i understand you

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ok, let me first start by saying i am not homophoebic, and feel that gay people should have the right to live the way they want. But anyways....heres my story.

To start off, about 1 month ago i was grocery shopping and this extremely flaming gay guy whom i've never met asks me, as i load my groceries into my car, if i work at the gym where i live.....Obviously i could see what his intentions were, but i politely told him i don't work there which was true, and went on my way.
well today, I was about halfway through my grocery shopping when i noticed the same very flamboyant and flaming guy nearby in one of the big deal, just ignored and continued shopping. eventually he started showing up near most of the places where i was going in the supermarket...and somehow managed to finish his shopping the same exact time i i started to feel a little uneasy lol.

As i walked my cart to my car, i knew he was behind me thinking of what to say. Heres where it gets creepy. As i unload my groceries he stops next to me, and asks me the same exact question he did 1 month ago. I once again politely say no, but that i just work out there.
Next he compliments my chest and asks me what exercises would be best to develop chest. At this point its obvious to me whats going on, but i just didnt wanna be rude and be like yoooooo im not gay brah!!! anyways he keeps going and asks me for a good routine blah blah, then he asks me how his chest looks, and i cant even look at him.

At this point im unloading the groceries into my trunk like a cracked out methhead .......all the while trying not to maintain eye contact. The only ramblings i could manage to say were "'s all diet bro...its all diet". Finally he says thanks for the info, and he looked like he wanted to say more, but i just say "no problem", get in my car fast, and takeoff. While hitting stoplights on the way home, all i could think was "please don't be behind me"

Anyways this whole situation just feels so awkward and wrong to me...i am very much totally straight and just the thought of homosexuality makes me nautious (once disrespect to gay people, but thats just the way i feel). However,Looking back, i feel i should have told the kid i was not gay...but i thought it would be obvious the way i talked and carried myself (very straight). That and the fact that i showed absolutely no interest in talking to him.

After all was said and done, i feel like i understand a little bit of what women go through on a daily basis. Before, i used to be like "boo hoo, so women have to deal with being hit on....what a hard and cruel life they live". Although i still don't think its the end of the world, it did make me think. Its gotta suck sometimes having to worry about awkward situations caused by some dumb fuck dude that can't take a hint.

Anyone else have experiences like this???? What are your thoughts?? ladies?
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I dont see anything wrong with what this brother is saying.We live in this fuckin pussy ass world were everybody needs to be politically correct well I say bullshit.This guy is luckey as shit he didnt pull that crap with me.The second I feel uncomfortable by someone or feel threatened I react with raw violence grow some balls people a slair that guy had bad intentions and u felt it next time give him a good crack over the head problem solved.Bundy
You take pictures of yourself in your underwear and post them on a mostly male forum. I wonder where the guy got the idea you might be gay. Calm down Costanza!
good post!

I'm not homophoebic (phoebia is a fear of something)... I just don't like gays and...whoever doesn't like that, well, that's just too bad haha
Take it as a compliment bro. If this is something that happens quite regularly then you'd have a point, but it's a one-off.... unless this is something that indeed happens regularly then I'd wonder if you were in fact gay.

But anyhow, one day you probably won't look as fit and you'll be wishing you were getting hit on. Seriously, enjoy life and the flattery. :)
I dont see anything wrong with what this brother is saying.We live in this fuckin pussy ass world were everybody needs to be politically correct well I say bullshit.This guy is luckey as shit he didnt pull that crap with me.The second I feel uncomfortable by someone or feel threatened I react with raw violence grow some balls people a slair that guy had bad intentions and u felt it next time give him a good crack over the head problem solved.Bundy

I agree. There's a lot of dumb people in this world who need to be taught a lesson. I like your style Bundy.
you got to give the doode props he prolly knew you were straight and went for it anyways, i just laugh when gay people hit on me, gay guys. gay women well thats a blessing in disguise. but everything your saying your not, is sounding like you are by your reactions. im not gay but you handled that poorly. for all you know he was just a flamboyant straight dude looking for help on lifting.. dont EVER judge a book by its cover....
you got to give the doode props he prolly knew you were straight and went for it anyways, i just laugh when gay people hit on me, gay guys. gay women well thats a blessing in disguise. but everything your saying your not, is sounding like you are by your reactions. im not gay but you handled that poorly. for all you know he was just a flamboyant straight dude looking for help on lifting.. dont EVER judge a book by its cover....

I"m not so sure that these even exist. ( if it walks like a duck ect..... prob a duck )lol

Anyway just shrug it off man. I've been hit on hard by a dude & yea I could have beat the hell out of him, but being he was my bosses son prob not a good idea. I just told him I was not interested in dating someone with facial hair & left it at that. Oh & one time I was hit on by ... and to this day I do not know if it was a guy or girl. That is how hideous it was. No lie the thing looked like my avi.
I dont see anything wrong with what this brother is saying.We live in this fuckin pussy ass world were everybody needs to be politically correct well I say bullshit.This guy is luckey as shit he didnt pull that crap with me.The second I feel uncomfortable by someone or feel threatened I react with raw violence grow some balls people a slair that guy had bad intentions and u felt it next time give him a good crack over the head problem solved.Bundy

Well said!

you got to give the doode props he prolly knew you were straight and went for it anyways, i just laugh when gay people hit on me, gay guys. gay women well thats a blessing in disguise. but everything your saying your not, is sounding like you are by your reactions. im not gay but you handled that poorly. for all you know he was just a flamboyant straight dude looking for help on lifting.. dont EVER judge a book by its cover....

All though i am a firm believer of not judging a book by it's cover.....I'm sure the OP could tell this dudes intentions.

A man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, to the world he's not a bridge builder....he's a cocksucker.
How does it feel that he wanted to stick his thang in your poopy?

lol, nice thread man. I wonder if this correlates to the hottest women being crazy? Always getting hit on makes them crazy? Cause the hot girls that I dated are far out there..
These guys have bothered me my entire semi-adult and adult life. If you try and be nice they just persist. Being very direct is how to make them understand to backoff.

When he is not at the grocery store harrassing you, he is down at the high school trying to get lucky.

I dont know where they find the balls or the face to behave like this.
I dont see anything wrong with what this brother is saying.We live in this fuckin pussy ass world were everybody needs to be politically correct well I say bullshit.This guy is luckey as shit he didnt pull that crap with me.The second I feel uncomfortable by someone or feel threatened I react with raw violence grow some balls people a slair that guy had bad intentions and u felt it next time give him a good crack over the head problem solved.Bundy

Wow you're a retard if you really think that way. :help:
It happens man. Just gotta sack up and deal.

It's not exactly the same as what chicks deal with because they're being hit on by the actual sex they would have relations with. Your situation is more analogous to a chick being hit on by a butch dike, or a lesbian being pursued by a dude.

Nonetheless, it happens if you're a good looking guy in good shape. Gay guys like built you grow you'll learn more and more about how to deal with them grasshopper. lol
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