MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

Day C1 (Quads, Hammy's, Calves)

Leg Press 4plates/15, 6plates/12, 7plates/10, 9plates/6 widow maker 5plates/20
Leg Extensions 245/10, 245/9

Seated Hamstring Curls 180/10, 180/10, 10/7 (rest pause)
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts 100's/10, 100's/10

45 Degree Calf Press 270/20, 320/15, 320/15, 180/7 (rest pause)

Extreme Stretch for both Quad and Hammy's

*felt pretty good, went a little quicker than I would have normally but still had a great training session
Day A2 (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Incline DB Press 70's/10, 85's/8, 100's/9, 70/6 (rest pause)
Nautilus Pec Fly 150/10, 160/9, 160/9
Extreme Pec Stretch 60 Seconds

Nautilus Shoulder Press 150/12, 200/10, 250/6, 150/4 (rest pause)
Front Raises 45/10, 45/10, 45/10
Extreme Shoulder Stretch 60 Seconds

Smith Machine CGBP 185/10, 225/8, 225/5, 165/5 (rest pause)
Overhead Cable Tricep Press 100/15, 120/10, 120/10
Extreme Tricep Stretch 60 Seconds

*felt amazing today, the NO Explode is best non-hormonal supplement I've ever used... lost a little bit of focus towards the end of the tricep work
Hey Milk - I really like those last 2 workouts - they seem so simple and quick. Is the 45 degree calf press same as donkey press? You think that's working pretty well for you? U maintaining on those or building more? Don't remember that you got 100's/9 before.
Also u working out every other day now?

Keep it up - good luck w/ finals & finishing the semester.
Hey Milk - I really like those last 2 workouts - they seem so simple and quick. Is the 45 degree calf press same as donkey press? You think that's working pretty well for you? U maintaining on those or building more? Don't remember that you got 100's/9 before.
Also u working out every other day now?

Keep it up - good luck w/ finals & finishing the semester.

Yeah man, they only take 50-65 minutes, depending on which workout they are... Day C takes the longest, Day A the next, and Day B takes the least (about 50 minutes)

The donkey press are different than the 45 Degree Machine, I think if you Google it you'll be able to see what the 45 Degree is all about

Calf work has always been a pain in the ass for me, so I try to switch everything up all the time.

I'm trying to maintain, if not put on a couple pounds. I'm looking to get back on the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday schedule, but right now EOD is working for me.... I'm not too worried about specific days that I'm training, so long as I'm in the gym 3-4 days a week. Back in the day I think I got 110's for 9 or 10 when I started with DB Incline Presses.
Day B2 (Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps, Forearms):

Pull Ups bw/12, bw/10, bw/7, -90/6 (rest pause)
Lying T-Bar Rows 135/8, 125/10, 115/12
One Arm DB Rows 100's/12, 100's/12, 100's/12, 100's/6 (rest pause)

Preacher Curls 85/8, 75/10, 65/12, 45/6 (rest pause)
Wrist Rolls for forearm work

*forgot to do the whole stretching thing today... kinda pissed it slipped my mind

going to be the last late night studying binge of the year which makes me very happy... should be followed by a lot of sleeping and relaxing for the month after wards
didn't train for 3 days because of studying, working, and traveling...

Day C2 (Quads, Hammy's, Calves)

Hack Squats 3plates/10, 4plates/10, 4.5plates/6 widow maker 2plates/20
Single Leg Extensions 70/12, 70/12, 70/12

Lying Leg Curls w/ DB 35/10, 35/10, 35/10
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 225/10, 255/6

Calf Press 2.5plates/12, 2.5plates/9 (DC Style)

Extreme Hammy Stretch 60 Seconds
Extreme Quad Stretch 45 Seconds

Abdominal Crunch Machine 90/20, 110/15, 110/15

*felt pretty good and went at it pretty hard... happy with the workout and even more excited for the start of my next cycle in a little over 3 weeks
*felt pretty good and went at it pretty hard... happy with the workout and even more excited for the start of my next cycle in a little over 3 weeks

Bastard! rub it in why don't ya? I have to wait til' March/April.... Oh well. Glad u survived finals - no mo clean up cardio til next year? Nice that your keeping stead. at 226. I', down to 209 from 218 but feeling good. Want to avoid dropping below 205 so eating my fair share of tuna & brn rice! Hahahaha.
Later dude!
Bastard! rub it in why don't ya? I have to wait til' March/April.... Oh well. Glad u survived finals - no mo clean up cardio til next year? Nice that your keeping stead. at 226. I', down to 209 from 218 but feeling good. Want to avoid dropping below 205 so eating my fair share of tuna & brn rice! Hahahaha.
Later dude!

Yeah man, the cycle is going to be fun... I'm really excited for it to come

I really wouldn't worry too much about the weight, but obviously that is a good indicator of whether or not you're keeping gains... good luck with that.
Day A3 (Chest, Shoulders, Tris)

Incline Barbell Press 185/10, 250/4, 200/10, 150/6 (rest pause)
Flat DB Flyes 50's/10, 55's/10, 60's/9
Extreme Chest Stretch 60 Seconds

DB Shoulder Press 80's/5, 70's/7, 70's/7, 50's/5 (rest pause)
Upright Rows 80/12, 90/10, 90/10

Skull Crushers 80/10, 80/10, 50/6 (rest pause)
One Arm Rope Push Downs 50/10, 50/10

*felt pretty good during the workout, has a nice pump from the NO Explode
Hey bud;

All's cool w/ skool? 2 weeks off i hope. Where will u get the blood work done? my health ins won't pay unless the doc writes it up and he won't do it - he already told me being in the Low end of "Normal" is fine for guys my age.... - Fuck that shit! i wanna be at the high end!~ LOL - anyways i was thinking of doing one of those internet blood tests where u get blood drawn locally and then check it on the net. Expensive tho $500 about. i was going to check test & free test, and don't know what to ask for to check the liver.

If you have info great - if not - no worries.

later man! (hey have a great holiday! Pig out!)
Hey bud;

All's cool w/ skool? 2 weeks off i hope. Where will u get the blood work done? my health ins won't pay unless the doc writes it up and he won't do it - he already told me being in the Low end of "Normal" is fine for guys my age.... - Fuck that shit! i wanna be at the high end!~ LOL - anyways i was thinking of doing one of those internet blood tests where u get blood drawn locally and then check it on the net. Expensive tho $500 about. i was going to check test & free test, and don't know what to ask for to check the liver.

If you have info great - if not - no worries.

later man! (hey have a great holiday! Pig out!)

As far as the school work etc, it's all over for the next month or so and I ended up fairing well enough with finals and everything.

As far as the blood work, I just ask my doctor to do blood work for me. He draws the blood in the office and sends it out. My insurance company is pretty cool about everything and as long as I don't get it done more than 2x a month, they don't question anything. If I need to get it done more than 2x a year, all the doctor has to write is that you have some reasons to think something is wrong (ie. feeling tired, not having enough energy, etc).

I get a full male panel along with all the other normal blood tests (liver values, cholesterol, etc).

Hope that helps a little bit.
Holiday Break

So I haven't been at my home gym in a while now and I have gotten really sloppy with the diet and have had limited training sessions. I suppose this is one of the only times of the year that it's acceptable, so whatever.


Day B3 (Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps)

Lat Pull Down 150/12, 200/10, 200/10, 140/6 (rest pause)
One Arm Rows 130/12, 140/10, 140/10
Cable Rows 200/10, 220/9, 240/8, 140/6 (rest pause)
Extreme Back Stretch 45 Seconds

Hammer Curls 60's/10, 55's/10
Lying Cable Curls 70/8, 50/10
Standing DB Curls 20's/6 (rest pause)


Day A4 (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Flat Bench 225/10, 250/7, 275/2, 175/6 (rest pause)
Flat DB Flyes 50's/10, 55's/9, 60's/7
Extreme Chest Stretch 60 Seconds

Barbell Shoulder Press 135/10, 155/7, 155/6, 95/4 (rest pause)
Side Raises 45's/10, 45's/10, 45's/10
Extreme Shoulder Stretch 60 Seconds

He-Man Tricep Workout

*worked out at a gym owned by the guy who used to play the character He-Man (Larry Opiela)... he was helping people out with training, etc and pointed out that I need to bring up certain parts of my tricep, so he hit me with 6 sets of cables and smoked them like never before, it was pretty different than I'm used to


Day B4 (Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps, Abs)

Pull Ups bw/10, bw/11, bw/8
Lat Pull w/Close Supinated Handle 140/6 (rest pause)
T-Bar Rows 3plates/12, 3.5plates/10, 4plates/10
Cable Hammer Strength Hi-Lo 100/10, 110/8, 60/8 (rest pause)
Extreme Back Stretch 45 Seconds

Seated DB Curls 40's/10, 40's/10, 40's/8
Cable Rope Curls 55/6 (rest pause)

Roman Chair Leg Lifts 2 x 12
Ab Crunch 60/2 x 10

Traveled a lot this break already 12/22-12/30 and I'm still going on a cruise and driving back to NY from FL in early January. It's been hard to keep up with the nutrition and training, but I have been lucky that I was able to train at local gyms. I hope that I can get another training session in before I go on the cruise and become even more of a slob.