Insomnia on test cycle!!!


Who dares wins!
Hey guys. So basically ever since my cycle started, my sleeping schedule got fucked up. For the past 4 weeks I wake up after sleeping 4-5 hrs then can't go to sleep. I have to wake up and go through the notions of eating 3-5 meals. Then I finally fall asleep again. It's really fucking up my work hours. What should I do? Tried melatonin an it didn't work. Side note for those who might suggest drinking alcohol to fall asleep: I'm not involved in such unhealthy behavior(gotta be disciplined on cycle or anytime for that matter). Thanks
I would say something is bothering u! Either something else your taking, or life itself. I noticed I wake up when I get hot as hell at night, our 6month old daughter sleeps with us sometimes and she gets all over me, and I start burning up, I have been sleeping with the ceiling fan on! I would get hot without her in the bed also. Maybe what your eating before sleep! I hope the vets can help u here, I would like to know also!
Well are you off te dbol now? You're far enough into your cycle that you're only doing test now right?

Is the cycle the only variable? Try to think hard about other thins in your life that could be causing this
Ya I agree that you need to think about anything new in your life that maybe contributing before blaming the test. Also this has been happening to me for the past 6months on and off regardless if I'm on anabolics or not. Now I just roll with it. I fall asleep earlier knowing I will wake up after 3-4hrs of sleep. I plan out my macros for a meal during this time and I'll even make a midnight to-do list so I can be constructive for an hour or 2 then pass back out. It's kind of weird but I think my body has responded well to (I feel better recovered from workouts). Maybe because now I'm not going 7-10hrs straight without water or food.

Ya so my advice...Roll with the punches and adapt!
brother, I've been a shitty sleeper my whole life. I don't ever recall, no bullshit, ever sleeping through a full night. I'm up at least a couple of times a night to piss, and a lot of times I get into a feeding frenzy while I'm up. tren really fcked me up sleep wise, but teste also has an effect, as does D-Bol, no question. melatonin does shit for me, nytol calms me down in the evening from the agitation and rage from the gear, but I even have a script called zoplicone and it helps me get to sleep for a couple hours before I'm up and around. I have just accepted the partial insomnia. good luck man. I find I almost have to literally shut down my whole activity fairly early in the evening, which helps the way, I'm as far from a hyperactive or busy bee as you can get except at night
This is life Bro.

Life's worries only get worse as we age and I myself don't remember sleeping all night since I was 12.

Get up, pee, eat and roll with it.
"a good nights sleep" is something mattress sellers and Pharmaceutical Companies shove down our throats through the media. It's fucking BS.

Take your occasional REM and only gets worse with age.
I haven't been able to sleep for years now, no idea what started it but it progressively got worse. Being in college I eventually broke and went to the doc because OTC stuff did nothing for me. started on ambien.. found it to be a bit on the habit forming side so wouldn't advise it. I'm using lunesta now and sleep like a baby, im not sure if this has any negative sides when on AAS but has been great for me up to this point.. BUT try all of the OTC and other remedies first
Test definitely does affect my sleep schedule even when taken by itself. When I have a few nights in a row when my sleep is bad I take 2 benadryl and a 100 mg trazadone. I'm out like a light and pretty much sleep solid until I wake up.

I also have sleep apnea so I have to wear a dumb CPAP but that shit makes me sleep better than I ever have before.. If you have a big neck(I always have) chances are much greater of developing sleep apnea. Harnold says he "wakes up to pee a couple times a night".. I used to think that I was waking up to piss until my DR. explained that sleep apnea wakes me up and then since I'm up I realize I have to piss. I haven't pissed in the middle of the night since I started treating my sleep apnea.

I don't know why I went on that rant about sleep apnea but I feel good now. I would fuck my CPAP machine if it had a pussy...
Another thing is dentures ; if you have dentures DO NOT take them out when you sleep , this causes the tongue to flip back in your sleep causeing you to develop sleep apnea . I found this out the hard way from a stupid dentist who said to remove them at night to soak them . This has since been proven in several clinical trials when it was found removing them at night caused 3/4 of the control group to develop sleep apnea .....
I wake up sweating on pm pins and sometimes days after . I also wake up and pee like 3 times at least since I have been on cycle. I usually have a xanni on hand so I can get a good nights rest but I am not sure how that effects my sleep if I am actually getting good grow/recovery sleep or just knocked out sleep, things that make you go hmmm?
Try DSIP (Deep Sleep Inducing Peptide) I want to give it a try and see how it work out. As CFM said sleep gets worse with age I remember when I was in my early teens I would get 9-11 hours sleep solid. Now I get 6-7 and sometimes but rarely 8 hours I am only 21 (And this is solid sleep meaning you are not just laying in bed).
Shit sleeper checking in, I am with the guys that barely sleep. sometimes 4 hours. Fucks my gains sometimes but you learn to live with it
"a good nights sleep" is something mattress sellers and Pharmaceutical Companies shove down our throats through the media. It's fucking BS.

Take your occasional REM and only gets worse with age.

fucking "A" (that means right on in Canada) CFM I agree. they say when you get older three or four hours is all you will get or need. I suppose if your activity goes down, so will your need for rest I guess.
Try DSIP (Deep Sleep Inducing Peptide) I want to give it a try and see how it work out. As CFM said sleep gets worse with age I remember when I was in my early teens I would get 9-11 hours sleep solid. Now I get 6-7 and sometimes but rarely 8 hours I am only 21 (And this is solid sleep meaning you are not just laying in bed).

I think I'm gonna give that shit a try Hellsman, can't hurt that's for sure.

I worked shift work for years so I doubt that helped, but do you guys find you can catch a few more zzzzz's in the real early morning hours, more so than the rest of the night?
Hey guys. So basically ever since my cycle started, my sleeping schedule got fucked up. For the past 4 weeks I wake up after sleeping 4-5 hrs then can't go to sleep. I have to wake up and go through the notions of eating 3-5 meals. Then I finally fall asleep again. It's really fucking up my work hours. What should I do? Tried melatonin an it didn't work. Side note for those who might suggest drinking alcohol to fall asleep: I'm not involved in such unhealthy behavior(gotta be disciplined on cycle or anytime for that matter). Thanks

I use Kava Kava almost daily.
tasts like crap but is awesome.
this is where I go: Kava by Rex catalog page | Pure, Premium Vanuatu Kava at Great prices!
also need2sleep from NTBM is pritty nice also. ( its natty and safe)

Another awesome compound that seems to be getting RAVE reviews is DSIP.
I have not used it myself but many other here have, Im sure they will chime in.
RUI - products has this if your interested---> DSIP 5mg - Peptides

dont drink to go to sleep you wont sleep better, just fall asleep easy, but the body will not rest very well.
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