So today will be prejudging for the USA***8217;s. Watching shows or more accurately following the play by play on shows like this gets me pumped. To see guys at the top of their game going for the pro card makes me train harder. When you see them you can imagine the hard work and sacrifice it took to get there if you have ever prepped before. I hope to be on the stage in the next couple years. And because I hope for that I know I have to keep grinding and fix my weaknesses. I know that I have to continue to progress each week, each month and each year to even have a chance.*
My current focus is on improving my intensity within my training sessions. I***8217;m focusing on listening to my body for rest periods more than the clock and I***8217;m pushing for heavier loads. I have started using the 5/3/1 plan for some powerlifting training as well. My first back workout of the week I do deadlifts using 5/3/1 and my first chest workout I use Incline Smith Machine to complete the same. Next will be week 4 which is the deload week and then I will start another 4 week cycle before switching out the exercises. Deadlifts will switch to Rack Deads and Incline Smith will move to shoulders where I***8217;ll do Smith Military Press. Getting stronger in every rep range is important but I***8217;ve never really done those low rep ranges so this type of training is keeping it interesting, challenging, making me stronger and feeding the intensity need. When you start to realize how strong you really are you push a little bit harder.