MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

November 9th - PCT Day 7


"clean up cardio" which wasn't much of a sweat because the bar was freezing

*felt a little bit better today than usual, but I did have a headache that I could only contribute to the Clomid

*tomorrow starts Week 2 of PCT, in which the Clomid dose drops to 50mg/day
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November 10th - PCT Day 8, DC Day 4

EZ Curl Preachers 65/8-4-3, 20 second static
Pinwheel Curls 55/12, 60/10 (straight sets), extreme stretch
45 Degree Calf Press 200/10,8
Stiff Leg Deadlift 295/12, 315/10 (straight sets)
Squats 365/5, 225/15*, extreme stretch

*really felt like I pussed out but because I had never done a Squat widowmaker AFTER all the other sets, I felt like I put in a valid effort... my form was also getting a little sloppy so I didn't want to compromise my back

*looked very very lean today at the gym and was happy with the overall workout

*feeling a little bit better with regards to recovery, but I would REALLY like my nuts to make a surge back as well

*weight holding at 225lbs, seriously think I dropped ~2%bf this cycle along with gaining ~5lbs of lean body mass
Hey man - good read the last week or so. thanks for posting the shitty part of the cycle as well as the good parts! i think that's awsome you got 5# of LBM while dropping BF. Sometimes when i am making dinner i'll weigh a steak and then put out the same amout of butter side by side - Hahahaha - whatever it tkes to keep the motivation!

look like some great workouts too - I started doing the DC for my calves (only) that extreme stretch for 90 secs is a BITCH! good timing on your part IMO to switch up the workout! I am getting great use out of your term Clean up cardio! Hahahaha - put new carpet squares in my attic for my kids playroom - clean up cardio to the max 2 flights stairs hauling 50lbs of carpet up each flight!

Keep up the good work bro! Great thread.
Hey man - good read the last week or so. thanks for posting the shitty part of the cycle as well as the good parts! i think that's awsome you got 5# of LBM while dropping BF. Sometimes when i am making dinner i'll weigh a steak and then put out the same amout of butter side by side - Hahahaha - whatever it tkes to keep the motivation!

look like some great workouts too - I started doing the DC for my calves (only) that extreme stretch for 90 secs is a BITCH! good timing on your part IMO to switch up the workout! I am getting great use out of your term Clean up cardio! Hahahaha - put new carpet squares in my attic for my kids playroom - clean up cardio to the max 2 flights stairs hauling 50lbs of carpet up each flight!

Keep up the good work bro! Great thread.

The shitty parts of the cycle are the hardest to deal with, but so long as you keep trucking along, I think anyone can keep a good amount of there gains as well as recover more quickly than "normal".

Motivation is a huge factor for many, and like you said, whatever it takes. I fortunately am very motivated when it comes to my body (I swear I have a complex stemming from high school) and it keeps me on track knowing that everything I put into my body will make the slightest bit of a difference.

DC Calf Training is insane... I swear my calves have grown a full inch in like 3 weeks lol

It's interesting to talk to someone who has other priorities (in your case a wife and kids) because I get a true perspective on what life is really about. Thats one of the reason's I think DC Training is going to be the way I training is the way I'm going to be training for now on. With DC, I spend less time in the gym, get a little more cardio during my workout, have more free time, and thus far have been feeling incredible doing it. Its really all about the work/life/freedom balance and training 3-4 times a week for an hour plays really well into that.
November 11th - PCT Day 9


*felt incredibly sore this morning, but that has been going away slowly which is nice... but yesterday I felt something like never before... hours after my workout my muscle were still quivering whenever I'd use them for more than just sitting around... goes to show how many muscle fibers are actually stimulated during DC

*my girlfriend turned 21 yesterday, her family came into town and the under 30 crowd (myself included) all went out on the town last night... had too much to drink, but had a great time as well so I guess thats a "whatever" in my book

*fell pretty good physically right now, not overly sluggish through out the day and another good note, it feels like my boys may be coming back a little bit... they most definitely feel to be plumping up a bit
November 12th - PCT Day 10, DC Day 5

Day 5 - Day A

Incline Smith Machine Press 185/8-3-2, 30 second static, extreme stretch
Barbell Shoulder Press 125/8-3-2, 30 second static, extreme stretch
Skull Crushers 55/9-5-3, extreme stretch
Supinated Lat Pull Down 180/7-3-2, 20 second static (got a little over zealous)
Barbell Rows 275/12, 305/4, extreme stretch (only rested enough to get more weight on the bar)
Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 20

*the "30 second static" is probably not actually 30 seconds, that's what DC calls for, but I hold it for as long as I possibly can (generally 10-20 seconds)

*studied for like 6 hours yesterday, then went to work, got home at 2am and was back up at 7am to study more... felt like I should have been feeling really shitty, but surprisingly don't feel any more tired than I would after a normal day with a good nights rest
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It's interesting to talk to someone who has other priorities (in your case a wife and kids) because I get a true perspective on what life is really about. Thats one of the reason's I think DC Training is going to be the way I training is the way I'm going to be training for now on. With DC, I spend less time in the gym, get a little more cardio during my workout, have more free time, and thus far have been feeling incredible doing it. Its really all about the work/life/freedom balance and training 3-4 times a week for an hour plays really well into that.

hey Man - I had to smile when i read this! You are right - it's all about balance - IMO - you'll want less time in the gym now when you are young, dating, trying out all kinds of new shit, then when you get married, that continues for a while, then you get so damn busy all you want to do is go to the gym to get away from it all- LOL I love it & wouldn't change anything but I swear if it wasn't for the 75 mins ihave with the iron in the am - i'd lose my fu*kin mind! hahaha

the amazing thing is that your priorities change and you get better and better about squeezing more stuff into your life. i think it's great that you are set with training as a part of your life early on - that will serve you well in 10 or 30 years!

in the mean time i just want to keep up with my son as he gets as big or bigger than me! Thank god i have a head start! LOL

BTW - nice work on the rows!
hey Man - I had to smile when i read this! You are right - it's all about balance - IMO - you'll want less time in the gym now when you are young, dating, trying out all kinds of new shit, then when you get married, that continues for a while, then you get so damn busy all you want to do is go to the gym to get away from it all- LOL I love it & wouldn't change anything but I swear if it wasn't for the 75 mins ihave with the iron in the am - i'd lose my fu*kin mind! hahaha

the amazing thing is that your priorities change and you get better and better about squeezing more stuff into your life. i think it's great that you are set with training as a part of your life early on - that will serve you well in 10 or 30 years!

in the mean time i just want to keep up with my son as he gets as big or bigger than me! Thank god i have a head start! LOL

BTW - nice work on the rows!

you're really right... I'd like to get in the gym everyday if I could, it really makes me happy about life and I feel great all the time. The problem is with all this school work, actual work, and everything else it works out well that I only "have" to train 3-4 times a week for an hour a day now. And the best part is, I'm sure its only going to get worse.
November 13th - PCT Day 11


*think I'm going to drop the AIFM for now and see if anything different happens for me... I was seeing pretty good estrogen control on ~3 pumps/day when I was running 800mg/week of Test, so something tells me that 1 pump/day post cycle therapy (pct) might be too much

*didn't stretch my hamstrings nearly enough after Stiff Legged DeadLifts... still super sore and hopefully I can train them tomorrow

*feeling a little tired today but I think that has more to do with shit sleep last night than anything else
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November 14th - PCT Day 12, DC Day 6

Day 6 - Day B

Seated DB Curls 30's/9-4-3, 20 second static
Reverse Grip One Arm Cable Curls 50/15, 60/11, extreme stretch
Smith Machine Seated Calf Raises 225/12, 12 (straight sets)
Standing Cable Hamstring Curls 40/12-5-3 (slow reps, but no 6 second negative because of the awkward position)
Smith Machine Hack Squats 275/8, 155/20, extreme stretch for both quads and hamstrings

*felt pretty good during the workout, had a decent amount of energy and motivation

*most definitely have been feeling flat and having been getting the best pumps in the world, but I could have assumed that would be the case not being on gear
November 17th - PCT Day 15, DC Day 7

Day 7 - Day A

Flat Bench 210/8-2-2, 20 second static, extreme stretch
Smith Machine Press 160/8-3-3, 20 second static, extreme stretch
Smith Machine CGBP 185/7-2-2, extreme stretch
Lat Pull Downs 180/8-4-3, 20 second static
Deadlifts 415/8, 465/1 (no rest in between sets), extreme stretch

*5 more pounds on Flat Bench for 2 less reps
*5 more pounds on Smith Machine Press for the same reps
*One less rep on Smith Machine CGBP
*One more rep on Lat Pull Downs
*10 more pounds on first set of Deadlifts, 10 more pounds on second set of Deadlifts for 2 less (going to start resting a little bit more)

*felt pretty good today, kept my pump for the entire workout which was really nice
*sex drive hasn't come back completely yet, which is kind of a bummer on the girlfriend front... I'd say its about half of what it is when I'm all natural
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November 18th and 19th - PCT Days 16 and 17


*I was in the library all day Tuesday 11/18 working on a paper that took way too much time out of my life.

*I didn't train on the Wednesday 11/19 even though I was suppose to because I was super tired from not sleeping nearly enough and having class all day. I'm going to just push everything back a day, so I will be training Thursday and Saturday instead.

*Nuts are coming back alright, so I'm happy about that.
November 20th - PCT Day 18, DC Day 8

Day 8 - Day B

Barbell Curls 85/8-4-3, 30 second static
Alternating Hammer Curls 55/15, 60/10, extreme stretch
Calf Press 2plates + 35/10, 7
Seated Leg Curls 110/11-6-4
Leg Press 8plates + 25/8 widowmaker 5plates/20, 60 second stretch

*10 pounds more on Barbell Curls for 1 less rep
*10 pounds more on Alternating Hammer Curls for the same number of reps and 15 pounds more for an extra set of 10
*10 pounds more on Calf Press for 3 less reps and an extra set of 7
*10 pounds more on Seated Leg Curls for targeted number of reps
*50 pounds more on the Leg Press for the same number of reps and 40 more pounds on the widowmaker

*took NO Explode for the first time ever... wasn't anything out of the ordinary but I'm going to be using it for a little while
i use caffine products on my off time. help me keep my motivation in the gym and help with a pump.

Try fast twitch, good stuff
a nearly die when i do the chest stretch...when i stand up, i nearly pass out
a nearly die when i do the chest stretch...when i stand up, i nearly pass out

I think the stretches are almost too painful to even do sometimes... I really hate doing them, but a full 60 second stretch alleviates soo much soreness the next day