M1T.......what is this ?

Now dammit StoneCold, no source posting. This is your last warning. hehehe.....

Looks to me like its some prohormone shit.
SC, its methylated 1-testosterone.
Technically it is a steroid. A lot of users are reporting decent gains, but also complaining of different side effects, mostly lethargy, high BP prostate hypertrophy, painful pumps, among others.
Its relatively new, so not a lot of feed back as far as long term use. Most users are doing 2-4 week cycles due to methylation.

I'm not completely sold yet either, but here is one description:
Methyl 1-Test is 16 times times more potent than testosterone. Methyl 1-Test is the most potent form of 1-Testosterone available on the market today. The unique delivery method protects the 1-Test molecule from liver destruction thereby providing virtually 100% bioavalaibility! 1-Testosterone is an extremely potent, non-aromatizing steroid. Most users of Methyl 1-Test are reporting mind blowing size gains without any bloat.

Methyl 1-Test is the most potent legal androgen available today. This supplement should not be taken by novice prohormone users or by anyone under 21. Do not take unless you are serious with your training and diet. Most users of Methyl 1-Test report tremendous gains in size and strength in very short periods of time. Users of Methyl 1-Test should be aware that joints and connective tissues are slower to adapt to the increased weights that will be used due to the strength gaining effects of Methyl 1-Test.

Methyl 1-Test is generating a tremendous word of mouth buzz in the hardcore, community and most users are comparing this amazing bodybuilding suppplement to the most potent (illegal) steroids.
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It says it on the page that you linked
“it may be the most effective legal prohormone/steroid product on the market”.
So I guess it’s a prohormone
“it may be the most effective legal prohormone/steroid product on the market”.

thats like being the smartest kid in remedial class
Here is some more:

Methyl 1-testosterone, or 17aa-1-testosterone, is the methylated version of the steroid 1-testosterone. This structural modification makes steroids much more orally bioavailable by inhibiting breakdown in the liver. Although it has only been widely available for a short period of time, feedback on this compound indicates that it may be the most effective legal prohormone/steroid product on the market regardless of delivery method, and it is hands down the most effective oral product. On the other hand, most users report a wealth of side effects, and this compound is not to be taken lightly. It does not have a long history of use or a well-established safety profile, and proper precautions should be taken.

The profile of methyl 1-test is similar to that of 1-test – it does not convert to estrogen, and it is highly anabolic and moderately androgenic (less than 1-test). When compared to orally administered methyltestosterone, methyl 1-test is 910-1600% as anabolic and 100-220% as androgenic.

The side effects reported by users of methyl 1-test are many and individual reactions vary considerably. The most commonly reported side effect is lethargy, which can range from mild to severe. Other common side effects include increased blood pressure, bloating, joint pains, cramps, mild headaches, insomnia, aggressiveness, and irritability. Many users also find that methyl 1-test decreases appetite, which can be harmful or beneficial depending on one's goals. These side effects can be reduced by lowering dosage or taking smaller doses more frequently. Combining it with another androgen (such as 4-AD) may also help, but feedback on this is limited.

Another concern with methyl 1-test (and methylated steroids in general) is hepatotoxicity. Although this tends to be exaggerated, it is still prudent to take certain precautions. First and foremost, other substances that are toxic to the liver (such as alcohol) should be avoided to avoid placing extra stress on the liver. If methyl 1-test is stacked, it would be best to stack it with something other than an oral steroid/prohormone, such as a transdermal. Milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid, and N-acetyl-cysteine are commonly recommended to help protect the liver. For further information on 17aa steroids and hepatotoxicity, see the following article:
I thought that in any kind of STEROIDS make-up it must have 4 interlocking rings, and as a matter of fact thats how you can determine whether it is a steroid, but yet M1T has 4 interlocking rings in its chemical structure.
I dont get that.
Anywayz i've heard some good things about it, but not have personally tried it yet.
dbolme said:
60 5mg tabs for $9.99
thats a really good price isnt it?

Yeah... It is, where did you see that?

I would worry about quality. The only product I have seen a ton of feedback is made by Legalgear, you can buy it on the Melineum Fitness site. I spoke to Biggie yesterday and he said they will soon be having it at Direct Connect.

If I do get some, I will wait for Direct Connect to get it.
I ordered a few of those bottles a few days ago, it's from Underground Nutrition. Technically it's a steroid, since it needs no conversions to be active. Looks very promising from what I have heard, but I'll keep the board posted.
alphamale said:
M1-T is no joke. Be prepared for shutdown and shrinkage.

You ain't shittin there bro. Also, be prepared for enormous size and strength gains. See my thread on here "M1T Guinea Pig," it's basically my cycle log. I'm up from 199 to 212ish in around 13 days and my strength has just shot through the roof all of a sudden. No kidding.
There isn't much feedback on this board, but go to the supplement section of BBing.com or legalgear.com. The feedback there all indicates users gaining an average of 10lbs. with 2 week cycles even at low doses. There are also some experienced gear users there that are saying they the greatness of M1T is staggering. Look at this poll from Anabolic minds:
