Roush is a fucken expert the best the internet has to provide..... Hes the famous carbs are the devil guy unless he changed his mind or read some new article
The more you dead lift , the more fat you gain , the more your maturity level and IQ goes up . Congrats on all the gains bro
Thank you im very happy with my accomplishments and where i am heading.
U did see that 3J called it ..keto diet... not some other BS?
I think roush was on coke please disregard what he said
If anything he confused the definition of Ketogenic diet with the Atkins diet. there is a difference. something a diet "guru" should probably know.
not that its that big a deal in the realm of 'meat heads' that make up their own definitions for shit , instead of going by the established scientific and medical definitions.
so go ahead and eat a high protein diet and call it a ketogenic diet if you want cause you make your 'own' rules and ideas. . in the real world though, trying to pass a certification or a college exam , if you don't get the definition of terms correct, you FAIL the exam.
I'm somewhat disappointed 3j did not know the difference between a standard Keto diet and the Atkins diet and said a Keto diet was high protein, but then again I'm guessing he never passed any 'exam' or got his degree in nutrition either (where the correct definition of terms is actually important . on internet forums , definitions obviously mean nothing)
'Ketogenic diet" - its defined by the bodies use of fat for fuel instead of glucose
starvation can put you in a state of Ketosis as well , where your body begins using fats as fuel and the brain begins running on Ketones instead of Glucose (because there is no dietary source of fuel) . do we then define "starvation" as being a "ketogenic diet" , just because 'ketosis' is an effect that happens through the process of starvation ?
No , there is a medical definition for "starvation" and a separate definition for "Ketogenic diet". Heck even diabetics can end up in such deep 'ketosis' that they become overly acidic and can die (Ketoacidosis). Just because they go "Keto" does not mean they are on the , medically and nutritionally defined "Ketogenic diet".
hey its just my thought that Terms should be universal and communication is much easier when we all stick to the same basic definition of these terms. when one persons definition is different then another persons definition it gets pretty difficult
99% of the literature out there defines a ketogenic diet (in regards to macros) as a diet with little to no carbs, HIGH fat , and moderate to low amounts of protein . which results in Ketosis.
but again, if the OP wants to do a higher protein diet with low carbs , and he pisses on a paper stick that tells him he is in ketosis for a day,, then he eats a slight excess of protein that gets converted to glucose and he is no longer in ketosis,, i suppose he can call that a "ketogenic diet" , even though if you looked at his macros and ratios its not at all similar to the standard defined Ketogenic diet. he can call it what he wants, he's entitled to that . but would help if we all stuck to the standard definition of terms , rather then just our own opinions
We get where you are coming from.. Remember this is a bodybuilding forum. We don't care about keto for the flimsy
yeai agree. again thats why i suggested OP just drop the idea that he needs to stay in ketosis and that he should go higher protein and do a standard body builder cut diet.
that was my and megatrons advice to begin with. I was just trying to explain to OP what a 'standard" medically defined ketogenic diet is and really he does not need to mess with it