Lab Results are Back After 4 Months of Peptides and HCG Monotherapy


New member
I'm a 31 year-old male and I just got my lab results back today after 4 months of nightly Sermorelin/GHRP-6/GHRP-2 injections and tri-weekly HCG injections (I also take Arimidex once a week) and the results were pretty disappointing.

Testosterone went from 270 to 416, E2 went from 5 to 9.1, and IGF-1 went from 106 to 134. I’m still feeling really fatigued and my libido is a bit erratic. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s about 6 months ago (TSH was at 12 and T4 was below normal), but I just had a thyroid panel run a couple days ago and my levels were normal (TSH was 2.5 and T4 was 1.3). T3 was normal last time I checked in November as well (around 4.3 if I remember correctly).

I really thought my IGF levels would be a lot higher, and I don’t know whether I should give the Sermorelin tri-blend more time or if I should just stop wasting my money altogether. The reason I’m not running test yet is because I still want to have kids but after seeing these lab results I might just have to start regardless. Tired of feeling like shit all the time.

I have a follow up with my doctor, who runs a successful and well-respected anti-aging clinic, next week but I would love to hear some advice from anyone here.
Man it seems like you are really close, it could be you may need to just adjust your dosage a little higher.

Also I would drop the anastrozole.