Medistar labs?

sorry i was in a rush typing i ment 40 mg a day of anavar. i eat 6000 calories minimum the eq makes me constantly hungry nutrition should not be a prob i had a nutritionist when i was fighting mma but i had to keep weight for that. so i know how to eat clean i just added to my clean eating with more calories especially protein..i am 5"9 182 ibs i did cyp alone last cycle and made 8 ib gain also medistar...are bad batches possible?
Of course there is bad batches, far few and between, no matter what lab you use. Some people lean out first, loose access fat and the start looking better after 7-8 weeks. 6 weeks is to early to tell , as EQ takes a good 4-5 weeks and same with Test... or at least it does for me.

sorry i was in a rush typing i ment 40 mg a day of anavar. i eat 6000 calories minimum the eq makes me constantly hungry nutrition should not be a prob i had a nutritionist when i was fighting mma but i had to keep weight for that. so i know how to eat clean i just added to my clean eating with more calories especially protein..i am 5"9 182 ibs i did cyp alone last cycle and made 8 ib gain also medistar...are bad batches possible?
last cycle of cyp it did take me a long time as well to notice weight or strength i just dont remember how long...o well i will finish the cycle regardless...i have one more question this week i injected my quad i have done it before and never has it hurt so bad 3 days after the shot my whole quad hurts and it even goes to my knee...hurts to walk? know what could have gone wrong?
Possibly hit a vein, it happens. luck of the draw lol They say every 10th shot will be a bad one, regardless if your using underground or Human Grade. Just sit on a bed and relax your leg out. Take your time and don't forget to aspirate to make sure your in muscle. You can even heat the syringe up so it;s warm to the touch, so the oil dissipates quicker in the muscle. and always remember to swap the top of the vial and your leg before and after the shot etc But no I would not shy away from doing leg shots just because you had the one bad experience.. it's a good spot. Also it takes time for muscle to get use to doing injections.

last cycle of cyp it did take me a long time as well to notice weight or strength i just dont remember how long...o well i will finish the cycle regardless...i have one more question this week i injected my quad i have done it before and never has it hurt so bad 3 days after the shot my whole quad hurts and it even goes to my knee...hurts to walk? know what could have gone wrong?
If he hit a vein there would have been an abnormaly large amount of blood after removing spike from quad. Could have hit a nerve as there are many in the legs but he would have felt that. If the injection went well, could be dirty gear.
Anavar by medistar labs.

just took my first shot of test e from medistar. i'm also stacking with dbol which is also provided by medistar. their dbols are in clear white capsules (shady at first) but i broke one and tasted it and it's got that stingy/bitter taste the british dispensary dbols give off as well.

i might add, i've gotten my post cycle therapy (pct) from them too. nolvadex to be exact and it comes in a clear white capsule but is a different texture/taste from the dbols.

just praying that my gear is real, will keep you posted :)

I have taken anavar in the past and only in tablet form not capsules. I have tried the anavar or oxandrolone with medistar labs. I found that it was garbage as it did come in capsules with white powder. I opened one up and it was flour, I even added water to confirm it. I even know the friend of a friend who apparently owns the lab. What a pathetic scam where the owner even ripped off his own so called friend. He even states that he has had many bad batches of test and hgh. Warning to all of you these guys are clowns, be especially aware of the injectables guys!
last cycle of cyp it did take me a long time as well to notice weight or strength i just dont remember how long...o well i will finish the cycle regardless...i have one more question this week i injected my quad i have done it before and never has it hurt so bad 3 days after the shot my whole quad hurts and it even goes to my knee...hurts to walk? know what could have gone wrong?

Its muscle trauma. This has happened to me a few times now. I found that the syringe blunts very easy by the latex stopper. Now I use one syringe for the extraction, then change to another new syringe for the injection. I never have had the pain again.
I have taken anavar in the past and only in tablet form not capsules. I have tried the anavar or oxandrolone with medistar labs. I found that it was garbage as it did come in capsules with white powder. I opened one up and it was flour, I even added water to confirm it. I even know the friend of a friend who apparently owns the lab. What a pathetic scam where the owner even ripped off his own so called friend. He even states that he has had many bad batches of test and hgh. Warning to all of you these guys are clowns, be especially aware of the injectables guys!
I used their prop and whinny last time. It was alright. I came out of it with a sold 6 lbs. Using advanced body science TNT this time. Got it from the same source. So far so good. I have gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks but I am eating very lean and lower cals to try and cut. I look leaner but bigger already so I'm happy.
MediStar New Labels

Here are the new labels for the MediStar line.

Sustanan-250 And Deca 300 are new. Notice the MediStar logo on cap now.

Arimidex & Aromasin still have the original labels but I hear that they are going tabs which will also carry the MediStar logo on the pills.

The oil looks cloudy in these pics but it's very clear and golden...
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I'm about to pick up my next cycle from a "friend of a friend" kinda deal. I trust the guy but the orals are clear caps and the inj. have uncoloured labels. Shouldn't they carry the new labels and tablet form for orals? Could this just be older gear that he is trying to get rid of? I prefer tabs as I haven't had the best luck with capsules I've tried in the past. Prices are good so I might just give it a go and see.