Low-Carb vs Low-Fat on Tren


New member
Whats up everyone.

I got a question for people on the board. I like doing research in my spare time about a bunch of different topics regarding education(my job) and nutrition/aas. Especially since I have access to unlimited online full length academic journals due to my grad school. The topic of Low-carb/High-fat vs Low-Fat/High-Carb comes up a lot in regards to using Trenbolone. People bring up de novo lipogenesis, needing to use hgh, insulin, whatever the person normally diets with, and many other things. I am just wondering peoples experience on here with their use of Tren. Which of these two approaches have you taken, what were your results, did you just continue what you were doing before, or is there some hidden BS in all of this?

Mahalos from Hawai'i!
this is all going to depend on wither your using Tren during a bulking phase, a cutting phase, a recomp, or a contest prep .

if your main goal for using Tren is to put on muscle , then high carb is absolutely the way to go. Tren is a great nutrient partitioner , if you give the body all the fuel it can possibly use to fuel workouts and drive nutrients with carbs, then your going to put on more muscle. Carbs are 'Indireclty' anabolic , and directly anti-catabolic. They provide your body with a quick easy accessible amount of energy that will be used efficiently so that your body will have no need to break down muscle or protein for energy. Carbs will spike insulin and will drive nutrient into cells , not only nutrients and the storing of glycogen in muscle cells but also water and cell volumization

add Tren to the equation with the carbs ,, you get the nutrient partitioning, protein synthesis and turnover, nitrogen retention , added blood volume, increase in IGF1 (which will be amplified with carbs because of the insulin spike) . ALL these things add to the Anabolic effect and help in building muscle.

and to add to this from my own experience, Tren is taxing on the body, it takes a lot of energy out of you , and i can't imagine having to go super low carb on top of being on tren, that would make for zero energy *

* and I have been on no carb Keto diets for up to 6 months, so i know what its like to go no carb and high fat . but with Tren i'd want the carbs for sure
Couldn't imagine running t-bone without carbs. I don't even think I could tolerate it. I had ravenous carb cravings while on tren ace and anavar +trt dose. Granted I was fighting 4 hours a week lifting an hour a day and walking/jogging incline EOD. don't remember my calories but I was rarely able to eat ENOUGH! Dropping carbs would have quickly put a stop to my training.
this is all going to depend on wither your using Tren during a bulking phase, a cutting phase, a recomp, or a contest prep .

if your main goal for using Tren is to put on muscle , then high carb is absolutely the way to go. Tren is a great nutrient partitioner , if you give the body all the fuel it can possibly use to fuel workouts and drive nutrients with carbs, then your going to put on more muscle. Carbs are 'Indireclty' anabolic , and directly anti-catabolic. They provide your body with a quick easy accessible amount of energy that will be used efficiently so that your body will have no need to break down muscle or protein for energy. Carbs will spike insulin and will drive nutrient into cells , not only nutrients and the storing of glycogen in muscle cells but also water and cell volumization

add Tren to the equation with the carbs ,, you get the nutrient partitioning, protein synthesis and turnover, nitrogen retention , added blood volume, increase in IGF1 (which will be amplified with carbs because of the insulin spike) . ALL these things add to the Anabolic effect and help in building muscle.

and to add to this from my own experience, Tren is taxing on the body, it takes a lot of energy out of you , and i can't imagine having to go super low carb on top of being on tren, that would make for zero energy *

* and I have been on no carb Keto diets for up to 6 months, so i know what its like to go no carb and high fat . but with Tren i'd want the carbs for sure

Interesting. this is all speaking in assumption that it is a bulk. All good info i appreciate it. I have done Keto as well, and I was tired af. Would get in my car to drive to Safeway 2 blocks away kind of tired haha. On a cut without carbs and on tren I would imagine would be hell on earth. Thanks Roush
Couldn't imagine running t-bone without carbs. I don't even think I could tolerate it. I had ravenous carb cravings while on tren ace and anavar +trt dose. Granted I was fighting 4 hours a week lifting an hour a day and walking/jogging incline EOD. don't remember my calories but I was rarely able to eat ENOUGH! Dropping carbs would have quickly put a stop to my training.

How did the Tren Ace affect your performance with the fighting? I imagine you were a lot stronger but stamina probably tanked. Carbs seem to be a staple if you want to remain any sort of functional
tren has a unique ability to increase feed efficiency.. having said that, its great for both cutting and bulking.. though compounds should never dictate goals.. since your diet does the majority of that..

i dont play well with this low carb high carb nonsense because many people have a different idea of what low carb is..

you can easily cut with high carbs, so long as youre in a cal def..

i personally define low carb as taking in only enough carbs to avoid glycogenesis in the liver.. usually around 150g a day (though that number can vary greatly)

i personally am not a fan of keto, though effective.. esp on tren