Med Tech Solutions Trestolone w/ a bit of Test e

Ripped through chest nicely this evening, and a few sets of dumbell laterals to finish...

Flat barbell presses
Incline dumbell presses
Machine flys
Machine presses
Dumbell laterals

Libido is starting to get crazy... And nearly having to shave twice per day

Rest day tomorrow... back and traps on Thursday
Ripped through chest nicely this evening, and a few sets of dumbell laterals to finish...

Flat barbell presses
Incline dumbell presses
Machine flys
Machine presses
Dumbell laterals

Libido is starting to get crazy... And nearly having to shave twice per day

Rest day tomorrow... back and traps on Thursday

Ahhh those are the days of blasting. One hairy masterbating mofo. Loved it, be there soon again. Good looking journal bro. Keep killing it
took an extra rest day Thursday night, was feeling burnt out the last few days... I'm gonna do a back/bi workout tonight, shoulders and triceps tomorrow, then legs on Sunday
Friday night hit the gym about 9pm after having a well-needed 1-hour nap when I go home from work... I did a fairly simple back workout (3 movements), followed by a couple high volume biceps moves.

Cybex pull down machine
Hammer strength low row
Cable rows
Cybex preacher curl machine (one arm at a time)
Standing ez-bar curls
High cable concentration curls
Saturday had planned on getting to the gym in the evening, but after hitting the pool twice and then going to a food festival, I was bushwhacked...
Today (Sunday) I made it to the iron church... Hit shoulders nicely, followed by some triceps and concentration shrugs

Dumbbell laterals
Seated dumbbell press
Front dumbbell raises
Rope push downs
Cybex Dip machine
One arm reverse cable push downs superset w/ concentration shrugs (light- medium weight, squeezing and holding for a 3-count on each rep, 15reps x 3 sets)

Since switching my injection schedule to ED instead of EOD, the gains seem to be pushing me along... The almighty "tren cough" is still showing its ugly side every few injections, just can't seem to kick that dark passenger of mine ;)

All said, life is good
feel a wee bit drained after a full weekend, but gathered myself last night for a decent leg session...

seated ham curls
leg extensions
barbell squats
machine leg press
calf extensions on machine leg press

then the 20min walk home did me in real good...

rest today, then will be killing chest/bi's tomorrow night
got home from work last night and crashed on the couch... thought the gym wasn't gonna happen... then after an hour re-charge had 2 scoops of unflavored isolate blended in some yogurt and ice, and I was good to go. Gathered myself and was in the gym by 9pm, out by 10:20pm...

Incline barbell press
flat dumbbell press
fly machine
incline hammer press
cybex curl machine (one arm at a time)
ez-bar curls
dip machine (2 sets x 20reps as a finisher)

was having a big mac craving for at least a week so had two (buy one, get one half price, so couldn't pass that up) on the way home with a mango smoothy (hey, the tren made me do it haha)

rest today, then will do a back/shoulder split on Friday, then going away for the weekend...
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looking forward to a good training session later today... it's one of those morning where I'm feeling both lean and full, doesn't happen very often

will be back/shoulder supersets tonight, 3 exercises for each should be plenty...
Kill it brother.

Whats you weight at now? Everything looking good in the mirror?

Weight is staying around the 225 mark... holding onto as much size as I ever have at this degree of leanness

My plan is to give the masters route a shot when I'm back in Canada in 2016... @ 5"10ish (really 5'9.5" haha) I think I'll turn some heads

Have had a couple full days off from the gym, will hit the gym tomorrow night with some new resurgence
Weight is staying around the 225 mark...(...)

@ 5"10ish (really 5'9.5" haha) I think I'll turn some heads (...)

If you're top of the light heavies at 5'9, especially in masters' you'll definitely do well

What I've seen at amateur/provincial level for the 40-somethings is great conditioning but really a lot of 175lb stage weights which is light considering the 'enhanced trt' I know they're running
after almost 3 full days of rest... I'm gonna get back at it tonight for a wee workout

I'm thinking some chest and bi's, but we'll see how it goes once I get shit rockin
hit the gym for a hour last night... didn't really have the usual fire, but I busted through

flat barbell presses
incline dumbbell presses
fly machine
incline hammer presses
cybex curl machine (alternating arms)
standing ez-bar curls
standing high-cable concentration curls

still making decent improvement week-to-week... I can really notice the separation in my shoulders, traps area coming along... the other area I've made good improvements on recently is the upper tri/rear delt separation

so things are good... the stomach has not been bothering me as much lately so I'm getting in more of the food I need

rest today... legs tomorrow
been about a week since I've been at the gym... a bout of the flu and irritable stomach have nearly KO'd me

I swam a couple times over the weekend, did a few sets of dips on the side of the pool... but that's bee about it

I'm back to nearly feeling better so I plan to get to the gym tonight for some chest, and maybe a few supersets of bis/tris
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decent training session the other night (chest/tris, bis)

this week have been alternating, one night in the pool, one night at the gym... will hit the gym today, then pool and gym both Saturday and Sunday

today's workout will be back/shoulder supersets...
Pool is great. How long / how hard do you swim for?

usually just one length at a time... I'd make a good anchor at my current body comp, but that makes what little swimming I'm doing more effective

I'm in there for an hour, sometimes a little longer... chasing my 4 yr old around and in between doing dips on the side of the pool with her on my back

started a little dnp (200mg) today, will run it for 14 days at the same dosage just to see where it gets me