like said above bud, start off safe. start with 10g of simple carbs per iu of slin, 50 or so protein, 10 creatine, glutimine if you wish.after awhile of doing this you will get the feel for the slin and then and only then at your own caution and extreme carefullness lower carbs abit by say 1 g per iu until you fell hypo abit. have something sweet on hand always,pop, candies, dextrose ect. just incase. once you find this sweet spot id go a little higher to be safe. slin is nothing to joke about or do unless you know all that can happen. i have never done slin yet, but have been reading about it for prob 1.5 years now and may try it this summmer. just be safe and smart about it and listen to your body and you should be fine.