Lab PE GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 Log


Jacked and Tan
As you all know, LabPE has given me the opportunity to try some of they're peptides. I special thanks to Vibrant and LabPE for choosing me to do this. I received them in the mail already. Super fast shipping and everything looks nice so far. I will begin the cycle when I receive my bac water in the mail from another source. A little bit about me...I have been training for about 5 yrs now. I started off at 135lbs and worked my way up to 190lbs. It took me about three years to get to this point. I still had a hard time holding on to muscle and was experiencing a lot of fatigue and other issues. A couple years ago I was diagnosed with low T. I had never cycled at all prior to this. The doc put me on TRT for this. After about 6 months of going through shit with this doctor who wouldn't listen to me about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or AI's or anything and felt fine with keeping my levels below 500 I decided to go my own route with it for the time being. Not a choice I would recommend anyone but its the route I have gone. I get frequent bloodwork, give blood, and check my blood pressure daily, etc. I have been "on" for over a year now. I have ran a test/dbol cycle, test/mast, and test/deca/dbol/t3. I am in my last week of a four week blast with superdrol 30mg a day. I am cruising on 300mg test per week, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and adex. I ballooned up to 225lbs with a much higher body fat and now have really been working on leaning out and putting on mass steadily. I'm now at 203lbs, 5'8'', 10-12 percent bf. Tomorrow I will post up more including my supplement regiments, workout routine, diet, etc. Everything I say is about my lab rat. When I say I or me I am really speaking about my lab rat. I am not taking these peptides myself. Pictures are for fun and are not of the prospect that I am testing these peptides with.
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Thanks guys. This will be my first experience with peptides. I have been researching about them for a while and really had an interest in trying them. I really wanted to try HGH but the price is way too much for me to afford. Peptides I hear are the next best thing and they have far fewer sides and health effects than AAS. I'm hoping to lean out a bit more and put on a few pounds of muscle. Better sleep and the appatite increase are things I look forward to with these. Below is my basic supplement regiment, training, and diet. As I log I will give more detail on the workouts and everything...

Training 5x5 routine

Mon - light cardio/calves
Tue - chest
Wed - Legs
Thurs - off
Fri - Shoulders/Tris
Sat - light cardio/ abs
Sun - Back/Bi's/Traps


Meal 1 - oatmeal w/ blueberries, 7 egg whites, one whole egg w/ slice of pepper jack cheese
Meal 2 - brown rice or whole wheat pasta/lean meat/veggies/olive oil
Meal 3 -brown rice or whole wheat pasta/lean meat/ veggies/olive oil
Meal 4 - brown rice/chicken/olive oil
Meal 5 - Salad w/ tuna

Average 4500 calories, 500g carbs/350 g protein


Whey Protein 25-50g (middle of night w/ skim milk, first thing in AM w/ skim milk, post workout, before bed)
Maltodextrin (post workout)
Creatine 5g (post workout)
Beef Aminos (4 tabs preworkout)
Coq10 400mg (blood pressure/cholesterol)
Fish Oil 6g (cholesterol/heart)
Red Yeast Rice 1200mg (Blood Pressure Cholesterol)
Hawthorne Berry 1800mg (Blood Pressure/Cholesterol)
Panothonic Acid 5g (Acne)
Glucosamine 2g (Joints)
Melatonin 3mg (Sleep)
DHEA 25mg
this'll be cool, I've recently decided to do a G6/CJC cycle myself so I'll be interested to know how you get on

Here are some pics taken today. Not the best quality. I'm not a bodybuilder so probably not the best at posing lol.
Mate, you're massive! I'm looking at starting a GHRP-6 & MOD GRF cycle within the next week or so. I'll be following your progress.
I like that "power look" you have, dude!
you looks like an MMA fighter or something like that...not a BBer, at all!

Congratulation and good luck with your peptide cycle ;-)
Thanks fellas, I will begin logging officially when my bac water arrives. :D I'll be doing 100mcg of each three times a day. Morning, post-workout or miday, and night. I will refrain from eating 30 minutes to 1hr before and after injects. This will be the challenging part to plan my meals this way. Normally I down a protein/carb/creatine shake immediatly post workout so it will be weird having to wait to drink that shake and eat my post workout meal. I workout right after work and will not be brining pins with me there or anywhere else so I'll have to wait until I get home to do the post workout inject. I may just drink my shake, wait thirty minutes, do the inject, wait another 30 and then eat my meal. If you guys with experience with peps have any suggestions or tweeks to this please let me know. Thanks!
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Fuck I had faith in your avis then this wtf! Your a bad man! LOL glad to follow your adventure!

lol :roll: thanks bro I will be following yours when you start it too. If you have any tips or advice for me please let me know. I know you have a lot of experience with peps and gh, etc.
Thanks fellas, I will begin logging officially when my bac water arrives. :D I'll be doing 100mcg of each three times a day. Morning, post-workout or miday, and night. I will refrain from eating 30 minutes to 1hr before and after injects. This will be the challenging part to plan my meals this way. Normally I down a protein/carb/creatine shake immediatly post workout so it will be weird having to wait to drink that shake and eat my post workout meal. I workout right after work and will not be brining pins with me there or anywhere else so I'll have to wait until I get home to do the post workout inject. I may just drink my shake, wait thirty minutes, do the inject, wait another 30 and then eat my meal. If you guys with experience with peps have any suggestions or tweeks to this please let me know. Thanks!

Honestly, I wouldn't pin immediately after your workout, as your body is already in an extremely anabolic state. What I do is take advantage of that and take my PWO shake.. then wait an hour and pin my PWO peptides.. then you get a whole new anabolic window to take advantage of. Just something to consider.