do rows first. :D
bench day

felt like shit this morning(like I needed to spew before I even got to the gym)

3 x 319
3 x 330
3 x 330

12 x 220

close grip bench/pushdowns
2 sets of 5 x 176/ 10 x 10plates

feel like shit, so I left the gym early. I will just have a mellow day at home and see how I feel. Tomorrow is rest day anyhow
I need to work on the pausing. I used a pause in my warm up sets, then did the reps about the same speed as on the raw bench vids you put up