Just want to make sure I'm injecting in the right spot


New member
Hi guys.

I'm six weeks into a 500mg pw test e cycle (kicked off with four weeks of dbol 40mg ed) and I'm finding I'm not growing.

I eat a good 3500-4000 calories per day made up of 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat so it shouldnt be my diet.

It just occured to me today that maybe I'm not injecting properly and as a result the test is being wasted.

The injections never hurt and I've read a lot of people talking about how it does hurt. That also makes me think that perhaps I'm not injecting properly (1.5 inch pin btw).

In the two photos below you can see a little red dot where I've been injecting, is that too high do you think???


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pictures not showing bud can you describe and I wouldnt worry to muc unless your really over weight
Not overweight at all, I'm sitting on a steady 75kg - 165 pounds at 175cm tall. I'm a small dude :)

For some reason the h t t p : / / didnt show up in my post above, you'll need to add that before the links I posted.
ya man its not wrong to stat at that size but it dont make since when a diet hit up 3J is better than aas man and natural he could get ya to 200 quick then hi the aas
Could be Bunk gear, 6 weeks in, you should be growing. I am 7 weeks into a 600wk test cyp cycle and 1 started at 196. Now at 208 lbs. Massive changes daily, in strength and muscle gain. I would question the gear!
I dont know man, shouldnt be bunk. I'm not gonna go into sources because I dont know what the rules about it are on this board but I got it from a highly ranked supplier from a certain review site.

I'm getting some sides, more hair falling out during showers (though this could have been the dbol?), upper body has a constant redness to it, sack feels a little tighter.

I dont know hey. Is the injection site in the photos OK though?
That's about where i inject...maybe slightly inward (towards your crack lol) a bit... What length needle are you using?

On my first (only) cycle I really noticed gains in week 7 on out... Week 6 was nothing but increased libido for me.