is bb needed for these raws?

Frankie xq

New member
i'm getting a batch from china tomorrow: test cyp, eq, tren enanthate and methenolone enanthate.

ok, i know the test and EQ will do ok with 5% BA only. how about the tren and methen?
the test and eq dont need anything, they are both soluable in oil. sometimes cyp is fickle though. i have had it to hold at 500mg/ml with no solvent and had it crash at 200mg/ml with 5%ba and 10% bb. go figure. cant help ya on the others though. tren ace goes eaily with 5% ba so the enan should hold no prob. I am not a fan of primo so i havent made it. high priced weak deca at best.
shucks, that's the one i really don't wanna screw up. i paid more for the methenenlone than everything else combined. maybe i'll just use some eagle oil/solvent mix that i have left.
with the enan ester on it it should hold with 5% ba. try a small batch and even if it dont hold you can still do it. it is still primo. you just have to heat it every time to get it back to solution. takes about a minute on the stove or hot plate. or go ahead and go 5% ba and 10% bb. that will be painless @100mg/ml and i'll be very surprised if that dont hold.

next time get deca instead. twice as strong at a fraction of the cost. both 19nor dirivatives. if you taking it for the magical "cutting qualities" tren or Winstrol (winny) are better. and a lot cheaper too.