inked's log

yeah boy!
planning to do a full meet in feb.

I am just taking the training a little easier( or maybe a little smarter). before I was too keen to push the heavy numbers and I kept jumping the gun. I kept getting minor injuries that were fucking with my training.

I am trying to listen to my body a little better. PL style training is so much more taxing on your system. I have learned heaps about my dietry requirements too. I was fucking around with to lower levels of carbs.

I've put on a couple of extra kilos, but I have a lot more energy, especially in the gym.
short session cause works busy

3 sets wide grip chins (9,5,5)

BB rows 2sets 5x275
then drop sets down to 130

superset bb curls(12 reps) with incline db curls(12 reps)

then home to eat
inked1 said:
yeah boy!
planning to do a full meet in feb.

I am just taking the training a little easier( or maybe a little smarter). before I was too keen to push the heavy numbers and I kept jumping the gun. I kept getting minor injuries that were fucking with my training.

I am trying to listen to my body a little better. PL style training is so much more taxing on your system. I have learned heaps about my dietry requirements too. I was fucking around with to lower levels of carbs.

I've put on a couple of extra kilos, but I have a lot more energy, especially in the gym.

good luck with the meet training
you going raw or equipped
inked1 said:
not sure . raw at this stage cause i don't have the $$

thats fine you need a good raw base anyways
check ebay every so often youll most likely find what you need rather cheap as least its a good way to find decent gear cheap plus you get to try out and see what works for you..

i found my squat suit on ebay brand new for 100 less than retail plus i didnt have to wait 3 weeks for it to come frm the manufacturer
308 x 9
352 x 4
374 x 3
396 x 2 (spot on the second rep)

incline(slightly narrower grip)

220 x 12
242 x 8
242 x6
220 x 6

machine tricep extension

seated and standing calf work
i was exhausted this morning.

6x 308
4x 330

3 sets 200 x 12

tricep work
calf work
Last edited:
440 x 1 ( easy) finally fucking hit it again after failing 2 weeks in a row

BB row
242 x 5 ( 4 sets)

hammer high row
3 sets

preacher curls and db curls

seated calf raises
308 x 3
352 x 2
396 x 2 .......easy, first time under this in a while and it felt pretty good

150 x 12
152.5 x 12
155 x 8 ( murder)

hammy curls

standing calf raises

i feel like throwing up. Its so fucking hot here too, its like 7am and 30 degrees C outside
352 x 1
396 x 1
418 x 1(pr)
440 x 1 ( needed a bit of a spot just at the top)

my goal was to hit 440 by the end of the year. next week I'll train normally then go for the 440 the following week

incline db
88 x 12
121 x 12

db pullovers

db skullcrushers
44 x 12 3 sets

db flyes
66 x 12