Main advantages of Eq over Deca?


New member
hey this may seem like a stupid question, but i am still far from familiar in what the main advantages/disadvantages are of using EQ instead of deca during a cycle...... i know these both dont cause massive mass or strength gains but is a gradual build...... i have used bothed eq and deca and i have only noticed EQ makes you more vascular and hard..... however besides this..... wut other advantages/disadvantages are they
Hmm, im not up on the racial bit of this thread, but I will say Chinese drivers are horrible. Anyhoo, like everyone said, EQ less water retention, increased pumps, nice vascualrity. Deca is stonger IMO mg for mg, a better bulker, can shut you down hard, but a very mild drug, I noticed less effects on mood than i did on EQ. Of course i ran 800mg, i was very edgy.
They are very similar as far as effects go, you may put on a little more size with Deca, but you will hold a little more water, also Deca will shut you down hard! EQ will put size & strength on with a lean, hard vascular look, it has very little side effects and it is very easy to recover from an EQ cycle. Your gains are very easily kept on an EQ cycle, and you can run long cycles on EQ, which is more appealing to me!
Useing deca may also give you the dreaded deca dick. I'm doing EQ for the first time now I'm finishing up my first week so I really dont have any input yet. Deca does have low sides and I love the fact it takes away the joint pain.
You can run EQ with fina or anadrol without any problems. You shouldn't run deca with either of those two. Eq also makes my muscles much more hard and vascular.
how much gain do u guys think one can get out of EQ (400mg per week)for 15 weeks and with test(500 mg per week) on a 10 week cycle?
I've heard this alot, that EQ is easier on the HPTA. I've used both. Does anyone have any info to back up the "EQ easier on the HPTA" statement".

I would like to know this myself.
I would imagine that it will still affect HPTA but it doesnt seem to do it as hard as other AS do (fina deca etc).There is not many AS that dont affect HPTA.I have never done EQ on its own (always stacked with test ) so Im not sure but I will find out this summer as I am going to be using it and winnie alone.

force said:
I would imagine that it will still affect HPTA but it doesnt seem to do it as hard as other AS do (fina deca etc).There is not many AS that dont affect HPTA.I have never done EQ on its own (always stacked with test ) so Im not sure but I will find out this summer as I am going to be using it and winnie alone.


Sounds like you're trying to get least throw a little prop in there, you won't regret it!
Grey Wtr said:
I've heard this alot, that EQ is easier on the HPTA. I've used both. Does anyone have any info to back up the "EQ easier on the HPTA" statement".

I would like to know this myself.
I'm not sure what your asking. Is it 10 or 15. Is it 15 weeks of eq alone and 10 weeks of enan alone or stacked together?

I didn't like EQ too much that's why I am giving DECA a try in a couple of months. Eq does get you more vascular and gives you some hunger pains like no other.
DRv I usually do use prop in the summer but am gonna leave it out this year.I can easily control the bloat through A-dex and diet but the acne I seem to get I dont want.Cant run around the beach with zits all over my back.

Wartime100 said:
You can run EQ with fina or anadrol without any problems. You shouldn't run deca with either of those two. Eq also makes my muscles much more hard and vascular.
Not necassarily true, I ran all three at the same time:D
No flame Wartime, but people shouldnt say dont run this or this, unless they have tried it. Progesterins, and the possibility to induce gyno is not really even understood that much. We really dont even know what exactly causes gyno. Saying not to run Deca and Tren, or Deca and Anadrol becuase they both are progesterins, is like saying dont run Test and Dbol because they both aromatize. I see it all the time on these boards, people repeat what they have seen, because it make some sense, but you really never know. Now, im not saying Deca and Tren wont give you gyno, but some people get gyno from Tren and Test. I got a slight case of gyno from Dbol and Test, yet these are considered fine by all to run together.