Mister69's Log

took yesterday and today off becuase i am sick..not even close to 100%.

So i would rather rest up today and hit it hard tomorow.

Taking about 6-7 grams of vitamin C and upped my water to 2+ gallons.

Gonna go like this

Wed- legs

Been having a really hard time finding deals at the supermarkets over here near school. All i need is a sale on some ground beef and i will be all set, but cant seem to find it, I find sales on shoulder steak all the time but that stuff isnt too good. Gonna try tongiht again and see whats on sale, and mabey cook tongiht for the next few days and map out my meals cuase god...eating is a chore.
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hey take that shoulder steak and marinate it in sprite,teryaki sauce,hot sauce and garlic salt let it sit for a day and it's better.enough sprite to cover a good splash of teryaki a dash or 2 of the hot sauce and a couple shakes of the garlic salt or powder.then grill and eat with a big ole sweet potato.that aint bad eatin.
Tahnks brotha

pretty ricky said:
hey take that shoulder steak and marinate it in sprite,teryaki sauce,hot sauce and garlic salt let it sit for a day and it's better.enough sprite to cover a good splash of teryaki a dash or 2 of the hot sauce and a couple shakes of the garlic salt or powder.then grill and eat with a big ole sweet potato.that aint bad eatin.
10\19 legs

Squats Smythe- 1x4 415lbs, 1x19 275lbs

SLDL- 305lbs 2x10

45 degree hypers - 2x10 bodyweight + 25lbs

ab\aductor machine- 1x30 each #130

abs- 2x20 #11

hanging knee raises - 2x20

calves- 4x15 #140

**dc stretches**

quad- 60 seconds
hamstrings- 60 seconds per leg
calves- 140lbs 60 seconds


Well my buddy's were doing 20 reppers on squats so i said fuck it and did it . Still got my 1 heavy set in there. Did some extra core work today and I love the 45 degree hypers so gonna stick to that. Feeling better after having a cold\flu type deal, but i will keep up with vitamin c at 5 grams or so for antoher few days.

I am gonna try next monday to nail 415 for my 2x5 with no spot at all, and if i dont get it, might be time to make a very slight change, but i will listen to m y body.

Gotta go find myself some ground beef for a damn good price, going to buy the paper and keep coupons etc. Also gotta buy more tuperwear and map out my meals from now on. A cheat meal at wendys every other day aint bad , and so far zero cardio and i am doing well.

off to eat
pretty ricky said:
hey take that shoulder steak and marinate it in sprite,teryaki sauce,hot sauce and garlic salt let it sit for a day and it's better.enough sprite to cover a good splash of teryaki a dash or 2 of the hot sauce and a couple shakes of the garlic salt or powder.then grill and eat with a big ole sweet potato.that aint bad eatin.

ya making mr hungry rick. =0l
pretty ricky said:
hey take that shoulder steak and marinate it in sprite,teryaki sauce,hot sauce and garlic salt let it sit for a day and it's better.enough sprite to cover a good splash of teryaki a dash or 2 of the hot sauce and a couple shakes of the garlic salt or powder.then grill and eat with a big ole sweet potato.that aint bad eatin.
Does the Sprite tenderize it or give it a different flavor or both or what?
yeah the sprite has acid in it but dosen't cook it like vinager.i like to use vinager in my marinade but only for a quick marinade,and on a more tender cut that you don't have to marinate as long.plus the sprite is kinda sweet and sour goes good with teryaki.try it out.
flat wide grip pause bench- 2x1 335lbs

decline pinkies on rings (smythe machine)- 325lbs 2x10 (more weight next time)

military machine- 1x12 #13 (more weight next time or more reps)

tri pushdowns- 1x35 #150

hs abs- #11 2x20

**dc stretches**
chest 40lbs db's 60 seconds
tri 25lbs db's 60 seconds
shouluders 60 seconds


felt good considering i was sick earlier this week. Did a few weeks of paused singles and now its time to go back to basics ..mabey sets of 5 not sure yet..but my left shoulder wasnt acting up too bad today.

Drank a sugar free energy drink w\taurine to get me movin every workout this week and it went well.

Pullin deads tomorow at my old gym back home, might pull off blocks not sure, but hope i am not overtrained..if i see i am overtrained i will do 2 weeks of some higer rep stuff not to failure or somehitng like that.

off to eat

deadlift- 2x1 445lbs raw with only chalk, but had grip problems today.

pull thrus- 2x10 #120

t bar rows- 3 plates +25lbs 2x8 (more weight next time)

wide lat pulldowns- 2x8 #200 (more weight next time)

Ez bar curls- 1x12 90lbs (more weight next time)

hammer curls - 1x9 80lbs db's

rear delt work- 2x20 25lbs db's

abs - cable pulldown abs 2x20 #90

**dc stretches**
back 60 seconds
biceps- 60 seconds
forearm- 60 second 55lbs

- notes-

Left shoulder acting up again after chest day yesterday. This usually happens when i am overtrained. Did a few things different this week, cuase i was a bit sick, but monday i start fresh again. These are the lifts that seem to be stuck..
-deadlift- seems stuck overall , but mostly bottom end
-bench- paused singles helped but might go back to 2x5
-squat - cant seem to complete 415lbs on the smythe for a clean 2x5

I will do a few things to fix these problems ..i am going to try and get to home depot and buy wood for a platform for deads. Mabey go back to 2x5 for bench and for squat perhaps some 20 reppers or go back to 1x8,1x4. And i will be checking my diet also mabey change a few things/.

Or i can just take 1-2 weeks and lift a little lighter and not go to failure and train for higher reps just to "deload or cruise as they call it"

any suggestions i will take..
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sounds good for the deads I think that will help you out

where is your sticking point on bench??

why not try some box squats??
Smallguy said:
why not try some box squats??
I agree. I think that this might help him with the bottom of his deads that he is having trouble with.

disclaimer: I'm still learning how to lift, so consider my adivce accordingly.
Squats Smythe- 2x5 415lbs (more weight next week)

leg press- 12 plates 1x16+2+2

SLDL- 315lbs 1x10, 1x8

ab\aductor machine- 1x30 each #130

abs- 2x20 #12

calves- 4x15 8plates leg press toe raises

**dc stretches**

quad- 60 seconds
hamstrings- 60 seconds per leg
calves- 8plates on leg press 60 seconds


GOod day, those squats went up reall good today. Went food shopping today got my usual,

-ground beef
-green tea
-got some steak frozen dinner on sale for a quick fix
-whey protein
-whole milk

One of my lifting partners is doing 2x\week morning cardio on an empty stomach(protein shake and a few cups of green tea) and is still gaining weight. I am scared to do that as i am not sure if i will gain wieght still..we have simimlar fast metabolisms. I am not looking smooth at all yet, i still have a six pack, I will see.