Intense ab-day..... literally shat my guts out the day after


New member
Usually I incorporate 1-2 ab-excersies into my regular daily splits. But this week, I decided that I would spend an entire workout focusing on abs.
1 1/2hr in the gym doing ab-excersises. Starting heavy/low volume and finishing with light/high volumes.
Day after (my day off the gym), I feelt the pain, which I was expecting. But suddenly, I found myself in dire need to get my ass to the nearest toilet. Sat there for 30min, stomach ache and loose stool. And all again once more later that day.
And still day after that (48hrs later), I still felt somewhat of stomach-ache, a bit weary stomach, but no problem with controlling my motions.

This happened to you guys as well?
Ive never actually gotten the shits, but felt like I really needed to go. Did like you did, sat on the toilet wanting it to happen just so I would feel better. All I ended up with was legs that went to sleep for sitting so long.