im 18 years old i weigh 180 and 6feet tall im currently taking testosterone enanthate with deca i started monday.... any questions or tips you can give me? as far as workouts and daily dietary?
im 18 years old i weigh 180 and 6feet tall im currently taking testosterone enanthate with deca i started monday.... any questions or tips you can give me? as far as workouts and daily dietary?
Dont take this the wrong way but why would you start a cycle THEN ask questions? Thats completely ass backwards. Eat big and lift big. Oh and drop the cycle till you it. At 18 your test levels are the highest they will ever be naturally. Did you even bother to get bloodwork done prior to starting your cycle?
there is no use bashing him what he has done is now done. he has came to the right place all we can do now is help him and guide him the right way.
but if i was you i would pick up some powerchews BCAA and glutamine and some creatine. so wen you do come off and you are taking your post cycle therapy (pct) these 3 will really help you out. creatine will help with the strength and bcaa and glutamines are muscle building blocks so all 3 of these are the best supplements you can take wen you come off and of course keep your protein intake high.
ok thats a good tip, i got one to. spend some money on powerchews and buy some creatine chews these are good cause you dont get that water bloat filling like you would with powders. creatine has been proven to increase lean mass tissue and strength so you can not go wrong with this.
I would cut the cycle short run a pct and put those away for three years in the mean time natty supps like/ whey protien/powerchews bcaa/creatine/a preworkout of your preferance/a post workout shake are your best bets.
if your bound and determined to stay on this cycle and none of us can stop you then i would definately suggest that you get on here as much as you can and i mean for at least an hour or longer everyday and learn as much as you can about what your putting into your body and work on getting some proper pct in place and something for gyno flare up do you know how many people i see all the fn time halfway through a cycle scrambling around tryin to find some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to combat there gyno thats raging out of control. theres a sticky on here called im ready for gear checklist you should really check it out bro youll be glad u did
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