is test e safe to use


New member
i'm only using about 250 mgs a week for now and wanna know if i'm still running a good risk of side effects
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well your natural test production will be shut down, your cholesterol might go up, your liver values might go up a little, your blood pressure may go up, you could lose some hair, might get acne, possibly could become a little more aggressive, may have increased sex drive, nuts may shrink, guess you could get the test flu, possible you could get an absess, might get stronger and have increased pumps, could retain water, possible you could get gyno.

did i miss anything?

but... probably you won't have too many sides from that small a dose.
mainly gyno and water retention see i'm not trying to get really big i'm just documenting the results for a book i'm trying to write about bodyduilding and nutrition
basically one of those idiots guides to doing shit i figure if a moron like me can find a way to develope a good diet program than anyone can i just wanted to try a simple cycle and show the results do any of you know a good beginner cycle real basic low side effects
I don't think you'd get any sides on that. Unless your body loves DHT.