Is It me or is Lady Gaga a tranny

i really dont give a shit what she is.. she makes "decent" music.. taking pop and house to a different path...

that's like saying the lead singer from queen, freddie mercury, is gay.. who gives a shit, he made amazing music

i personally think lady gaga is ugly..
I heard she admitted she was a tranny but when asked about it later she said she was joking since it was a crazy question. she doesnt look like a tranny though
Her mother laughed when asked if she had man parts in her pants.Her mother would know if she had something hanging.
Don't give a fuk what she is I'd bang her so hard I'll shoot my load out her mouth,, shes fukin sexy full stop !!!
My girl actually sat and had a group dinner with her,she was interning at a big radio station in Boston a couple years ago and working the jingleball concert,I dont think she had direct convo with here but she mention to me she was really down to earth surprisingly bc she acts like a guess is she is a woman and I'd take a stab at it


thats right i remembered wrong she didnt admit to being a tranny but admitted to being a hemaphrodite and later said she was kidding because it was a ridiculous question. Lets just call it a big clit so i feel better about the fact that i still want to bang her to much test in me i guess!
yea she's got a cock fsho. Some of you fellas are pretty nasty - the "I don't care she's hot as fuck..." so you'd bang hot trannies? There's such a fine line between too much test & homosexuality goin on right here... Wow lol