New member
Hello ladies and gentlemen...
it's been a while, but I'm back... was sick and feeling like utter crap on the gear I was running since the beginning of the year. I'm not gonna name the lab, but you guys can find out who that was
I'm now back living in China after a 2 year stint home in Canada. Got the moving crap dealt with and have now been training nearly back to normal for a couple weeks. I'm running Med Tech Solutions gear (which I've had great results with in the past), but I'm running a compound I have no experience with despite having been dabbling in gear for 20 years.
It's Trestolone, the blend I'm running is 50mg Trestolone, 50mg Tren Acetate, 50mg Mast Acetate, and 1mg Methyl tren. I'll be running this 2ml EOD along with 0.5ml of Test e (300mg per ml)... should be a decent run
I'm pretty lean at the moment, 225lb, I'm hoping to maybe put on 5lbs and shred up a bit
stay tuned
it's been a while, but I'm back... was sick and feeling like utter crap on the gear I was running since the beginning of the year. I'm not gonna name the lab, but you guys can find out who that was
I'm now back living in China after a 2 year stint home in Canada. Got the moving crap dealt with and have now been training nearly back to normal for a couple weeks. I'm running Med Tech Solutions gear (which I've had great results with in the past), but I'm running a compound I have no experience with despite having been dabbling in gear for 20 years.
It's Trestolone, the blend I'm running is 50mg Trestolone, 50mg Tren Acetate, 50mg Mast Acetate, and 1mg Methyl tren. I'll be running this 2ml EOD along with 0.5ml of Test e (300mg per ml)... should be a decent run
I'm pretty lean at the moment, 225lb, I'm hoping to maybe put on 5lbs and shred up a bit
stay tuned