Med Tech Solutions Trestolone w/ a bit of Test e

Friday night was back and shoulders... Saturday afternoon tris/bis... Today was a little leg session

I hit the pool yesterday afternoon as well, a good weekend.

Tomorrow will be day 3 of running DNP at 200mgs... seems to be a very manageable dosage so far. I don't plan on running this again, just a one time thing for 14 days if the sides don't become an issue.
not sure what's going on, but I'm on day 4 of adding dnp in at 200mg per and I'm outta my mind hungry... I can see the difference in my upper arms already... after 14 days of this I'm sure there's gonna be some decent results

yesterday and today as rest...tomorrow will be back at it for chest/tris

less than two months left in China this time around, I'm gonna enjoy it while I can... maybe find a few hairy ones haha... then it's back to Canada ;)
not sure what's going on, but I'm on day 4 of adding dnp in at 200mg per and I'm outta my mind hungry... I can see the difference in my upper arms already... after 14 days of this I'm sure there's gonna be some decent results

yesterday and today as rest...tomorrow will be back at it for chest/tris

less than two months left in China this time around, I'm gonna enjoy it while I can... maybe find a few hairy ones haha... then it's back to Canada ;)

very normal to be hungry on DNP. But soon your training is going to suffer and you'll feel weak as shit. Won't have any pump and look flat. 4 days after you stop, you look a million bucks.
very normal to be hungry on DNP. But soon your training is going to suffer and you'll feel weak as shit. Won't have any pump and look flat. 4 days after you stop, you look a million bucks.

yeah, I'm preparing myself for the weak/flat phase... and looking forward to that "million bucks look", but I thought I was pretty close to that already haha ;)
wow... my strength sure took dive last night... had a bit in the tank for my first exercise (incline dumbbell presses), got 90's x 10 for a few sets after my warmup

...then decided on flat barbell presses (not a fav of mine, but thought I change things up a bit)

barely got 185 for 12, then I knew my tank was near empty... got through 5 sets of whatever reps I had in me... then did 5 sets on the fly machine, and that was chest... done and dusted

stayed around and did some "light" shoulders... machine presses, dumbbell laterals, cambered bar front raises (bar only)

the walk home was when the fun really began... was having near full-body cramping... fun fun fun

gotta remember to get in at least 5 litres+ of liquids today... tonight will be a rest from the gym, will swim a bit, then back tomorrow night
got back in the gym Saturday and Sunday..

Saturday was back with some triceps, got a pretty good session in considering being 8 days into dnp ;)

Sunday was legs with some biceps, didn't cramp up to bad and actually had a decent pump when I got to bi's... Was a day off from the gym today, tomorrow will be chest with some shoulders and will be day 11 of the dnp run...

Last night was the first night where the heat from the dnp was really noticeable, had the AC on 16 degrees and was still sweating like a whore in the lord's house. Friday will be the end of it for me, and looking forward to filling out a bit a few days after coming off.

My plan is to make one last run at putting on some size this winter, then give the master scene a shot next spring... dnp will only happen again if I'm not dialed in properly with a few weeks to go. I'm gonna stick to clen/t3 and maybe some ECA when I cut down again... safer and just feels better. Gotta start thinking about the years ahead now

sorry for not being as dialed in with this log as I have been in the past my good brothers and sisters... sometimes life gets in the way, but this guy's life is always gonna have bodybuilding in it
was in the gym for chest and some shoulders last night...

started off with chest:
incline dumbbell presses
flat barbell pause presses
fly machine

then shoulders:
dumbbell presses
dumbbell laterals
barbell front raises

well... I hit the proverbial wall last night... first exercise wasn't too bad, then BAMM... nothing... on flat barbell presses I could barely get a plate a side for 8 reps hahaha... good ol' dnp doing it's thing, and doing it real good

I stuck with and made it through the rest of the workout, but was completely outta gas... only 2 more days of this stuff, then my strength and fullness is gonna be crazy I think
Ive never ran DNP but do you lower carbs fairly low when on and then when you come off load right back up and BAM suck them all back up and fill out?
Ive never ran DNP but do you lower carbs fairly low when on and then when you come off load right back up and BAM suck them all back up and fill out?

I've been trying to keep them fairly low, but it makes you hungry as all hell... considering how shitty my diet has been it's crazy how effective it is

not comfortable at all though brother, hot all the time... and combined with the tren I'm running it's a train wreck ;)

looking forward to feeling stronger again
I could only imagine how much I wouldnt be sleeping running those two together lol

yeah brother, it's no picnic

last day of it today and can't wait to cool down a notch... the past week have had the AC pumpin at 16 degrees and still sweatin the bed. I'm gonna run the current recipe (test e/trest/tren/mast) for about another 10 days... then will transition into test e/npp/anadrol for a couple months and see how that goes
had a decent back session last night... had dinner after work, then hit the gym a bit later than I usually do. And had a training partner for the first time in ages. Blasted through it pretty good.

Assisted chins x 4 sets
Hammer low rows x 4 sets
Reverse grip pull downs x 4 sets
cable rows x 4 sets
dumbbell shrugs x 4 sets
row/rear delt machine x 4 sets
seems my last couple posts are gone again... great

was in the gym on Saturday for tris/bis... talked about the workout in detail, but seems the post got deleted :(

last night was a bit of legs (missed the sunday workout being on daddy duty), with a chest workout

went like this:

leg extensions x 5 sets
seated hamstring curls x 5 set
fly machine x 5 sets
incline barbell pause presses x 5 sets
machine presses x 5 sets

simple, but effective... will be off from the gym today, back at it tomorrow for some back and maybe a bit a shoulders to go along with it
was in the gym last night for back and a bit of shoulders to finish...

assisted chins x 4 sets
hammer low rows x 4 sets
close grip pulldowns x 4 sets
row/rear delt machine x 4 sets
side laterals x 5 sets
machine shoulder presses x 4 sets

strength and fullness is starting to return after the 2 wk run of dnp... once I get off the tren at the end of this week (transition to test/npp) I'm sure the comfort level will be a welcome surprise
Haha yeah - honestly the best part about DNP is when you stop. I only did about 8 or 10 caps worth, it was effective but I have a lot more energy (and sleep) without it that's for damn sure...
Haha yeah - honestly the best part about DNP is when you stop. I only did about 8 or 10 caps worth, it was effective but I have a lot more energy (and sleep) without it that's for damn sure...

just 2 days after stopping it was like day and night for sleeping... on it I had the AC down to 16 degrees in the bedroom (was sleeping alone as the wife wanting no part of that haha) and was still on fire... then 2 or 3 days after going off 22 degrees felt cool with a blanket