MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle


Day A5 (Chest, Shoulders, Tris)

Flat DB Press 85's/10, 100's/8, 80's/12, 60's/6 (rest pause)
Incline DB Flyes 50's/8, 50's/10, 50's/9

Smith Machine Shoulder Press 155/10, 175/6, 145/14, 105/5 (rest pause)
Front Raises 40's/10, 40's/10, 40's/9

Cable Skull Crushers 70/11, 60/10
Push Downs 65/12, 72.5/10
Overhead DB Press 70/6 (rest pause)

Extreme Chest Stretch 60 Seconds
Extreme Shoulder Stretch 60 Seconds
Extreme Tricep Stretch 60 Seconds
everything checked out... the post cycle blood work came back virtually the as the pre cycle blood work


Hahaha only kidding dude! great to have the rebound system of a 20something in A+ shape! Enjoy it - it's well deserved!