You're on the right track too, "they have the advantage of being insane". It's actually like this "men tend to make sense, and women dont".Bimmer said:your on the right track, but IMO women will always lead the way in mind games... simply because they have the advantage of being insane. They do not know what they want themselfs, and the brain is constantly evolving trying to be that of a chimp. They overanalyze everything and make it much more complicated then it is. The smart ones know they are actually doing this while the rest are simply clueless. Gotta love women.
I beleive in control 100% but not thrue use of mind game, thats playing their games!
You gotta stay away from the ones that are smart, the ones that know everything and they will make you their bitch. Glad my wife aint like that or we'd be divorced or I'd probably abuse her. She's cute and full of love.