M1T.......what is this ?

ronmolina said:
My cycle may very well have been to short.

Quite possibly. On my 3 weeker, I didn't even start to see strength gains until the end of my 2nd week, and no good gains until my 3rd week.
Do you guys figure post cycle therapy (pct) is necessary for a 2 weeker of M1T?
I have used almost every steroid out there. I reluctantly used m1t and m5aa together due to me being on probation. I expected NOTHING, I have been on for about 10 days and there is definately something to this. Strength is going up every workout and I have that "ON" feeling.
I respect Nelson and others here as well, but argue all you want these new generation PH's work and seem to work quite well at that.
I am 32 years old and I have been training most of my life. I know what works and what does not work, I have no reason to post any bullshit and I am not.

So my advice would be, try it for yourself it's cheap and you may actually like it. I was surprised and you might be as well.
aznboy79 said:

post cycle therapy (pct) is cheap and easy enough.

Legal? What do you use?

I got some M1T but I don't want to go black market for post cycle therapy (pct) when I'm going legit on the M1T. Just doesn't sit well with me. It's just excess risk for a supplement. If I wanna get caught with illegel post cycle therapy (pct) then I want it to be when I'm actually on the "real" stuff
I just finished 2 weeks with M1T @ 10mg ED. I am up 10 lbs exactly and I had no sides. I am 1 week into post cycle therapy (pct) and have kept every pound, but we will see, in another week I am going to try another 2 weeker with it. So 2on 2off 2on... I am totally impressed. I have never tried any other kind of gear so it is impossible to compare, but I am extreemly happy with this product.
entering my 3rd week

I'm entering my 3rd week the extrem tired feeling has gone.If you are thinking of trying m1t I wouldn't take it right before work.I just now start seeing some serious strength gains.I jumped from working out on my bench at 305 5x4 to a comfortable 310 5x4.My weight gain surprised me I look at the scale to see I jumped from 222lbs to 236lbs in 3 weeks.

I have tried most everything sold OTC 1AD ,no2 and found nothing to work near as good as this.I even bought more than I need for now thinking they will find away to banned this shit .I dont care to debate if it is good as claimed just that it worked for me.

Sides I found; extrem tired in the first 2 weeks.nausea first 2 weeks (I have mild high blood pressure)
Joint pain still in week 3
No shrinkage yet LOL
Joint pain has become a serious issue for me as well. I'm thinking I'm just going to have to lighten up my load for a few weeks (very few, if I have my way about it), or at least until I finish post cycle therapy (pct) from the second round of 2 weeks.
So basically everyone is seeing good gains!!!!

So If I take my
Meth 1-Test the 9.99 Bottle
0x006 stuff or w/e its called
milk thistle
and some 4-ad I should be set right?????????

the oxoo6 stuff it the post cycle therapy (pct) right????