Lean's winter bulk Cycle

looking good brother. you can tell you are putting in work. We gotta get those wheels up there and get you thicker and i think you'd do well in a comp.

Have to ask, why you adding those light sets of deads at the end of leg day? i know you are a high volume guy, but was just curious as your reasoning. i could never do deads after legs. And i do a third of the volume you do. lol
looking good brother. you can tell you are putting in work. We gotta get those wheels up there and get you thicker and i think you'd do well in a comp.

Have to ask, why you adding those light sets of deads at the end of leg day? i know you are a high volume guy, but was just curious as your reasoning. i could never do deads after legs. And i do a third of the volume you do. lol

I was trying to fry my glutes and get a good stretch out of the hamms. Maybe not the most productive way to do that, now that u mention it....

And just for you RJH - I did a low volume heavy workout! and damn if i didn't hit 365! hahahaha - I'll be really stoked when i can do that clean and with a decent ROM. Then it's onto 4 plates!

leg day -
No pain going in and felt like i did pretty well. we 'll see tomorrow...

I am going for growth so decided to do less with more..

5-365 these were only top 50% rom but that's how I started with 315 so I think I can get there. Def need a spotter to go lower tho..

Hack squats knesses wrapped up tight - these felt good for a change!
10-2 plates

Upright rowsthank god for the mirror - these hurt on the joints and my body was SO out of balance on the first few reps - it was crazy. really want to develop my traps tho andI think this is the best

Shrugs great sets - very slow, 15 sec sqeeze at the top and 15 sec stretch at the bottom
10/100-2 sets

That was it! 35 mins cardio hr at 140-150
Diet was not so clean today, but had a really nice chest workout this am.
Again tried to go heavy with fewer reps. Rjh- u reading this?

30* incline bench
8/275 pb*this felt pretty damn good-315 can't be far behind......

Incline flyes

Flat db press
6/85. Shoul have started heavier- could have hit 100's

Cable flyes
4sets 10/70

35 mins boring cardio - looked for one of those big ass tires to flip, but couldn't find one...my spare only weighs about 35 lbs. ;-)
Diet was not so clean today, but had a really nice chest workout this am.
Again tried to go heavy with fewer reps. Rjh- u reading this?

30* incline bench
8/275 pb*this felt pretty damn good-315 can't be far behind......

Incline flyes

Flat db press
6/85. Shoul have started heavier- could have hit 100's

Cable flyes
4sets 10/70

35 mins boring cardio - looked for one of those big ass tires to flip, but couldn't find one...my spare only weighs about 35 lbs. ;-)

that a boy. lol I'm telling you that, especially for an older guy with joint pain, if you use strict form, you and your body will love you so much more with a low volume routine. Only thing is you have to wrap everything up most of the time. lol

Very nice in the Incline bench as well.

btw, stay away from those damn upright rows. Most unnatural movement for the shoulder girdle there is IMO. You want big traps? Deadlift.
agreed with rj on those upright rows. leanbody nice progress. what's your day to day bf%? you look fricken shreaded.
that a boy. lol I'm telling you that, especially for an older guy with joint pain, if you use strict form, you and your body will love you so much more with a low volume routine. Only thing is you have to wrap everything up most of the time. lol
Very nice in the Incline bench as well.

btw, stay away from those damn upright rows. Most unnatural movement for the shoulder girdle there is IMO. You want big traps? Deadlift.

Yeah - few weeks ago - I had both elbows in neoprene, both knees, and one finger wrapped in tape! I looked like a fukkin mummy. but it felt goooood!

agreed with rj on those upright rows. leanbody nice progress. what's your day to day bf%? you look fricken shreaded.

Thanks for the upright reccommendation - that's all I needed to hear to drop those. I love the trap pump,but feels fukkin awkward!

BF these days is around 9% - stomach is doing well, but lower back fat sticks like glue - WTF is up w/ that? I would be pretty bummed about the cycle if the bf hadn't dropped- I'm almost the same weight as 15 weeks ago, but noticeably more lean. Got to get somemeat on these wheels tho...
man weekends are hard! I can't seem to fit in all the meals... i sleep later and go to the gym at 11 or 12 and then miss one lunch.... I'll have todobetter if I want to add sizewhile i'm busting my balls...

Another Hammie workout - went a bit more intense than last week and I think this should leave me with some significant damage to repair!


lying leg curl
10x 90
2 burnout drop sets: 4x135 4x90. 4x75. 2x45. 18xN0plates

single leg curls 1 plate (15#?)

3 sets of 8-10 ea leg alternating

Seated leg curl really slo tempo
8x275whole stack

kneeling Ab cable curls
3 sets160x10

5/315 low volume just for RJH!

8x 170
190 x 6-8

glute hamm raises

30 mins HIIT running/walking treadmil cardio 123/155 =HR

great workout My legs feel fried.:)

Oh forgot to add that I did a couple of sets of fat grip curls just so i could stand next to this way hot 22 y.o. hahahaha Then her b-friend walked up....
thats because weekends are for time off. Only thing that should be done on the weekend is enjoy family time, eat a ton, relax and fuck like a madman. :D

btw, start doing your GH shots in the fat in your lower back. If you can't reach have the wife do it. GH does have some spot reduction value IMO.
Last vacation day - thanks to the presidents.....it was pretty nice here so we just hung out. I made the most of the 3 days getting some balls to the wall workouts in. Now i have 2 rest days coming up - yippee -my body is SO sore in so many places.... hahahaha

Shoulders & Calves
Seated Military Press
5/155 I was really happy w/ this - i haven't done these in a while due to the tendonitus, but it went well and I controlled the movement so I think nonew injury to the joint.

Cross Cable side delt raise i love these -even tho the weight is relatively light I feel like a beast flapping my arms up and gnashing my teeth!

Front delt DB raise

Machine side delt raise

8/80 delts burning up! Felt totally awesome as Arnold would say, like cumming....hahahaha

Front strait arm cable pushdown I know these are really a back exercise, but it felt good to balance the tension.

Pull thrus w rope attachment

Rear delt flye precor
5/205 def maxedthe weight here!


10/3 plates


One leg calf raise in leg Press
10/1 plate
10/2 plate

Any comments about the calf workout? Will that make them grow?
Any comments about the calf workout? Will that make them grow?

I go by feel on calves I usually do 12 to 15 sets making sure to really hit them and get full rom.I read arnold's first lifting book and he said something along the lines of making sure you can barely walk or flex them afterwards.I've lifted this way and have developed some decent calves so far.

thats because weekends are for time off. Only thing that should be done on the weekend is enjoy family time, eat a ton, relax and fuck like a madman. :D

I agree with this 100%
Thanks mich - i got to do something. I felt i really killed them yesterday and today - nothing! I guess it's trail and error. Maybe I'll try pinning the IGF there next time.

Meanwhile my traps and upper back are hella sore today so i definintely nailed them. Taking tomorrow off as well as today - then Thursday it's back. Got to work onmy lats too to try to get more of a V taper going. Unfortunately i have big hips so I'll never get down to a small waist.

Anyone see the results of the flex Pro? Damn that Evan C is a fukkin beast - talk about a crazy taper! amazing - and only 29!
tha will prolly be a last resort, can't imagine it would do anything more than a short term fix and I hear how it degrades the joint. My joints are fukked already!

Masking the inflammation will only provide temporary relief. Best to stay away from cortisone shots, unless absolutely necessary. In my mid-20s, i seeked out a number of orthopedic surgeons seeking advice & therapy due to serious pain in shoulders due to trauma injuries. Relatively young age was only one of the factors doctors advised against it. Once they start administering cortisone, the body quickly adapts to dosages and you will need more and more. As you correctly hypothesize, it will further degrade the joints and ligaments overtime. It especially affects the tendons, weakening them, and causing them to be susceptible to rupture.

The best course of treatment is to continue what one is doing at a reduced pace and capacity. Furthermore, if you are not already doing this - add Glucosamine w/ Choindrotin for a minimum course of 3months, 3 times daily, you will see a difference. Furthermore, the GH should already greatly aid in that capacity. If you like, seek deep ultrasound massage, in addition to it. I did all of the those protocols, it got me back to normal. Albeit, it took me a few years because of the extent of injuries outside the weight room.

10/3 plates


One leg calf raise in leg Press
10/1 plate
10/2 plate

Any comments about the calf workout? Will that make them grow?

I never do the 45* calf. Its 2 of the following 3 exercises, i always do. Nevertheless, thats a great routine - go max max weight, then kick in the higher reps after - otherwise i start cramping when i do that.

Heavy heavy leg press calves 5-6 plates each - at all 3 angles. Followed by either sitting or standing. Standing gives a much deeper stretch & contraction.

On calves, the hardest part for growth is always the outer layer.

Start w/ ankles facing out w/ both your feet in like a inverse V shape. This should be consecutively followed w/ feet parallel, then your toes facing outward in a V shape. All 3 should be done consecutively. For each rep stretch and hold for 3-5 seconds. Although 3 different angles done - i only count that as 1 set - in terms of repetitions - i probably exceed 18.

Want to add a step?

On the the stair climber - start doing 1m interval sessions once a week just on the tip-toes or stair master. You will kick-start new growth. Try doing it w/out holding the rails to kick it up a noche. You'll be limping after... :hahano:

BTW, great log bro.
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hey Randy ;
Thanks for the input. I have the doc scheduled for next week but It's $700 for the exam and 1 shot (after that - $450- what a bargain!)

So I think I'm going to cancel and just go with what ive read on the internet.

I like the calf suggestions - I'll give that a go. I just got back in the groove on the stairmaster and am doing that at least 1x a week for cardio - so maybe that is the way to go. I usually do HIIT so that would work well.

RJH - Thanks for nothing buddy - you have genetically large calves, a hot wife who flips tires and the libido of a 17 y.o.! You disgust me! ;-)
hey Randy ;
Thanks for the input. I have the doc scheduled for next week but It's $700 for the exam and 1 shot (after that - $450- what a bargain!)

So I think I'm going to cancel and just go with what ive read on the internet.

I like the calf suggestions - I'll give that a go. I just got back in the groove on the stairmaster and am doing that at least 1x a week for cardio - so maybe that is the way to go. I usually do HIIT so that would work well.

RJH - Thanks for nothing buddy - you have genetically large calves, a hot wife who flips tires and the libido of a 17 y.o.! You disgust me! ;-)

i'm not just an asshole. I'm also here for motivation. :D
Hey, I am about to start first cycle....Gp Sustanon (sust) 270 and Gp deca 250...any suggestions on how I should take it...and should I add anything
Hey, I am about to start first cycle....Gp Sustanon (sust) 270 and Gp deca 250...any suggestions on how I should take it...and should I add anything

I'm sure I could give u lots of advice but you'd be better to post this on the general cycle forum and get lots of input. Plus put down your stats, experience, goals, etc. Hard to comment without knowing the details. I researched for about a year before I jumped in.