On the leg extensions that is a very good range in terms of repetitions. Key is contraction, and stretching right away after each set. For extra stretch place your foot on the bench on the leg extension machine, and then do the stretch w/ all of your body weight and hold for 30-60 seconds. Benefits to be had on both the growth phase (stretches fascia tissue to a further degree then holding leg w/ hands) as well injury rehab.
Sounds good on the HGH bro, it will really help over time.
"Mostly it's good, but some things fukkin suk after 50 - hahahaha" he he
WOW - great advice - I never even get out of the chair when I do extensions. I'll def have to get some stretching in there. it never occurred to me!
hey all;
took friday off and today had a god-like workout! Not to make u all jealous, but it's 70 degrees here today!
I did an all fly chest workout - definitely felt the love. I didn't go too heavy 'cause i still have this damn elbo tendonitus...:-( But it was awesome nonetheless - with a spotter it would be stellar!
Chest and Abs
started off with a few light sets of arm curls to relive some doms. niothing serious but i tried out my new FatGripz on the dbds. verl cool - can definitely se how this will up my arm game - esp on the forearms....
DB Flat Flyes: 10x 30,10x40,9x45,10x50
DB Incline Flyes: 10x45;10x55;9x65;10x65
Machine flyes on rear delt machine: 10x145;10x190;7x220;5x200;5x145 burnt!!!! these felt great lots of ROM and a great stretch.
Cable Crossovers: 12x50; 9x65. 110x65. 10x70
(Brought cable in downward motion ; lower pecs)
Unilateral cable flyes: 10x45;8x45;last set rest pause to 10:5x45rp 3x45rp 2x45
(brought cable upper motion for upper pecs.)
close grip BP (wasn't going to do any presses, but this is more for the tris and i wanted to check out the fatgripz on the BB. Excellent! I have never been comfortable doing these, but the angle is better on my wrists with the FG's.
Hanging leg reaises
12x bw + 20
Captains chair
4 sets of 10 w/ 20lb weight
oblique side cables
10xwhole stack
10xwhole stack
finished off with a jog around the lake, real slow, but about 45 mins!
hating working with the injuries, but better than nothing. Tomorrow is legs so i should be able to keep the elbow out of it. cheat night tonight at a local pub for UFC 126!!!!! (won't be too bad since i dont drink alcohol, but i am sure there will be wings involved....