Make Your Own Bac Water

Good timing I just read a post on another site that the FDA will no longer be allowing Bac Water to be sold on amazon.
There was also a national shortage last summer, this is why the price quadrupled over the last 6 months. Good thread.
There was also a national shortage last summer, this is why the price quadrupled over the last 6 months. Good thread.

True.. But I also read that bacwater will be in market again 1st quarter 2013 ..
Anyways thnx to jimi we can do it home
Really ? Links? - There arent any.... its been removed and the advertising links at the bottom of page are soon to follow Im sure.

You're right, it's been a while since I've purchased from amazon. I now get mine from
BAC water is just for mixing with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) right as benzyl alcohol is a preservative? Just adds longer shelf life to the liquid?