Marvel's Sponsored Log

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This will be a short post just to make sure I'm not in violation or that this is the right place to put my log. I have been logging on******* the last couple months. **** has asked me to expand the log here. As long as I'm not violating any rules I'll pick up on my current cycle and competition prep using ***** gear.
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Since this seems to be the right place currently I am 11 days out from my local competition. I'm sitting at 213 lbs at 5'9.5". Going to try to make LHW. My current nutrition is 340 grams protein, 14 grams carbs and 44 grams of fat for total of 1811 calories. Im lifting everyday as well as 2 hours of cardio a day. Once I complete my check in with my coach I'll post some current pics. Gear wise I'm running 60 mg Tren A ED, 100 mg Masteron EOD, and 80 mg Var ED am from PSL.

I have confirmed that PSL will be a part of my HRT period to get blood back in range. After that is achieved we will discuss my next blast phase. As long as they like what I'm doing and are willing to sponsor I will continue to try to log and post as much as possible.
Logs are always welcome, they are the real world results of the theoretical data we are given.

Checked in with the coach yesterday and looks like the only change is going to be going back to 2.5 hours of cardio daily. The main goal is to get off the extra glycogen and water I'm storing from my post show vacation of the 1st comp. I would also like to pull off maybe 1-2% more body fat. My local competition is gonna be pretty competitive in the LHW class as well.*
Quick Update

So only a few changes to current plan as we come down to the last 8 days of this contest season.

Cardio – 2.5 hours total so 75 mins twice a day. Intensity is varying, if I can go hard I do if I don’t have it in me I do my best to burn as much as possible.

Lifting – 7 days a week hitting everything at least twice a week. Doing more of a low volume high frequency approach. The key now is to deplete glycogen stores to shed some weight for weigh ins.

Nutrition – no change 1811 kcal each day.

Gear – Tren Ace 80 mg ED, Masteron 150 mg EOD, Anavar 80 mg ED and just added in Winny (oral) 50 mg ED (first time running oral winny) all PSL products
So there isn’t much going on change wise. Everything is holding constant so today is a training log entry. This was my last leg workout before the competition. I like to do the last leg workout on either Sunday or Monday before the show. And since it was the holiday we had to go to 24hr so of the exercise choices were limited but I feel like I still got a good workout in.*

Lying Leg Curl 5 x 15 50 60 80 80 80
Adduction Machine 4 x 20 100 100 100
Leg Extension 5 x 20 100 100 112.5 112.5 125 (partials done on every set)
Single Leg Glute Kickback Machine 4 x 15 40 40 50 50
Barbell Stiff Legged Dead 3 x 20 65 75 85
Seated Leg Press 6 x 25 110 110 130 130 150 150

I took as short of rest periods as I could that wouldn’t diminish my ability to do my next set. The goal was to eat up some glycogen stores without digging too deep of a whole from soreness because that could hurt my posing on Saturday.
Awesome so far, and hats off to you for 2 sets of 75 mins each cardio! I felt powerful having finally reached 40 mins...
Nice log that's alot of cardio I will be competing early next year or next summer so reading this is notivating
So the results are in:

I placed 1st in the open heavy weight class. I however lost the overall to the light heavyweight which I can honestly say he was 1-2% more conditioned and had more symmetry top to bottom. These are all things I know I need to work on so I’m still happy getting back into the overall pose down. Right now we are trying to figure out a strategy for my next steps.

But one thing is certain. I will be dropping my AAS to HRT/TRT levels over the next couple weeks to have a cruise phase and normalize bloods. This week my will have 400 mg of Test Cyp and 100 mg of Test Prop and next week that will drop to just 400 mg of Test Cyp. I will be using 2-4 ius of Insulin (Novlin R can’t get my hands on Humalog) on upper body days only with a max of 3 days use. The only changes I have made to nutrition are I added back in my intra nutrition and added another protein meal.

Intra consist of 1 scoop of Intra-MD, 6 g of citrulline malate and 6 g of micronized creatine monohydrate. I am waiting on my beta alanine to ship out.*

Macros are 410 protein, 40 carb and 52 fat (not included any unscheduled cheats which I am slowly trying to cut out by next Saturday)
Once I can get some possible stage pics I will put them up. This isn’t like nationals were NPC online carries them I may have to buy 1 or 2.

I will try to add pics, I do most of my log from my phone when I have free time.
Yesterday was check ins with the coach. WE decided to leave everything the same which is pretty conservative. But this is also my last week at an elevated AAS level. Starting on Saturday I will be switching to my new trial of micro dosing Test Cyp during the cruise phase. The shots can be done sub q or intra muscular. I will be using slin pins so if I hit an area that’s pretty lean and it ends up being intramuscular no biggie but I will mostly use sub q. I will be dosing 60 mg every other day. This will give me a weekly total of 240 mg. I plan on having blood test run about 2-3 weeks after starting this phase. I don’t expect things to be in range after prepping for 24+ weeks but it will give me a better idea of where I am at and how long to wait before I need to run them again. I could end of up playing with the weekly dosage if my bloods are normalizing on 240. I may jump to 280 and see.*

Currently I have stopped using slin. My plan is to retest my fasting blood glucose in 2 weeks if I am below 90 then I can start using it again. The current strategy is to use 3-4 ius during my cruise phase to help retain muscle. The key to not getting fat while using slin is a 2 part plan for me. 1) Don’t add in extra carbs just because you are using slin and 2) keep an eye on fasting blood glucose. If I get above 110 then I will stop for at least 2 weeks. I also only use slin 2-3 days a week. I think all these mixed together should help keep me lean.

Right now my nutrition is staying constant at 417 g of protein, 78 g carbs and 55 g of fat. Weighing 232 in the morning while still relatively lean.*
So today will be prejudging for the USA’s. Watching shows or more accurately following the play by play on shows like this gets me pumped. To see guys at the top of their game going for the pro card makes me train harder. When you see them you can imagine the hard work and sacrifice it took to get there if you have ever prepped before. I hope to be on the stage in the next couple years. And because I hope for that I know I have to keep grinding and fix my weaknesses. I know that I have to continue to progress each week, each month and each year to even have a chance.*

My current focus is on improving my intensity within my training sessions. I’m focusing on listening to my body for rest periods more than the clock and I’m pushing for heavier loads. I have started using the 5/3/1 plan for some powerlifting training as well. My first back workout of the week I do deadlifts using 5/3/1 and my first chest workout I use Incline Smith Machine to complete the same. Next will be week 4 which is the deload week and then I will start another 4 week cycle before switching out the exercises. Deadlifts will switch to Rack Deads and Incline Smith will move to shoulders where I’ll do Smith Military Press. Getting stronger in every rep range is important but I’ve never really done those low rep ranges so this type of training is keeping it interesting, challenging, making me stronger and feeding the intensity need. When you start to realize how strong you really are you push a little bit harder.
So today will be prejudging for the USA***8217;s. Watching shows or more accurately following the play by play on shows like this gets me pumped. To see guys at the top of their game going for the pro card makes me train harder. When you see them you can imagine the hard work and sacrifice it took to get there if you have ever prepped before. I hope to be on the stage in the next couple years. And because I hope for that I know I have to keep grinding and fix my weaknesses. I know that I have to continue to progress each week, each month and each year to even have a chance.*

My current focus is on improving my intensity within my training sessions. I***8217;m focusing on listening to my body for rest periods more than the clock and I***8217;m pushing for heavier loads. I have started using the 5/3/1 plan for some powerlifting training as well. My first back workout of the week I do deadlifts using 5/3/1 and my first chest workout I use Incline Smith Machine to complete the same. Next will be week 4 which is the deload week and then I will start another 4 week cycle before switching out the exercises. Deadlifts will switch to Rack Deads and Incline Smith will move to shoulders where I***8217;ll do Smith Military Press. Getting stronger in every rep range is important but I***8217;ve never really done those low rep ranges so this type of training is keeping it interesting, challenging, making me stronger and feeding the intensity need. When you start to realize how strong you really are you push a little bit harder.

From the pics of you that I've seen, and your logs, you definitely have what it takes bro. Your dedication is remarkable, your knowledge of diet and training is on point, and your genetics seem to be well suited for bodybuilding.
I'm a touch disappointed as I thought this was going to be a thread started by one of the X Men::-). Oh well, welcome Mr marvel and good luck with your comp.!
Quick update:
Saturday I began my micro dosing experiment. This means I will be dosing 60 mg of test cyp sub q every other day during my cruise. This will have me at a 240 mg total per week. From what I understand the sub q injections take longer to hit the blood stream but when they do it’s a much more stable in the blood stream. My goal is be at the top end of the normal range while allowing my lipids and other blood markers get back into the normal range. I have initially planned to get blood drawn the 2nd week of August. This will give me two weeks on the micro dosing which should give a fairly accurate baseline on the testosterone side and put me at 5 week post show so 5 week without tren and orals. From there I can decide when to recheck bloods depending on how far off from ranges they are.

Everything else is pretty much the same. Still trying to clear up the little or extra cheats I can have during the week even though I’m only supposed to have one. And my biggest obstacle right now it getting up to walk the dogs in the morning. This is supposed to be my fasted cardio but having some trouble not taking the extra 40 mins of sleep the last week. So the main goal for the next 7-14 days is to do my fasted walk 5-6 times a week in the morning and to cut out the extra cheats will probably also help my blood work. Lifting and evening cardio are going very well and progressing along.

I'll do my best to get up some pics but I have a super old laptop and my weekends are packed. I do all my updates from my phone and only Tapatalk will let me up load pics. This forum isn't on Tapatalk last time I checked.
I'm a touch disappointed as I thought this was going to be a thread started by one of the X Men::-). Oh well, welcome Mr marvel and good luck with your comp.!

Lol sorry for the disappointment. I'm a comic book collector abs most of my stash is Marvel thus my name.
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