Lean's winter bulk Cycle

Have you tried a cortisone shot for your elbow? I had tendonitis so bad a few months ago that I couldn't even tie my shoes, so I broke down and went to the Ortho got the shot and two days later was back in the gym killing it. I know it doesn't work for everyone but I can tell you in my experience it saved me.
Have you tried a cortisone shot for your elbow? I had tendonitis so bad a few months ago that I couldn't even tie my shoes, so I broke down and went to the Ortho got the shot and two days later was back in the gym killing it. I know it doesn't work for everyone but I can tell you in my experience it saved me.

tha will prolly be a last resort, can't imagine it would do anything more than a short term fix and I hear how it degrades the joint. My joints are fukked already! LOL I may have to resort to seeing a doc if it doesn't goget better soon. been about 2 weeks already! but it is forcing me to do more legs - which is great. I need that.

I took today off so thinking I may do legs tomorrow. Sat should be pretty good- -I usually have good sleep, good energy.
thanks - good suggestion Randy. I was going to do the extensions at the end because the machine was tied up all night, but then my knees were so fried I decided to take it easy. I recently started doing extensins with lower reps (8-10) and the higest weight I can stand. what do you think?

and yes I am definitely sticking with the hgh for at least a year. It's fukkin expensive, but I prolly spend more than that on car maintenance so why not me too? I really would love to slow down or reversetheknee damage. Mostly it's good, but some things fukkin suk after 50 - hahahaha

On the leg extensions that is a very good range in terms of repetitions. Key is contraction, and stretching right away after each set. For extra stretch place your foot on the bench on the leg extension machine, and then do the stretch w/ all of your body weight and hold for 30-60 seconds. Benefits to be had on both the growth phase (stretches fascia tissue to a further degree then holding leg w/ hands) as well injury rehab.

Sounds good on the HGH bro, it will really help over time.

"Mostly it's good, but some things fukkin suk after 50 - hahahaha" he he
On the leg extensions that is a very good range in terms of repetitions. Key is contraction, and stretching right away after each set. For extra stretch place your foot on the bench on the leg extension machine, and then do the stretch w/ all of your body weight and hold for 30-60 seconds. Benefits to be had on both the growth phase (stretches fascia tissue to a further degree then holding leg w/ hands) as well injury rehab.

Sounds good on the HGH bro, it will really help over time.

"Mostly it's good, but some things fukkin suk after 50 - hahahaha" he he

WOW - great advice - I never even get out of the chair when I do extensions. I'll def have to get some stretching in there. it never occurred to me!

hey all;

took friday off and today had a god-like workout! Not to make u all jealous, but it's 70 degrees here today!

I did an all fly chest workout - definitely felt the love. I didn't go too heavy 'cause i still have this damn elbo tendonitus...:-( But it was awesome nonetheless - with a spotter it would be stellar!

Chest and Abs

started off with a few light sets of arm curls to relive some doms. niothing serious but i tried out my new FatGripz on the dbds. verl cool - can definitely se how this will up my arm game - esp on the forearms....

DB Flat Flyes: 10x 30,10x40,9x45,10x50

DB Incline Flyes: 10x45;10x55;9x65;10x65

Machine flyes on rear delt machine: 10x145;10x190;7x220;5x200;5x145 burnt!!!! these felt great lots of ROM and a great stretch.

Cable Crossovers: 12x50; 9x65. 110x65. 10x70
(Brought cable in downward motion ; lower pecs)

Unilateral cable flyes: 10x45;8x45;last set rest pause to 10:5x45rp 3x45rp 2x45

(brought cable upper motion for upper pecs.)

close grip BP
(wasn't going to do any presses, but this is more for the tris and i wanted to check out the fatgripz on the BB. Excellent! I have never been comfortable doing these, but the angle is better on my wrists with the FG's.



Hanging leg reaises


12x bw + 20


Captains chair
4 sets of 10 w/ 20lb weight

oblique side cables

10xwhole stack

10xwhole stack

finished off with a jog around the lake, real slow, but about 45 mins!

hating working with the injuries, but better than nothing. Tomorrow is legs so i should be able to keep the elbow out of it. cheat night tonight at a local pub for UFC 126!!!!! (won't be too bad since i dont drink alcohol, but i am sure there will be wings involved....:-)
hey guys
Got 9 hour sleep, big breakfast and went to do legs at noon.
I am trying to shock my legs a bit by going heavy as i can right off the starting blocks. Unfortunately 1/2 way thru the workout my knees are screaming bloody murder, but I wrapped them up tight - that shut them up for a few sets...;-)
Sunday workout

12 x 135
7 x 225
5 x 315
5x315 really happy with these (wrapped my knees)

Hack squats
10 x 2 x 45 ea side. these hurt like hell so I wrapped an did better. It's really fuked to be limited by knee soreness and not musclestrength!!!
10 x2 plates did these last 3 sets with wraps- Golden!
8 x 3 plates

One leg press

1 plate. 10 reps
2 plates 10, 10, 8reps
Last set......10x 1 plate better rom. Left knee is WAY more sore than rite so less rom.

Hip adductor

10.15o; 10.170; 6.190

Leg extensions(mostly top 1/2 of motion, big squeeze 3sec hold)
10.130 brutal- quads fried. I did deep stretching between sets

Deads on smith michine
10.1 plate ea side
10.2 plates ea side
3.3 plates ea side x 3 sets couldn't do more reps than 3.....
5.2 plates guess I was burnt...
10.1 plate

Taking tomorrow off and going to hit hammies Tues or wed.
looking good dude!!!!

Thanks for stopping by TSK! Nice new avi!

"rest Day"
lol - so I couldn't do it..... I was just going to do cardio, and then I said - "Okay a few curls and it will still be a day off...." Hahahaha

i got out of work early & had a great arm workout and did the cardio! i'm super motivated these days. i made the decision to compete on Aug 13 so it's all set - i have a goal and a timeline.


DB Curls

tricep pushdowns
15x 140
10x200 full squeeze at max contraction...

Cable tri kickbacks

BB curls
3x6 x 80 full rom; slow negative

cable pushdowns/bi cable curls superset
3 x 10 x 140

DIPS!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been able to do these without rotator cuff pain for 6 monthes! 3 sets of 10 x BW way low and full extension! I used to be really good at dips and have been bummed not to do them. Some things DO heal!!!!

isolation curls
2x8 x 30

36 mins on Tmill alternating between walking uphill and running on level 1.

that's all folks!
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How did I miss this... Lean great job love seeing the progress. Next time start a thread in the online journal section so I don't miss this stuff!!!
hey all;
going to tighten up my diet a bit and try to get leaner. Hope it doesn't mean I loose too much weight.

Had a really nice Hammie workout tonight, but didn't quite feel like a nailed it... Maybe so - I'll see if I can feel it tomorrow.


lying leg curl15x60
10x100 Rest Pause 6+4

single leg curls 1 plate (15#?) don't know why these are so tough...
3 sets of 8-10 ea leg

glute hamm raisesdefinitely haven't nailed these - lots of help to rise up slow to 45 degrees then drop like a bomb to horizontal... Could only do sets of 5

Romainian Deads
6x255 definately hit failure on these - HUge painful back pump!

30 mins bicycle cardio 128 =HR

Trying to get size on wheels so i am doing 2 leg days. Hope this works.
hey all;
going to tighten up my diet a bit and try to get leaner. Hope it doesn't mean I loose too much weight.

Had a really nice Hammie workout tonight, but didn't quite feel like a nailed it... Maybe so - I'll see if I can feel it tomorrow.


lying leg curl15x60
10x100 Rest Pause 6+4

single leg curls 1 plate (15#?) don't know why these are so tough...
3 sets of 8-10 ea leg

glute hamm raisesdefinitely haven't nailed these - lots of help to rise up slow to 45 degrees then drop like a bomb to horizontal... Could only do sets of 5

Romainian Deads
6x255 definately hit failure on these - HUge painful back pump!

30 mins bicycle cardio 128 =HR

Trying to get size on wheels so i am doing 2 leg days. Hope this works.

sounds like a plan to me.I'll have to see how this works for ya I might have to steal an idea or 2 :agreed:
Victory! hamms, glutes, lower back all getting suitably sore :flamingma:flamingma:flamingma so I DID hit them hard enuf last night!!!! Sure didn't feel that way but you never know until a day after.

Today was amost awesome delt workout I stole from a guy on another site. High reps and pryramid down weights - really felt like my shoulders were fried!

Seated Palms Parallel Grip DB Press30/15 x2
25/20/5 ...

Seated Db Frt Raises

Standing Machine Side Laterals

Rev Pec Dec
115/14 90/6 50/5


OH Rope Exten

Rope Pressdown

DB Kickback
8/50 .... yeah, lol
Okay guys
Prolly no workout today. I am super sore in the quads, hammies and getting there in the delts. So good rest day.

Here's a progress pic. I have to work on the lighting and posing. Critiques welcome - only 4 more weeks on the golden juice so i am trying to squeeze the most out of it. Then cruise till I cut for the fall.
Looking good bro, nice pec in your side chest pose. Have you ever considered competing dude? I know your a little bit older, dude find the right competition and compete in the masters and you could win yourself a pro card dude. That'd be sick. Most of what I've seen those guys just look good in those comps cause their bf is low year round and do yoga with their woman lmfao.
Looking good bro, nice pec in your side chest pose. Have you ever considered competing dude? I know your a little bit older, dude find the right competition and compete in the masters and you could win yourself a pro card dude. That'd be sick. Most of what I've seen those guys just look good in those comps cause their bf is low year round and do yoga with their woman lmfao.

Thanks bud - u made my day! I'm planning to do one in LA in August and if i survive that, one in my 'hood in oct. I want to see if i can get some more size on my wheels and back in the next 3 months before i cut. I'm fairly lean atm 9% or so and i am thinking 12 weeks will be plenty to get the bf down. Losing weight is never a problem for me - it's gaining that's tough. I'll keep u posted...
Haven't posted much in the last few days, but had an awesome arm w/o on Friday and then a quick chest all fly workout in the evening.

Tendon still Suks big time - I think next week is the week to see the doc and get a shot of cortisone - Hate that! THE worst part of "over 50"---- warrantees run out and you are constantly in the body shop! LOL Engine still has a lot of power tho - full 8 cylindars!

Arms (all w/ FatGripz)

DB curls8/10 8/20 5/35 tendon hurts so on to isolation ex's

Ez spider curls


Bar Cable push downs

Overhead tri press EZ curl Bar

Tri extension machine


10/BW+ 25
8/BW +25
10/BW+25 (these felt great! hard but no pain in the tendon!!!!

Cable tri pressdowns (single arm)


Smith Machine tri extensions

I hd a really hard time feeling a burn or pump in my tris - maybe I need higher weight???

Sat was a back workout and about 300 reps on calves. Didn't think it was going to be a good one so I didn't record it, but I feel the calves today - so i guess it worked!

Sunday was a true Balls to the wall" workout. I was SO wiped when I finished that I ate and took an afternoon nap! hahahaha


Box SquaTs
10 x 135
7 x 225
5 x 315
7x315 perfect form w spot



10 x 2 x 1 plate ea side
10 x2 plates
3/10 x 3 plates
Partials-standing reps just hitting the quads till they cramped! x3



1 leg extensions

10/1 plate
5/2 plates
not the heaviest i've gone, but i was happy with that at the end of the workout.

35 mins on the stairmaster.:chainsaw:
Sat was a back workout and about 300 reps on calves. Didn't think it was going to be a good one so I didn't record it, but I feel the calves today - so i guess it worked!

Sunday was a true Balls to the wall" workout. I was SO wiped when I finished that I ate and took an afternoon nap! hahahaha


Box SquaTs
10 x 135
7 x 225
5 x 315
7x315 perfect form w spot



10 x 2 x 1 plate ea side
10 x2 plates
3/10 x 3 plates
Partials-standing reps just hitting the quads till they cramped! x3



1 leg extensions

10/1 plate
5/2 plates
not the heaviest i've gone, but i was happy with that at the end of the workout.

35 mins on the stairmaster.:chainsaw:
really liking your last few workouts, and lol at the vid.great pics by the way looking really good......no homo.;)