Irish's journey to sobriety


New member
Cycle Goal:
Gain 10-12 pounds of muscle.
Secondary Goal:
Drop several percent in body fat.

Height: 5'9
Weight: 180 lbs.
Training Time: 3years hardcore.
Body Fat: 11.4%

Current Cycle Protocol:

Test Cyp 500mg EW
Tren Ace 50mg EOD
Anavar 60mg ED

Week 1:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Tren Ace 50/70mg EOD

Week 2:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Tren Ace 50/70mg EOD

Week 3:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Tren Ace 50/70mg EOD
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Week 4:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Tren Ace 50/70mg EOD
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Week 5:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Tren Ace 50/70mg EOD
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Week 6:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Tren Ace 50/70mg EOD
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Week 7:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Week 8:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Week 9:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Week 10:
Test Cyp 500mg EW
Anavar 60mg ED
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Weeks 11-12
HCG 250IU x2 a week

Training Protocol:
I will be doing 4 sets on every exercise: 12,10,8,8. Towards the end of my cycle, I will re-evaluate my max lifts on bench, squat, and dead lifts.

Training Routine:

Monday- Chest
Flat DB press- 15, 12, 8, 8
Incline BB press- 12, 10, 8, 8
Incline DB flies- 12, 10, 8, 8
Cable Crossovers- 15, 12, 10, 8
Cardio- 20minutes of elliptical at no less than 9mph on level 4-5
***each week, rotate the flat bench with DB and BB. Same with incline***

Tuesday- Arms
Standing DB curls- 12, 10, 8, 8
Standing back to wall BB curls- 12, 10, 10,8
Sitting concentration curls- 12, 10, 8, 8
Triangle pushdown (elbows in)- 12, 10, 10,8
Rope pull down(elbows in)- 12, 10, 10, 8
Skull crushers- 12, 10, 8, 8
Cardio- 20minutes of elliptical at no less than 9mph on level 4-5

Wednesday- Legs
Leg press- 12, 10, 8, 8
Leg extensions- 15, 12, 10, 8
Leg curls- 15, 12, 10, 10
Weighted lunges across the gym (approx. 30feet) 25lb DB in each hand back and fourth 6times.
***each week, alternate leg press for squats***8230; do squats same number of reps***

Thursday- Back/Traps
Lat pull down- 12, 10, 10, 8
Dead Lifts- 12, 10, 8, 8
T-bar Rows- 12, 10, 8, 8
BB rows- 12, 10, 10, 8
4 sets of 10 pull ups
Cardio- 20minutes of elliptical at no less than 9mph on level 4-5

DB shrugs- 20,15,12,10
Reverse BB shrugs- 20,15,12,10
BB shrugs- 12, 10, 8, 8
Cardio- 20minutes of elliptical at no less than 9mph on level 4-5

Friday- Shoulders/Secondary Chest
BB shoulder press- 12, 10, 10, 8
Standing side lateral raises- 12, 10, 10, 8
Rear Delt Pec Dec- 15, 12, 10, 10
Flat BB press- 15, 12, 10
Incline DB press- 15, 12, 10
Cable Crossovers- 20, 15, 12

Saturday- Cardio
Cardio- 20minutes of elliptical at no less than 9mph on level 4-5

My macros for the cycle will be 270/280/80-90
roughly 2800 calories. At the end of each day, I will post my Diet for the day.

Before Pictures-
Taken last week
(the back shot is 100% relaxed. I couldn't get the "pose" correct, so i decided to take a relaxed pic)




the reason i am calling it journey to SOBRIETY is I have given drinking up. Several years ago, I went through a rough patch, and was drinking very heavily. Up until this past week, I was doing fine. However, this past week, I had several things go REALLY bad and I went out this past Friday and blacked out. I originally decided to put a hold on starting my cycle, due to emotional reasons, however, I do believe if I halt this cycle, I will be sucked back into the world of drinking. So, with that being said, I will be updating my log EVERY DAY just to keep my mind on something other than death and loss.

Oorah Marine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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looking good in the pic,keep us posted I personally have strugle with alchool,but I learn to control my urge to drink,I accept to my self and thats the first step accept that alchool is powerful than u that theres no controling it..acceptance.
looking good in the pic,keep us posted I personally have strugle with alchool,but I learn to control my urge to drink,I accept to my self and thats the first step accept that alchool is powerful than u that theres no controling it..acceptance.

thanks bro.
i hear ya man,i tried my best to keep the urge away, but this past friday, man, i was HURTIN'..... and well, i needed a break. I WILL NOT drink on cycle though, so at least i will have 12weeks of sobriety.... ;)
Im proud of u'r courage to serve our nation, ur not alone, I canno't imagen what u been thru, couse I got out the army when the clinton administration,but everyday I appriciate freedom brotha,. keep ur head up couse ur the real hero here, said keep us posted,..
thanks for all the support guys. I don't think you all know how excited and anxious i am for this. As of right now, this cycle/log is the only thing i am looking forward to. Everything else has been fucking hell.
good stuff man. im following. good luck on the cycle and i wish u the best of luck with the sobriety.

ive been through some rough times over the past years but it got pretty bad the last 5-6 months. lifting is the only thing that eases my mind
good stuff man. im following. good luck on the cycle and i wish u the best of luck with the sobriety.

ive been through some rough times over the past years but it got pretty bad the last 5-6 months. lifting is the only thing that eases my mind

thanks brother.
i'm routing for you big guy! make the most of it don't sweat the small shit. and look out for #1 bro...good luck.
Day 1

WORKOUT- 1600 hours
Resistance Training - Irish's Chest workout
Flat DB press- 55x12 | 70x10 | 85x8 | 100x5
Incline BB press- 135x15 | 155x10 | 185x8 | 225x6
Cable Crossovers- 30x12 | 35x10 | 40x8 | 40x6
Pushups- 5 sets of 30 pushups with a 60sec break in between each set.

CARDIO- 2015 hours
2miles around my neighborhood in 13minutes 10seconds.

1 whole egg
5 egg whites
1/2 cup oats

4 oz. chicken
2 TBSP almond butter

8 oz. chicken
2 Activia yogurt

1700(post workout shake)
2 scoop whey
2cups fat free milk
1/4 cup oats

4 oz. chicken
1 TBSP Almond butter

8 oz. ground sirloin
1 activia yogurt

1/2 scoop whey
1 cup fat free milk

Today's Weight: 177lbs pre first meal.

Well, today was day one for my cycle. I must say, this morning when I woke up, the first thing on my mind was my first injection. (how nice it was to wake up to something different)
While cooking my eggs, I decided to do the injection. I must say, .7ml of tren ace and 1ml of test cyp sure went in smooth as can be in my right delt. I realized that the only size pin I had was a 22gauge. Oh well, that didn't stop me! :)
Not 1 drop of blood, and no pains in my shoulder. However, I will say I had a lovely metallic taste in my mouth soon after the injection... (thank you tren).
At the gym today, I must say, the placebo effect was strong! When I hit the 100lb dumbbells for 5, first thing i said was "thank you placebo".
On a side note, my hunger has been through the roof today! I find it quite funny that for the last month and a half, I have eaten LESS then what I ate today, however, I am STILL HUNGRY! I am SOOO tempted to up my caloric intake, however, at my current weight, what I am in taking at the moment is more than enough to add pounds on..... What do you guys suggest?

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
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EAT! lol
Ive read that guys state that tren kills there appetite...and my thinking is the prop & tren along with the cario will burn more than enough cals and cut up.
So this early eat...your only 180,EAt lol
EAT! lol
Ive read that guys state that tren kills there appetite...and my thinking is the prop & tren along with the cario will burn more than enough cals and cut up.
So this early eat...your only 180,EAt lol

fuck man, this morning, i did my usual eggs, but i also added in a fresh bowl of cut peaches, and a yogurt. fuckin' A, im hungry!
Good luck man. This isnt your first cycle is it? Any way, you will love what Tren does for you. with the right diet, you can put on a great amount of LEAN body mass. I love it, and was planning a cycle similar to yours for later on....
Good detail on your log!!!
I didnt see anything other than the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for your post cycle though?? Im sure you already know the basics though
Good luck man. This isnt your first cycle is it? Any way, you will love what Tren does for you. with the right diet, you can put on a great amount of LEAN body mass. I love it, and was planning a cycle similar to yours for later on....
Good detail on your log!!!
I didnt see anything other than the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for your post cycle though?? Im sure you already know the basics though
nope, this is my 2nd cycle. thats what everyone tells me about tren. Oh shit, i guess i forgot to add my PCT. lol. nolva clomid.