inked's log

bench all done with a pause at the bottom
308 x 3
330 x 1
352 x 1
374 x 1 (hardly any pause)
396 x 1 (no pause)

close grip
220 x 5
242 x 5
242 x 5
242 x 3

220 x 8
242 x 5

44 x 12 (3 sets)

neck exercises

good quick workout.Feeling more confident with the pause
396x1 is nice. make sure you pause everything til after the meet on chest work. you ever find out if its a touch-n-go or a pause meet?
yeah, they said its about a 1 second pause at the bottom
396 was fucking heavy, just trying to get my body used to holding that sort of weight
make sure you pause everything in training til after the meet, everyting. are they giving the press command or is it up to the lifter to pause it?
not sure. In training I have been getting whoever is spotting me, to tell me when to press it.
I'll start pausing everything from here on, thanks for the advice
440x1(failed 1/2 way up)

cable row
stack x 7(2 sets)

preacher curls
132 x 5(2 sets)
thanks M69

PB I do abs a few times a week, at home and at the gym. usually I will do a light ab/lower back warm up before squat and dead days

the meet is early August(the 7th I think)

today was bench(all with 1 sec pause before pressing)

308 x 3
330 x 2
352 x 1
374 x 1

incline DB
2 sets 88 (12,8)

close grip bench
5x5 weight pyramid between 132 and 220

DB flyes
2 sets 44(12,12)

calf raises

felt pretty good
thanks, I'm somewhere around 240
been busy with work and haven't updated the journal
I did squats on thurs
1 x 352
3 x 308
12 x 220

leg press
440 x 8

hammy curls
stack x 6

bench fri
just practiced some pauses
308 x 4
330 x 1
352 x 1
374 x 1

trying to improve my press from the chest.The first inch sucks, tried fucking around with 220 bringing it down to an inch off the chest and holding it for 5 sec then pressing it x 5( for 2 sets)

close grip bench(finger just inside rings)
5 x 220

finished with some pushdowns and a few bicep curls
thanks, my bench is by far my best lift. After this meet is over I'm going to work a lot harder on bringing up my squat,it's been lagging hard.
dead day

abs and some lower back warm up
3 x 5 wide grip chins (body weight)

1 x 396 (no problems)
1 x 440 (failed 1/2 way) I want to pull at least this at the meet
8 x 308

seated row
stack x 6 ( 2 sets)

ezybar preacher curls superset with db hammer curls
132 x 3 + 38.5 x 12 (2 sets)

neck work

308 3x3
220 x 10 (holding 1 inch off chest for 3 secs)

close grip bench

220 3x5

incline db press
99 x 10

db flyes

44 x 12
I was wondering when to quit
thurs is squats, then some tri's and bench on Friday. i was going to do deads again on Monday.
should I just finish up on friday?
do your deads on thursday in place of squats. nothing other than a somelight cardio next week. maybe wednesday at the latest./