Me and my Lori adn engagment pics!

LOL this dude should be nominated postin pics of his fiance, she is pretty decent, I agree with that post though, no offense man but you seriously need to do some forearm work your forearms are tiny
gymlion77 said:
Thanks bob star!

I was not trying to offend anyone i.e. Tboost I am sure is is a cool dude maybe just bit too must test running throught those viens. So offense meant....ok!

My women and I are very open sexually and she by no means gets around. By posting picks on boards it is our "out" we like to work out and show it off.....If that is wrong to some then I am sorry we offended you. In life we both have worked our way to the top. We work very hard and bairly get any time to play. So when we do it is balls to the wall. You know (Work hard play Hard) We are both OSU buckeyes and both have Masters degrees if anyone is judging.......I just feel I must defend the comment about the trailertrash. We are good people and I just don't understand how this thread turned in to a bash session we did not come on here to start a fight just to have fun I thought thats what this was all about. Its kind of sad that this went "over the line" .
Tboost I appreciate the comment on the arms I have always had trouble with genetics in that area. I will work on them and post some pics in a few months!

Later guys,

Dude, could you please put to rest the mystery that is the substance on your stomach? Is it jizz? Is it cocoa butter? Is it jizz mixed with a 5 dollar vanilla shake?
gymlion77 said:
its wipped cream

LOL!! Funny how a great post with a hot chick and all some of these clowns are concerned about is "The white stuff on your stomach" LOL.. Gymlion... great if you could just post some of your girl and the hot black girl in the first picture...................... :wackit:
God I would love to post pics of my girl. I never wanted the general public to see pics of her beaver but seeing the way you guys ow and ah over lori, shit. I mean by all means she is great for most chics but could use some muscle. My girl was built just like that at the beginning of 04 now that she has been working out she looks a lot better. Cool gymlion and her are comfortable with themselves to post pics, definitely one of the better threads on the board. Im curious her height and weight?