Military and TRT

Been awhile

Sorry I haven't updated in some time, a lot of shit has been going on in my life and had to take my father to rehab as well so I have been a mess.

The doctor had lowered my test to 300mg every two weeks and got the results back and everything was good and I was in the normal range with stable levels. Unfortunately it lowered my sperm count to unreadable and me and the wife are trying to get pregnant again. My usual doctor deployed and the one who stepped in said the only way for me to get my sperm count back to normal is to stop the test. When she get pregnant I will start back at the dose I was on. I have been off of test for about 2 months and feel horrible. I had headaches for weeks. I am sweating randomly at work and waking up in the night drenched. I feel like death and just want my wife to be pregnant already so I can starta my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) again. Anyone know how long it might take to get my sperm count back up? The doctor say he might start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to help it come back up and when I see him this week, I will push for it and hopefully be able to continue it when I start back up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I don't even want to know how low my total and free test are right now, I would probably cry. Being off of the test will has killed my sex drive so hopefully the sperm count will increase and work their magic the few times I actually have sex.
Mr. Miserable
IDK but whatever I read here says that you can't just stop being on Trt/ taking test. You need proper PCT.
Hey Bro,

Haven't heard from you in a while. Sorry to hear about your situation. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) should be added to your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to keep your boys working. I have read a number of posts here where guys managed to get their wives pregnant while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Also ask your Dr to refer you to a specialist.
Best o luck and don't give up hope. It can be done!
My doc is starting me on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 3 times a week I think. It is taking some time for my pharmacy to get the meds so I don't know the exact dose protocol yet, will let you guys know.
long time since i posted any update.

I have been on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) since january and i will have a follow up appointment with a fertility specialist friday to see if my sperm count has gone back up. Hopefully everything will be good with my "downstairs" department. As soon as I start producing again, I will be attempting to get my wife pregnant again so that I can start back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) because I feel like shit without it. Unfortunately my wife is having fertility issues herself and has possible blocked tubes. I may be off testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for awhile until she can successfully get pregnant. I am hoping that after a successful pregnancy I can start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and stay on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and have my sperm count monitored so it doesn't drop off scale low again.
For those guys still lurking in this thread, I got my sperm test results today. After being off of testosterone for about 90 days, and being on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at a 1500 IU Mon,Wed,Fri, my results are as follows.... drum roll......

45.5 million!!!

looking better than my non readable results a few months ago. Now I need to hurry up and knock my wife up so I can get back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) again. So I was reading on a lot of sites that it does take around 72-90 days for sperm to start back up if suppressed by testosterone. So i guess they were right.
Well that's good news! I thought that maybe you could do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) together right? Maybe someone with more knowledge can chime in!
for anyone still lurking. (years later) my current protocol of trt is 200ml weekly and i am in normal range. me and doc have any arangment for whenever i want to try having a kid. i call him, he starts me on hcg and takes the test away until wife shows positive pregnancy results. i recently had another child 6 months ago with this protocol and will probably get off of test at the begining of the next year to try for another kid. it is right around 90 days off of test and on hcg i start producing a healthy number of sperm. hopefully one day i can stay on both so i dont have to come off of the test, because that isnt exactly fun sweating at night and losing sleep to name a few side effects of coming off.
Find a good doc bro. I have had docs like you discuss in your opening post where they just don't give you the optimum care.
Lot of these docs have not felt the effects of Low T...
some can't really understand the patients situation. They feel fine and think oh testosterone....just a hormone associated with a number.
As long as it's not "low"....many main stream endos don't care.
so you are on 1500 i.u. 3 times a week total 4500 ???
does he have you on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ?
those doses are really high...could cause desensitization of the leydig cells.
another long time since i posted so I wanted to give some update. Doctor had me at 4000ius hcg 3 x weekly for fertility with no Test. He does not see any proof or evidence that shows reasoning to let him prescribe both hcg and Test. It has been ab out 90+ days of HCG with no test and now my wife is pregnant again. his will be kid number 4. I am really looking forward to it but also to getting back on the Test. I will be calling him tomorrow. Any questions,, let me know
question.. what if you are suddenly deployed to afghanistan or somewhere. how will they give you your weekly injections?
question.. what if you are suddenly deployed to afghanistan or somewhere. how will they give you your weekly injections?
first, THEY should not be giving them to you. Do it yourself. Second, injects should be twice a week to minimize the spikes and dips in test serum levels. This will avoid spike in E2 and other side affects.
If you have a script, talk to your PA and come up with a plan. They can get the scripts overseas. lots of bases only issue 1cc a month or something else retarded. If they write you a paper script, you can take it to Walmart and get it filled, they only give out 10ml bottles which should last about 100 days.
from what me and my doc have discussed I would take my meds with me and inject if possible otherwise do without which is not life threatening just not enjoyable. The military lets me take 120 days worth of meds and gives me resources for getting more while deployed. I have yet to deploy with injectables, but have deployed with the gel and the patch before.
So I know it's been while since this thread was active, but I am really impressed at how long you kept it up to date! I registered here just for this thread. Just wanted to see if you were still being treated and how it's going. I'm 34 and active duty, and just had labs done at a private clinic which confirmed Low T (about 220 ng). I only went there because I thought getting treated through the military clinic was entirely out of the question (until I found this thread). If there's any more light you can shed, please reply or feel free to PM me if possible.
Reading this thread i cant believe how stupid the author and his doctor were. The guy would risk gyno and all other serious issues with estradiol just to be "within the rules" lol thats ridiculous. And the guy would rather sweat all night for 90 days than read some topics on the forum and discover that u can take hcg along with test and have a child.
I would never risk my health just to follow some stupid rules.
And 400mg injection without monitoring e2 and without an ai, thats stupidity on another level