Just made 200mg/ml NPP


New member
I used 3%BA and 12%BB. It looks good now.............I'll let you know how it is in a few days. Hopefully the shots are painless.
i am curious about how bad the water retention is? u should find out right away since it is fast acting? let me know.
water retention can be controlled easilly......IMO, the water retention should be somewhat similar to deca as its just short esther deca....
gymphreak said:
water retention can be controlled easilly......IMO, the water retention should be somewhat similar to deca as its just short esther deca....
how do you expect to control watergain from npp or deca ?
I personally found i got much less waterbloat while using A-dex(to counter the testbloat, hence reducing overall waterbloat) and upped the water intake past 2 gal of water a day
well it's still in solution............flows through a 25g with ease ( I use walnut oil) and the shots are painless.
DADAWG said:
how do you expect to control watergain from npp or deca ?

Why is controling bloat from Decca any different from controling any other AAS's bloat?

If the bloat is Test related, use Nolva/Adex, ect

If the bloat is prolacting/progest. related, use bromocriptine or cabergoline (@0.5mg E4D)

Am I missing something here? :confused:

Thanks for any help
I dont think bromo will do anything to ward off bloat from nor based roids, but I may be wrong. I was under the impression that it works by binding to receptor sites...not lowering overall prolactin/progestin. Regardless...you dont want to take bromo unless you have to, the sides associated with it are terrible. Also the two drugs you mentioned arent that widely availible.
for progestin sides use b-6.......it really does work. Dunno about the water retention.............I've been on for long enough now I can't even tell anymore :) Definitly can be helped with diuretics and diet though. Lots of water..........lower sodium, not cut it out and natural diuretics like dandilion root.
also..........the prop I made the same day 100mg/ml with 3%BA and 7%BB is holding great and is the first painless prop I have used. I could probably shoot it with a slin needle.........you guys really have to try walnut oil, it's all I use now. The prop almost looks like water.