Keto Diet + Test E and Zero Pumps/Protein Q

IMO nothing beats Karbolyn. It's a complex carb that acts like a simple one: gives you quick, sustained energy.

Not sure what you mean by easy source; one scoop added to a preworkout protein shake. Done.

Never heard of it till now tbh. U know anywhere cheap to get this supp? I hate GNC and Vit shopped, prices are so OP...

Does karbolyn have any other use then as a Pre? How about for bulking, what times best to take it?
Anything other than karbolyn for the carbs? Maybe a easy source to take carbs from? I have beet root and everything else can be done.

Depends if you are insulin resistant or not. That determines what type of carbs work best (complex or simple). Once you determine that choose whatever you want in the category. For example if you are not resistant and go with simple carbs right before working out you can have yogurt, skittles, fruit, Gatorade.... Whatever you like.
Never heard of it till now tbh. U know anywhere cheap to get this supp? I hate GNC and Vit shopped, prices are so OP...

Does karbolyn have any other use then as a Pre? How about for bulking, what times best to take it?

You can take it pre-during-after workout. It's 50g carb per scoop. I take a scoop before each workout and on back days after deadlifts I drink an additional scoop before hitting the rest of my workout.

I get it from iHerb.
Anything other than karbolyn for the carbs? Maybe a easy source to take carbs from? I have beet root and everything else can be done. a ton of reps...shake it up do sets of 30-50. If you're going strictly for a pump then force blood with reps way higher than your normal range a ton of reps...shake it up do sets of 30-50. If you're going strictly for a pump then force blood with reps way higher than your normal range

That would normally work loaded up on carbs for sure, not on keto though. I've tried :(
Has anyone here done the keto diet?

My total macros are about: 20g Carb, 250g Protein, Rest Fats = About 4000 Calories

Diet: Ground Sausage Tube, Ground Beef Tube, Whey Isolate, Cheese, Ranch,
Supplement keto Australia (This is the only stuff I'm consuming).

I'm Prob taking in more way more protein than fats. Would this Kick me out of the Keto State? I've been aiming for 1.25x BW for Protein and the rest filled with fats?

In the gym I'm experiencing zero pumps. I usually gauge my work outs based on the pump, but now it's so hard to do. I feel like I'm doing nothing, just getting tired and the best I can do is lift to failure.

I also seem to not experience any hunger on the Keto diet. Usually when I cut with carbs, I feel like I'm starving.

My cutting cycle is: 500-750 test E only to help save muscle.

Started with 5 mins of cardio first week, then each week after added 5 minutes to it. Been doing it after my work out and using the less than 130 heart rate walk speed to aim for fat burning.

How much amount of calories i have to burn if i have hyper caloric diet.